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Everything posted by carriede

  1. This is the way I hold my pencil. I didn't know it was "wrong" until after college.
  2. At one point, my DS4 knew all his letters and sounds, but couldn't quite get the blending... The only thing that fixed that was time. So if you're DS isn't QUITE there yet, AAR might be a good way to keep up with the phonics until he's ready to blend.
  3. I see lots of people say "I do Miquon and supplement with drill practice." Did you use any additional drill? If so, what?
  4. Just got an email that my return has been accepted - took less than 24 hours! Now up to 21 days to wait for direct deposit.
  5. I filed our Federal Taxes last night using FreeTaxUSA.com. I've used them for the past 6 years, I believe. I'll start working on our GA State Taxes in the next couple of days. I'm going to try the Dept of Revenue's online system so I don't have to pay FreeTaxUSA $12 to file the state tax portion. Our tax returns are very simple. :) ETA: We will be getting a refund from both Fed and GA. But, we've done some revising of DH's W4s and such so the amount taken out of his pay is more similar to what we actually owe, maximizing our paychecks.
  6. Take a look at Confessions of a Homeschooler's printables. That's what we're using to practice letters. I just show and tell DS how to draw the letters. It seems to be appeasing DS until I feel like starting a more formal curriculum.
  7. What you described is what DH and I might accomplish TOGETHER, sans rug doctor, and assuming we don't have anything fun planned, which does happen occasionally.
  8. Another vote for right hand. Then I just moved the engagement ring back over at the next not too obvious opportunity.
  9. Oh, and the cheap Miquon workbooks do not have explicit instructions on them. I had to get the Lab Annotations book to know what to do. I don't recall the Lab book being too much, but its more than the workbooks.
  10. I actually have yet to start the actual Miquon program... Maybe this summer. We have a wooden cuisinaire rod pack I bought from Amazon for $20ish. It's the small group pack, not the intro set. We've done a lot of the early exercises found on EducationUnboxed.com - which is all free.
  11. Not crazy! For reading, consider phonics pathways. It's very open and go. There are a few games you can photocopy out if the book, but its not mandatory. My plan for K is - continue Phonics Pathways - start Miquon Orange and MM1 (DS is well versed in cuisinaire rods) - handwriting workbook... Of some kind. :) - I've recently decided to get the Usborne Internet Linked Book of Prehistoric History. It starts with the Big Bang and ends where SOTW vol 1 begins (which we'll do in 1st grade). It goes through how all the animals developed, so I hope it'll double as a science that way (I'm not too concerned with content subjects in K). For religion (we're Catholic also) we're just going to Mass, teaching prayers/how to pray. Talking about saints if there's a popular feast day (like St. Pat's). Nothing formal. Some boxed Catholic curricula include Seton Homeschool and Catholic Heritage Curricula. You can get the whole program for either or just pick and choose books. Sonlight is another boxed Christian curriculum. Good luck!
  12. Hmmm interesting... As odd as it seems, I like the idea of spending $15/year instead of $35 at once. And I'd imagine it'd be easier to find the individual volumes used. Thanks!
  13. Boy 41w 6# 12oz Girl 40w 6# 10oz Boy 37w 6# 5oz
  14. I have a cordless Hoover stick vac. We've had it for almost 4 years and I still use it every day! The rechargeable battery doesn't last quite as long as it did when brand new, but it's not so bad I can't get good use out if it still.
  15. So, is the leader of the event saying that all volunteers must also present their testimony? And you are uncomfortable with giving one? I might tell the coordinator, "I don't feel comfortable giving a testimony, but I'd love to help plan the event. May I still come to the meeting? I'd really like to help with the ____!" And then let the coordinator decide if you're welcome or not. If you don't feel comfortable telling the coordinator that you don't want to give a testimony, I'd say there's something wrong with the leadership...
  16. I was taught in high school how to use note cards to write a research paper using multiple sources. I did not use them to take notes from, say, a history text.
  17. I don't think his "issue" is a guy thing. My DH is fairly close to his siblings. They don't talk on the phone a LOT, but once every 1-2 months. We're also all on Facebook. DH has a sister 2 years older and a brother 5 years younger. We visit back and forth 4+ times a year, and we live 5 hours away. If we were closer, I'm sure we'd see them much more often. On the other hand, I am NOT close with MY siblings. They're all nice people and we get along well... There's just no real relationship. We visit 1-2 times a year, rarely talk on the phone. Also 5-6 hours away. I have Bro +7 years, Bro +3 years, Bro -7 years, and Sis -11 years.
  18. I'm right there with you!! I do just do the 3 Rs with DS4 while DD2 is sleeping. DS0 may or may not be sleeping... (DS4 no long naps.) We use Phonic Pathways, Singapore Math K, and just working off a manuscript chart for handwriting. We don't always work from the Singapore book, but I at least try to "talk" numbers everyday. Right now we count to 100 at least once a day. And today addis skip counting by 10s all verbally. We'll look at the written numbers later. :)
  19. I just have birth in December and I got a Tdap booster while still in the hospital. My OB did not mention it before then. But then, prutessis isn't around here at the moment. I did it anyway. Don't think my DH has had a Tdap... The kids are up to date on vaccines so they're covered.
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