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Everything posted by Jana

  1. What if the priest had taken this same action against a woman who was divorced and remarried? A literal reading of the gospels are clear about this issue: if a woman is divorced from a man for any other reason other than physical abuse and then remarries, her second marriage is adulterous. This is precisely the kind of bias that makes my blood boil. If you hold the position that homosexuality is a sin, how do you get around divorce? I'll tell you how, you have come to the conclusion that the biblical stance on divorce and remarriage is a cultural relic from first century and has little to say to us today about God and ourselves. I would have no problem with this whole issue, if the "standards" to which everyone is referring were consistent. They aren't.
  2. The New York Times Magazine had this article about lying and children. Interesting stuff.
  3. "Get that shovel out of the tree!" or "Get off your brother's head!"
  4. I just finished The Intimate Merton: His Life from His Journals. I love anything by or about Merton, so I was sad when I finished this one. And have begun The Divine Comedy. I've never read it before and I'm going to really happy when I move from hell to purgatory. Holy cow!
  5. I love Godly Play. But there is also Following Jesus. Same idea, different stories.
  6. I would rely on Lowe's response--they would know if his account was sent to a collection agency. People who collect debts want money, not information. They don't care WHO you are, as long as you are willing to pay.
  7. I would smell it. Ok, in the interest of full disclosure, I'd have my husband smell it and taste it. If it smelled fine then yes, I would. You cooked this sauce, so it should be able to last a week.
  8. My son has really loved these and I am grateful he does. I thought he would never, ever read anything else besides the Box Car Children (and he would read 2-3 a day). For my son, knowing the endings will help him be able to read the unabridged versions (but that is just who he is). He does not like to be surprised-AT ALL. So for my son, it has generated an greater interest, not extinguished it.
  9. For different reasons, I have had to do some work with my son on anxiety issues. According to some research, Exposure Response Therapy is really the only thing that has been shown to work in these instances. You can read about it here. I think the name is pretty self-explanatory. I bought this book on Amazon, and I have used some of the ideas with a lot of success. It's a very user friendly "cookbook" for Exposure Response Therapy. HTH!
  10. This article in Time magazine says that exercise can actually undermine your weight loss efforts. Like I need more reasons to feel discouraged.
  11. I am a printing this and keeping it. Thanks for posting it. Really.
  12. The problem is, listening isn't a team activity it's an individual thing. Even if you agree with his model of disciple (and I don't) he has misapplied it.
  13. I don't have any real advice, but your post made me think of this article I read in the New York Times. The writer took an interesting approach to the very circumstances you are describing.
  14. After finishing 100 EL my oldest knew all the short and long vowel sounds, but didn't know anything about all the irregularities or vowel combinations. This made transitioning into books frustrating. I would find a reading program that covers some of the vowel combinations and irregularities and start from there. HTH!
  15. Teaching math became effortless when I started MUS. I hope you enjoy it!
  16. Math is Fun Math Playground Fun 4 the Brain Hope these help.
  17. I had no idea that Walmart carried gluten. Cool. I buy it in bulk at Winco (it's a big discount grocery store). They also sell it at health food stores, but it's often expensive there. Good luck.
  18. Here is a list of things that will help Knead it for at least 10 minutes. Add gluten to the flour--one TBS per cup of flour. let it rise twice.
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