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Robin in Tx

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Everything posted by Robin in Tx

  1. Awww... Daisy! Beautiful name for a beautiful cow! Congrats! Robin
  2. You know what's weird? I dreamt I met her last night. We were at the same place at the same time, and I looked at her and said, "That's Pam. I just know it is." So I walked up to her and introduced myself, out of the blue! It as a nice dream, and I guess a dream is better than nothing, eh? Sounds like y'all had fun!
  3. Oh, good for you! And good luck with the whole thing... I'm sure y'all will do great, and get it down to a snap of a routine real soon! She's a real beauty. psssst... y'all might want to fix the date on your camera! LOL
  4. Not that we want to... dd's too old... I'm just curious, how on earth do these kids study for the bee? Is there a published list of words they study? There must be some systematic approach, and I'm sure it's not a curriculum :o)!
  5. I agree with Rosie. Salt added at the end does not taste the same at all. Also, I've read that salt actually helps beans soften, and that the other *is* an oft repeated myth, so who knows? Personally, I think that the reason why a batch of beans might take a long time to get soft is more likely because they were old, not because they were salted.
  6. I don't understand. How does a high school teacher know anything about the way hs students do in college?
  7. I think that's what he did... he spelled one right, his opponent went next and spelled his word wrong. So, all he had to do was come back in the next round and spell one correctly. If his opponent had gone first and missed, then he would have spelled two backt to back (one in the same round that the opponent missed, to win the round, and one in the *next* round to secure the win).
  8. Well, we know it isn't *you* giving five stars to all the threads, then, don't we?!
  9. Okay, so you're the one who got this all started... no wonder everyone is in such a good mood, giving all the threads excellent ratings! Fess up! LOL
  10. Or maybe someone ran out of rep and still has a lot of love they want to share!
  11. Well, someone is certainly in a good mood... they even gave this thread five stars! Maybe that early happy hour explanation is closer than we think!! LOL
  12. I had a lot of trouble keeping up with everything, and I can't find my stinkin' glasses so missed a few details! ACK! Who was it that the Asian woman (sorry, forgot her name) approached, saying "we were both there, call me when you're ready to talk about it." I couldn't recognize him without my glasses. Was that Locke in the coffin? Who is Jeremy?
  13. What kind of chocolates? A Passion for Chocolate by Rose Levy Berenbaum (sp?) is a very good book for foods containing chocolate, but I don't know if it's what you're looking for. Good luck! Robin
  14. I knew y'all would have a good recommendation! Thanks so much!! Robin
  15. Is there an internet filter that not only blocks objectionable material, but also blocks chosen websites? Dd has saved up her money and wants a laptop, primarily to play Nancy Drew games on in her room, but she wants email, too, so I'll let her have internet... but I want to set up all the approriate precautions. Thanks for any ideas, Robin P.S. My husband asked me to come here and ask you guys. He thinks y'all are better than consumer reports and epinions all rolled into one! LOL
  16. But are we sure that was the motivation behind excluding homeschoolers in this case? I thought the reason why is because they wanted to make it a contest for winning equipment for the student's school. The contest was open for private schools, too, and they generally have an academic advantage of public school kids. That's actually the reason why homeschoolers in my area thought they deserved the chance to win the equipment... in Tx, homeschools are legally recognized as private schools, and since the contest was open to private schools, they felt they had every right to participate in the contest and win the equipment, and some have said they won't buy from Subway again until Subway offers homeschoolers a similar contest with similar prizes. For those people it was definitely about the prize. My question would be, how could Subway have done this differently. If they want to make a small donation of athletic equipment to an elementary school, and they want students to compete academically for their school to win the award, how else could they have structured the contest? And I said I was bowing out of this :)
  17. YEah, I posted about this a few minutes before Quiver. The Texas Supreme Court overturned the state's appeal.
  18. Hey, didn't they make a movie out of that one? I've never seen it or read the book... thanks for the reminder!
  19. Kay, I can honestly say, cross my heart and hope to die, that I haven't read one single post in either that thread or any other thread about this topic on this message board. I see how it appears differently to people like you who were involved in the other thread. But believe me, when I jumped into this conversation, I was agreeing with the general idea that there's been a lot of whining about this elsewhere (and my definition of whining about this is simple: anyone who thinks that a homeschooler should have the right to earn that equipment for their backyard and is going to protest loudly and boycott because of it). I'm not backing off or being disingenuous. I've been a little surprised by the ugliness I've seen elsewhere over this issue, and HSLDA's involvement did touch a nerve with me. But anyhow, thanks for bringing this all up. I didn't know about the other thread. Now I understand some of the comments I've seen in *this* thread a little better. Since I've obviously hopped on a hot and moving train, maybe I need to bow out of this before I cause any further damage :). Robin
  20. And let me clarify something else, Kay... I have not read ONE single post about this on these boards. I've managed to either miss them or overlook them, which I don't know, but all my exposure to this has been through email stuff I've received. When I read Suzanne's post, which referred to an email she received, I responded based on what I've seen elsewhere... never once were my comments intended as stabs against anyone here. If I had seen threads or posts about this here, I probably would have commented and made my opinions known then and there, instead of here. But as it was, I was just like Suzanne... commenting on a bunch of stuff I've been getting in emails, yahoo groups, etc. I think most everyone here knows me well enough by now to know that if I disagreed with someone enough to actually post my disagreement with them, I would do it directly in response to them, not somewhere else, talking about them in third person, as though they weren't even in the room. I guess you can say that's the "type" I am :). Peace?
  21. But Kay, there really are those out there who are making those demands. Obviously my comments don't apply to you! I've said this in so many places in this thread that I am not certain saying it again will make any difference at all, but I like you so much I think another try is worth it: I, personally, am not at all put off by anyone who is slighted by Subway's exclusion or who has written them to expression their disapproval. I *am* put off by those who want the opportunity to win the equipment for their back yard and are mad that they've been denied that and are boycotting Subway because of it. Just because you are not one of those doesn't mean they don't exist! You think we're talking about all protestors, including you, when in fact we are talking about a small group that obviously *doesn't* include you. I hope it's clearer now... Robin
  22. I think it was a conversation between you and Pam that sent me scrambling to the library before someone else checked the book out first :).
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