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Harriet Vane

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Status Replies posted by Harriet Vane

  1. Hi Carol--I have a question for you, but for some reason I am unable to send you a private message? 

    1. Harriet Vane

      Harriet Vane

      Yikes. Can you try sending me a message and see if I can reply?

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  2. My poor sweet baby. I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you from this :(

  3. My baby cries unless he's touching me. Two weeks of either touching or crying. That's not normal.

    1. Harriet Vane

      Harriet Vane

      I'm so sorry. While I hate the pain it causes my ds to be lactose-intolerant, I was and am so grateful that we were able to figure it out, to KNOW what the problem was and to have a way to fix it. I hope you are able to find what is ailing the poor little guy.


    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  4. My baby cries unless he's touching me. Two weeks of either touching or crying. That's not normal.

    1. Harriet Vane

      Harriet Vane

      When my baby was like that, it was because he was lactose intolerant and we didn't know it. His poor little tummy was so painful. He could only be happy cuddled up and nursing with me. Are you breastfeeding? You might try giving up all forms of milk or milk derivatives and see if that makes a difference. If bottle-feeding, try switching to a soy-based formula.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  5. 40 today! Happy Birthday to me! Because no one else in this house seems to remember :-(

    1. Harriet Vane

      Harriet Vane

      Many happy returns of the day! Treat yourself to a mani/pedi. ((( )))

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  6. The 6 y.o. actually just said, "Guess who's a timelord now?!?"

  7. I'm off of grains until Christmas (post-Thanksgiving course correction). I'm so tempted to lick the tops of my kids' everything bagels right now.

    1. Harriet Vane

      Harriet Vane

      You can do it. Stay strong. One thing that helped me was substituting something else with a strong flavor. For me that usually meant cajun. Is there something else you can substitute that will take the edge off the cravings?

  8. We miss you! Hoping all is well with you.

    1. Harriet Vane

      Harriet Vane

      Indeed. I found your posts fascinating. Hope all is well.


  9. Our 2 weeks off screwed up all of my school momentum.

  10. I'm excited about the "like" feature and the status update on the new WTM boards.

  11. No chocolate chips in the house.

    1. Harriet Vane

      Harriet Vane

      Thankfully dh rectified the situation, and dd lost no time in baking a pan of pumpkin-choc-chip bread. All is right with the world again. Amen.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  12. What have I forgotten to buy for our thanksgiving meal? This question alone is keeping me from sleeping tonight.

    1. Harriet Vane

      Harriet Vane

      Beef stock for the sauerkraut. Celery for the stuffing.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  13. Oh no, another murder. At our sister hospital. Fear is tiptoeing behind me. It doesn't HAVE me yet, but I hear its tread.

  14. Apparently today is "Celebrate Your Bodily Functions Day" in my house. I know you guys are totally jealous.

  15. Feeling the weight of too many friends and family struggling with cancer.

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