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Alison in KY

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Everything posted by Alison in KY

  1. My son did this program last year at a co-op. They did one lesson a week, starting off with a quiz of the previous material on a Monday. We would do the lesson over a few days, plus daily vocab. work with flashcards. FWIW, this program really drove me crazy. If you haven't already invested in the materials, you may want to look at First Form. I think MP intended to replace LC1, but I could be wrong. I like the looks of FF, but I wound up going with Visual Latin for this year. We're only on lesson 3, but we like it. Of course, after a year of LC1 under the co-op, I think it makes taking any Latin less intimidating for him.
  2. I use MUS and do not supplement anything else. There have been times where we have been stuck on a concept with MUS. I've used flashcards, printed off worksheets, and basically just stopped advancing in the book for awhile. I think sometimes it could be how the concept is introduced, but I mostly consider it to just be a difficult concept for that particular child to understand. Both of my kids have had a real hard time with multiple digit multiplication with re-grouping. So much so that we've basically been stuck for a couple months. But that wasn't MUS's problem, that was just hitting a brick wall and needing time to break through it. I really enjoyed using Primer. Just make sure you are showing them the math. Even look around online for a bit and see if some other way of saying it will help you out. I love MUS because of how he introduces concepts. At times it hasn't been enough repition, but that's what the website and extra worksheets are for. If you really aren't happy with it then move on. After homschooling for a few years I figured out that if I'm negative towards a program, then I will not want to use that program. However, after buying, selling, trying other programs, etc, I cam back to MUS and I'm so glad I did. In my case, it was more about me and my growth as a teacher and less about which program I use.
  3. I'd use grade 1, but I'd feel free to adapt it to his skills if necessary. We did most of phonics orally, or I would have them do some of the writing and I'd do the rest.
  4. My 3rd grader is using RS 2 now. We started it in 2nd grade and are just continuing it. We typically do it orally and do 2 lessons a day. Yes, it's easy enough, but I'm happy with the pace. Her sister is using RS 3 and she's just starting5th grade. Again, she's in the middle of the book and we do most of it orally, but I think the 2nd grade level is working much better for my 3rd grader than the 3rd grade book would. Of course they are all different. I think in most of the HOD levels they will give you a choice of 2 different levels in R and S. I'd look at the next level of HOD and see what is suggested and if it's no big deal then go with RS 3.
  5. I like this :) Okay, now, would someone please explain to me like you would a 5 year old, why there was the issue with "other" at the beginning of this thread. I really don't get it and I'd like to.:blushing:
  6. What curriculum would work best for someone with a lower IQ, who would learn better by hands on work? Any ideas?
  7. I wouldn't have high expectations. I used to get so frustrated when I'd start and expect everyone to be as excited as me. We'd all sit down and then the bickering would start and before I knew it, I'd be getting onto them and frustrated. I still haven't had all of us at the table at the same time yet this year, lol. I'm waiting to get other things rolling before our together time.. Sounds like you have a great plan. I used to keep everyone on the same day. For years I schooled like this, then when one was sick, we'd all have a sick day. Now I keep schooling, as long as I feel like it, and they school when they can. All 3 of mine are on different days, but we'll all end close to the same day next year, so no big deal.
  8. We watch it together, then I'll go work a few problems with them on a small white board. No matter how many times I think they should have it, from couch to table, sometimes it just didn't quite click and I need to go over it again. Alison
  9. I'm not sure about the format, but we tried BJU 7th this year and did not like it. My son is not an independent worker. He was not passing any of the tests...I tried reading some of it myself to figure out the problem and I didn't like it either. I'm going to go with Rainbow this year, but if I didnt' choose that, I would've went with Apologia. Ifshe likes the Abeka, I think it'll be fine.
  10. I'm just getting started with VL with my oldest. I really like the teaching style he has. I read somewhere that his emphasis is on reading the Latin, and not doing vocab. memorization. Can't remember where I got that from. I think he says do 2 lessons a week, but I've seen where others are stretching the A, B, and C pages out over 3 days. I'd love to get some feedback on how you schedule VL in your day (do you do it all at once, spread it out, etc). Also, do you make vocab. cards up with the words and go over them every day? We did Latina Christina 1 last year with a co-op and used our vocab cards daily. As much as I didn't like doing it, I think it really helped learn the new words. IF you don't study the vocab. words, how is it working for you to just watch the videos and do the worksheets? Anything else I've left out? Thank!
  11. This is the reason I did not use Sonlight for years. I did use a few of their readers, but that was it. I am just now going back to Sonlight to give core G a try. I'm hoping my 13rd year old can handle the books now;).
  12. I'm still not sure on everything. My basics are: MUS Epsilon then Zeta First Form Latin or Visual Latin Rainbow Science Year 1 Essentials in Writing 5 (maybe) Sonlight Core G All About Spelling 4 and 5 (I hope)
  13. Well, someone gifted me a 2011 Core G. Then I've spent a day plus reading through and trying to understand it. No wonder they re-did it, I'm wondering why it took them this long. I took everything out of the order it was in, and moved the notes and maps behind the particular weeks they go along with. The papers won't match up completely, because the notes will cover more than a weeks time frame, but I just had to put it behind the first week it was referenced. I'm hoping I can keep up with things better that way. I'm so happy for the gift, but I had no idea Sonlight had been organized the way it was. If you are just saving a little bit of money, I'd try the new. Alison
  14. You could prob. check with a few colleges. I'm thinking that the chemistry is the most needed. Alison
  15. I quit my job 13 years ago and have never looked back. The majority of mom's here locally do not work. However, most of them live paycheck to paycheck and are fairly frugal with life. Alison
  16. Walton's,mthanks, I didn't think of them. She loves reality shows. With the Duggars I was safe, but we are running out of good options
  17. Thanks all, I have that one, but for some reason I was wanting something diff. For this year.
  18. Can anyone recommend a series for my 11 year old. She loves reality tv, but most of it I wouldn't want her to watch. I've allowed Biggest Loser and Cake Boss so far, I just cringe at the bleeps. I'd love a series with good role models. Tia Alison
  19. My brain is mush :tongue_smilie:. I just cannot figure out which writing to choose for this year. I'd love to hear some of your favorites. This is for a 7th grader, but anti writing guy and an anti-teaching writing kind of mom. Thanks
  20. I want to try this also. So is it best with raw nuts,or roasted? Also, do you keep the finished butter in the fridge, or is it safe in a container on the shelf? Thank you. Alison
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