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Everything posted by Legomom

  1. Webkinz. The Limited Too was having a sale buy one, get one free on certain ones and my son bought a horse.
  2. I haven't read all of the other responses, but my recommendation would be bookkeeping. You can work at home and there is always a demand for it. I would be cautious about medical transcription. I know people who are leaving the field because of electronic medical records -- at least check into the future of transcription in your area before starting a program. That said, I have a friend who just completed an online course in 9 mos and has a job working at home. The only downside for her is that her typing speed isn't great, so it has limited her earnings when she is paid by the line. Hourly she is ok
  3. We are watching and enjoying here. We just finished watching the swearing in of George Washington as president.
  4. The Frances books by Russell Hoban narrated by Glynis Johns are ones that I love. They aren't novels -- just picture books but great fun. Also, our whole family absolutely loves E.B. White reading Trumpet of the Swan. Also another vote for Harper audio unabridged Chronicles of Narnia.
  5. Thanks for the helpful info on the Shakespeare for Fun. Pretty exciting that you just went to a Lois Burdett workshop! I don't have much experience with drama and your tips sound very doable. Thanks again.

  6. Anyone have any recommendations for $100 per night or so at the end of January? Also, anything fun and educational that you would recommend there?
  7. My cousins have a cattle ranch and gave us some beef. It has a fairly strong flavor and I wondered if there is a way to cook it to make it milder. I have some sirloin steak and wondered about stewing it. Any tips would be appreciated.
  8. I teach drawing for our small co-op. I'm definitely not an artist, but what I have found to be successful is to give "free drawing" after the main lesson. So everyone gives the lesson/project a try and then later they can draw whatever they want. She may be a bit young for that still, but it might help in future. Also, I like what Mona Brooks has to say in Drawing with Children about teaching and encouraging art, so you might look at it if you have a chance.
  9. My twin boys are 8 and they are at different levels in most things, usually one is behind compared to the other. Because they are the same age, I refer to them as being in the same grade but I use different materials for them as much as possible. For example I use Explode the Code for one, but use a completely different publisher for phonics review for the other so there isn't a direct comparison (why is he in book 8?) If I am questioned about this, I explain to them that different people have different ways of learning (audio, visual etc) so different programs suit different people which is part of the reason we homeschool. Also, I try to be very genuine in my compliments and seek to praise more on work ethic, attitude and finishing the project rather than academic prowess. This works great for me because the slower one has a positive attitude.
  10. My counselor gave me some good practical tips for facing the day when you feel like you can't do anything (which it sounds like maybe you feel right now?). Write out a schedule for the day. It has to be written and fairly specific. Also, make sure that you have something at the end of the day to look forward to, whether it be a movie, book that you like, just something to look forward to. For me having a break during the day sometime for a cup of tea or watching Perry Mason at lunch helps too. Also, if you can't get your thought patterns off of the negative, it helps to repeat a postive affirmation. The one I have been using lately is "I enjoy thinking positive thoughts that make me feel good about myself and my life." It may sound hokey but it helps to break the cycle. This sounds pretty simple, but having a written schedule and something to look forward to at the end of the day has helped me get through many days especially with tasks that I don't want to do, or when I just feel very depressed. Hopes this helps. I'll be thinking of you this week.
  11. I can't remember what it is used for. The kids are out playing games right now and I told them it means "I give up" when trying to find someone playing hide and seek but I think that is wrong?
  12. Wow! Thanks for all of the terrific information everyone. It is so great to hear about actual experiences and what worked and what didn't. I am going to be really diligent about the pulmicort and nebulizer for now and look into seeing a pulmonologist. I can relate to the "bumbled along with the asthma thing" comment. I think that I have just really been hoping that he would grow out of it, like I did. However, as I research it more, I can see that I have more symptoms than I realized. It is especially noticeable with him, because he has a twin brother and I can see his breathlessness in comparison. I always attributed my own breathlessness it to my being out of shape.
  13. Thanks for the information. I'll ask the doctor about some of these options. It would be great if they are an option for kids. Thanks again for taking the time to respond.
  14. His doctor has never mentioned them as an option. Are they normally in a pill format? I have been hoping that he was going to grow out of it, but he seems to get exercised induced asthma enough that it affects his activities.
  15. Ds 7 has asthma and I can use a nebulizer with Pulmicort (steroid) daily to reduce his symptoms. It ends up being a hassle however and so I don't do it like I should. Does anyone have any ideas for making this easier to do on a daily basis? Or is there an alternative to this which is easier? Thanks.
  16. Wow! Very exciting. Thank you. My kids just asked me today if we could start using Drawing With Children again. We used it for a while last year but it was a lot of work for me, especially because drawing is completely foreign to me. Anyway, today I started thinking about how great it would be to have a video for it and voila! here it is. Can't wait to look at your materials. Thanks again.
  17. No we wouldn't even consider it. Same goes for my nephew who is 14 years old who lives with us part-time. They have plenty of access to those things in the common area of the home. I could go on and on with my reasons.
  18. We make smoothies with just orange juice and frozen blueberries. Very tasty and refreshing.
  19. Self-employed. He left at 5am and will be back around 4 or so. The rest of us are goofing off today.
  20. I have a Salton. I really like it because it makes a big waffle. 4 big squares at a time vs the belgian waffle maker that I had which made one small-medium waffle at a time. Nice to crank out the waffles quickly on the bigger iron and I can easily split one waffle between two kids for their first serving and have the second one ready before they ask for it.
  21. Another book that recommends some fairy tales, as well as other books is "Tending the Heart of Virtue" by Vigen Gurioan. He comes from a Christian perspective and explains the value of certain stories including the Snow Queen and others. In the back of the book is a bibliography which gives specific versions. I bought the Oxford Press Fairy Tales by Hans Christian Anderson among others.
  22. We just finished McCaughrean's version and I questioned whether it was worth reading at this age. I skipped over some parts and one story. Even cleaned up there is so much emphasis on getting married and having another girlfriend or boyfriend, being in love, etc (as I describe it to my kids) and I wonder how this info affects the 7 yo mind. We just finished Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and there is a part where the king's wife is continually trying to seduce Gawain. I smooth it over but it does make me wonder if some of these classics are not appropriate for kids, even in the kids' versions.
  23. When we went over, we just prepaid our regular credit card and then knew we could charge up to that amount if we wanted to.
  24. Thanks for the update! I was wondering how things were turning out.
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