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Everything posted by Butter

  1. You always have the right to refuse to have people on your private property (not including LEOs with a search warrant of course). It doesn't matter why you want them to leave. It doesn't matter if they have a weapon or not. It's always your choice. If they refuse to leave, they are trespassing.
  2. We have an "orange" kid. Never been a problem finding stuff for him. Girl is pink, another kid is red, another is blue, and I'm purple. No problems finding any of those colors.
  3. I never could figure out the obsession with JTT. I didn't find him attractive at all. Almost as bad as I thought Leonardo DiCaprio was. There was a short time I had a big crush on Scott Weinger. I loved watching Aladin just to hear his voice. I forgot about Joshua Jackson. I seriously cheered when Joey picked Pacey. I still like watching Rider Strong when he's on Girl Meets World. (The spelling of his name is often misspelled as Ryder. It was in a recent article about a new movie he's in. He tweeted - yes, I follow him on Twitter - that his name is a little more porn star and a little less moving truck.) He and two friends do a Podcast once or twice a month talking about a book they've all read. This makes him seriously awesome. It's nice to see a child star who grew up normal (he's married and has a baby boy now).
  4. Starting in a week or so at least two days of the week my husband's commute will be... well... 10 feet? From the bed to his desk which is in our overly large bedroom (26x18... big enough for a king size bed, two bedside tables, a dresser, a chair, a loveseat, and my husband's huge L-shaped desk with room to spare). Working from home is a sweet deal if you can get it.
  5. I finished Bubba and the Dead Woman. It was funny and a nice mind vacation. 4/5 stars. It needs an editor and the author needs to learn how to properly use commas. Now I'm reading Jeannie Out of the Bottle by Barbara Eden. I saw her speak and even got my picture taken with her at Dallas Fan Expo in May. I used to love watching I Dream of Jeannie in reruns when I was a kid.
  6. My husband works 40 hours a week technically, but often works more than that. He works for the government. When he worked private sector and then at a non-profit, he almost never worked over 40 hours.
  7. It never even occurred to me to be upset if someone had a concealed gun in my house. I live in Texas so chances are very good I've been in contact with someone carrying. I know many of my friends have guns so there's a good chance someone has been in my house with a concealed gun. The point of concealed carry is that it is concealed. It's specifically not allowed to be visible.
  8. No, but I may in the future. I'm not opposed to owning guns. When my parents move here we'll have two or three guns. I'm not sure if any work. There's a sawed off shotgun and a pistol that both belonged to one grandfather and a German gun my other grandfather took off a dead Nazi during WWII and brought home with him.
  9. A 1993 white Ford Escort. I got it at an auction in 1997 for $1500. It was low mileage and ran great. I drove it for years. Eventually I gave it to my dad and he drove it for years. And then a deer jumped out in front of my dad while he was driving home from work one day. The deer won. Or maybe it was a draw. Both the deer and the car died.
  10. Last year I had a 6 year old first grader. All of his school took an hourish.
  11. Yes, I always get dressed for the day. Tuesdays and Thursdays we have taekwondo at 11 so part of the year I wear pajamas until it's time to put on the awful uniform for class. During the summer, when we wear our summer uniform which is basically a t-shirt and jogging pants, I put that on in the morning. Tuesday and Thursdays are also the only days I do not put my shoes on in the morning since we do taekwondo barefoot and I wear sandals to the school. After class I shower and get dressed right down to my shoes. The other days I get dressed completely when I get up in the morning. I have to wear shoes because otherwise I am prone to breaking my toes (bit of a klutz). I don't do make-up pretty much ever, but I do my hair. Generally that means putting it up somehow or braiding it because Texas is hot most of the year and I don't like hair touching my neck.
  12. I don't even know who some of these people being mentioned are! :lol: I had crushes on Joey Lawrence, Rider Strong (who, after watching all 8 seasons of Boy Meets World with me a few months ago, my daughter totally has a crush on, too), and, of course, Joey McIntyre. And then when Newsies came out Christian Bale.
  13. I'm loving the teen year so far with my two teens. My 13 year old has always been easy (at least once he quit crying and started talking when he was 2 1/2). My 15 year old was super hard from 3-13. She's been awesome ever since. I know a lot of people with kids like that.
  14. I tried listing the 52 books I've read so far, but it kept telling me I couldn't use that image extension on this board. So here's a link https://mamareader.wordpress.com/2015-2/ I'm reading Bubba and the Dead Woman. It's odd. It's light. It's silly. It's what I needed after Les Mis.
  15. A few years ago a family with four kids went on a one year trip. http://www.sixintheworld.com Now they are on a 6 month trip. The mom has since died of cancer. The oldest could not join them this time due to work so it's one adult kid, a teen, a preteen, and the dad this time around. http://www.200daysaway.com/
  16. I used Princess Academy: The Forgotten Sisters for that category :)
  17. Well, it's only been 6 months so far. There's another Michael Vey book and the first of Rick Riordan's Norse gods series. There's even Diary of a Wimpy Kid in Latin. But none of those are out yet. A lot of the books I look forward to seem to come out summer or later in the year. Shannon Hale's third Princess Academy book, The Forgotten Sisters, came out in March. It was excellent.
  18. Benefits by far outweigh the risks on this one. I'd get it (did for my two old enough).
  19. My husband has cousins in Australia. I just recently got an e-mail asking if we were okay because they heard about the flooding (which was about an hour from us) and then the tropical storm (we got rain, but not much). They know we're in Texas, but the specific geography of it they do not know. If someone told me they were from the upper midwest, I'd be clueless as to what they mean. And I'm born and raised in the US. One of my MIL's neighbors in Ireland is referred to as Mary the Yank. She is Irish. She has never left Ireland. But she married an American who has since died. Therefore she is a yank by marriage lol
  20. When we were in Ireland we'd tell them we were from Washington DC (we were from southern MD, but we figured close enough... actually even here in TX if people ask where we moved from we say near Washington DC!) and were getting ready to move to Texas. A couple people asked where in Texas and did seem to know where San Antonio is (one asked if he was remembering correctly that that's where the Alamo is). The rest seemed satisfied with just Texas. One asked if Washington DC and Washington state were the same thing and thought it was really funny when we said they are on opposite sides of the country.
  21. I'm in Texas. I am not impressed by her being appointed.
  22. Both. I wanted to punch Marius in the face reading the actual book. Multiple times. I didn't think he could be worse in the book than in the musical. I actually liked Cosette before. Now I do not.
  23. First, how did she break her arm? Was her shoe untied and she tripped over her own laces or were there toys everywhere or some unsafe condition that caused her to trip? If my friend called and asked if I had HOI, I'd supply the info. Just because she tries to make a claim it doesn't mean it'll be approved. My friend getting a lawyer, however, would give me pause (at least if it was an untied shoe sort of thing and not anything to do with my house). The homeowner in this situation really escalated the issue by not providing their HOI information.
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