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Everything posted by Journey

  1. I have two older JRT's and they only get their rabies shots. They go out in our little fenced in "backyard" and come right back in! They don't hang out with other dogs or anything. Just us. Now, our horse is a different story. She gets everything she needs each spring and fall and that is NOT cheap!
  2. TwinmominTx...admittedly, no I have never been to a large, well run auction. The ones around here (there is only one really) is not a place I would EVER put my horse, I don't care how bad my situation is. I would rather put her down than take the risk of some fat head getting her and her ending up on someone plate...what happens in between the fat head and the plate makes me physically sick to think about. I will admit that I am not a farmer and my animals are my pets and I love them all so much (not that you don't, but you have them for completely different reasons than I do) so that's probably the difference between you and me!!! Anyway, I hope everything works out for everyone and the horses that need new homes will find perfect ones! Horses are such a blessing but they sure can be a bother sometimes too!
  3. I would never send my horse to an auction and I am so sorry if I offend anyone by saying that. You never know who is going to end up with your horse and it is very likely that it will go to a kill buyer and off to slaughter. I guess I just look at it this way...my horse has given me her heart and just because she can't do what we want/need her to do anymore doesn't mean I take the easy way out and go to slaughter and "come home with an empty trailer". That is so callous. I also look at it like this...everything happens at the right time and you will find a home for your horse when the Lord allows it. If you can hang on to her until the perfect home comes along I would encourage you to do that. I was going to also suggest contacting the local Arabian horse association if you have one near you (even if you don't) Arabians are probably harder to place because not everyone wants one or can handle them, even though they are beautiful and you don't want to give your Arab to just anyone. We thought we had a great new home for our mare and we ended up going and getting her because the lady was not who she presented herself to be. I just wouldn't leave our beautiful girl in the hands of someone who I couldn't trust to take good care of her. So, we have her still and even though she is not able to take my daughter to the level she (my daughter) wants to compete at, we will keep her until that wonderful, loving, forever home comes along. Please don't take your horse to the auction. Also, for Creekland, wow, I can't believe you can't find a home for your welsh pony...did you try listing her on Chronicle?
  4. Hi everyone...we're going to take our horse to a show tomorrow and could use some prayers. She is a greenie (meaning she's not 100% trained yet) and doesn't like to get on a trailer. She also has not been in a ring with alot of horses before nor has she been at a show this "big" before. Please pray that the Lord will build a hedge of protection around the entire day and that everyone, including our wonderful horse, will be safe and healthy. Thank you.
  5. I too am one who has never reported anyone but I betcha 10 cents I've been reported more than once. I am one who sometimes has to say what's on my mind and sometimes I'm sorry for that but other times I'm not. I do think that using words on paper instead of face to face can totally misconstrue some posts but there are definately people on here who have offended or hurt me and I just need to respond sometimes! I agree with the mod....we all need to get thicker skins if we're going to post on ANY message board.
  6. While I feel for you (your daughter really) and the situation, I am bothered by some comments you have made on this thread and your previous thread. I was going to post about it in your first thread on this topic but I didn't. Now I want to though. First let me say that I am in NO way attacking you so if it comes off that way, I am truly sorry. I get the impression that you are kind of um....snobby. I wish I could remember what it was in your first thread about this that bothered me so much but I can't, and I don't have the time to go back and find anything. But...in this thread you state that this girl "is not real bright" and that really, really bothers me. I have a LD 22 year old daughter who "is not real bright" in some ways, but she shines in many more ways. When I hear people make comments like that, it makes me wonder about that person...hence why I wonder about you. Secondly you say that this mother has two dd's from different fathers and is on Section 8, Medicaid and food stamps. Well, I have two DD's from two different fathers and I am also on Section 8 and Medicaid. The only difference here is that I work two jobs. I really don't think her lifestyle is any of your business, nor do I think you need to post it all over this board. I get the feeling that putting this woman down makes you feel better. Yes, her family is in major crisis and they ALL need help and I agree, I would not allow her daughter to be anywhere near my children...not because, so much for the bisexual issue (because chances are, she isn't a bisexual) but because of the violence she has produced. I also think that you could have handled the situation better because if this girl really does have violent tendencies (if what is being said about her is 100% true and not heard about second hand) then I, as a mother, would be terrified that I made her so angry that she is going to come back on my family. Also, you make the area you live in sound like the hollers of back woods Kentucky but remember, you and your husband chose to live there. You can't come down on the people who live there as maybe that's all they can afford and maybe that's the only lifestyle they have ever known....how are they supposed to know any differently? Please stop and think before you write because words can be very hurtful to total strangers (me). Just because I am a sinlge mom (like that woman) and have a "not so bright" child (like that woman) and am on Section 8, (like that woman) Medicaid (like that woman) and have two children from different fathers (like that woman) doesn't mean that I am anything like her, because I am not, but I do feel badly for her and her very unfortunate circumstances. Maybe you can come along side of her instead of throwing them to the curb and acting like they are worse than cow dung on the bottom of your shoes. Again, I'm sorry if I have offended you in any way, but I had to write.
  7. Cadam...you need to lay off of ME! I am not the only one who said she needs to report it. You need to read all of the posts and get your facts straight. I don't think I was as harsh to her as some of the posts I actually read all the way through. I'm glad she's reporting it, that is the right thing to do even if it is hard. I, in no way, accused her of being in the same situation herself or whatever others may have said. I don't know her situation and it's not my business. BUT....if a person starts a thread on any message board, they need to be ready to take the good and the bad because not everyone is going to agree with them. I don't know why YOU'RE so upset with me, as it seems that the OP sure isn't! Go have some ice cream or something and cool yourself off. Have a great day and bless your heart!
  8. I'm still as confused as ever! I don't want her to be able to access all kinds of different things...not because I don't trust her just that I don't want her to have more tech stuff that she doesn't need. I just would like to get her something that she can download songs on! Oh my gosh this is so difficult!!!
  9. To HollyIn....sometimes it's too late for a second chance and I don't read where she says she's going to report her today although I am very glad she is going to do that. Those kids are what is important here, which we all agree on.
  10. I was thinking of getting one for my daughter for her 16th birthday but I don't know anything about them. Nothing at all. Does anyone on here know anything? I do know that I wouldn't get her the tiny little square one but other than that, not a clue. How much does it cost to put a song on there and are there places she can go to get cheaper songs? Thanks
  11. My daughter has mild acne, mostly on her forehead and even then it's not too bad, but to her it's the worst case you'll ever. She has been using the honey for over a week and nothing is really happening except that she likes the way her skin feels. Does it take time or should it be working by now?
  12. It kind of sounds like you're making excuses for not doing anything. You know this has happened before and you said something about it then and now. If you don't to report it, then don't let your kids go over there. If you don't want to report the woman then make it your business to talk to the step father. Who cares if he works alot and yes, he is the step father to the older two but you don't know the relationship he has with them and that shouldn't even be an issue. Either do something about it or keep your kids out of the drama.:D
  13. I totally tell my daughters, 22 and 15, what I used to do. Not because I want them to think I'm cool but so that they can understand and believe that I have actually "been there, done that" and they can also understand how much the world has changed...for the worse. I'm not proud of the things I used to do, but I am thankful because I truly believe they have made me the strong woman and good mother that I am today. Well, let me rephrase that...I thank and praise the Lord every day for my girls and who they are becoming, but I think my past has helped as well. Make sense?
  14. It is so hard to let them go but I think you are doing the right thing. I'm sure he does too. Thank you for giving him a wonderful life.
  15. My daughter is in 9th grade in PS. She is not an A student but she studies very, very, VERY hard (I said 'very' three times because I want to stress how hard this child studies). She wants so badly to be an A student but it doesn't come easy. She is on honor roll but she works for it. She has not ever had an open book test in the PS and she gets homework every single night and during school breaks too which I think is just not right. Maybe this PS is different from the ones you guys know about but please don't lump all PS's in the same category. Yes, I think the dumbing down of our kids is happening but I believe it's for the kids who really don't have a darn. I do have to say that learning not coming easily to my daughter has taught her so much responsibililty and for that I am thankful.
  16. Okay, so tell me the regimen so that I can have my daughter try it. She has learning disabilities and can't seem to get it together enough to do ALL of the Proactive steps properly. If this is just an easy application type tihng I think it would be great for her. Can you tell me what steps need to be taken? Thank you.
  17. Do you use the over the counter medications or did you buy his stuff?
  18. You guys are great and Shinyhappypeople...thanks! I just want to clarify that neither my daughter or I want to continue to homeschool. I think we both know that it wasn't in our best interests eduationally speaking...she really can get more at the PS than I can give her. I guess what I'm trying to say in all of this is....I have three really, really, REALLY good friends and I just want my girls to have that kind of friendship with someone but I'm not sure that's possible these days...I don't think kids have "best" friends like we did in the "old days". Kids are very different these days but I do know that I have raised my girls well and I know that the Lord knows what to do and He doesn't need my help! Thank you all for all of your prayers, thoughts and advice.
  19. I know very much how you feel. My girls and I left the church that we had been going to for 12 years. We made some wonderful friends in that thurch, and my younger daughter had had friends for 12 years (she was born when we were going there and was 12 when we left). She had a very, very, very bestest friend from there and these girls LOVED each other so much and had so much in common. It was a friendship that kids don't really have these days. Well, when I made the decision to leave (because of things that I didn't agree with within the church) ALL of our friends (of 12 years) dumped us. The mother of the girl who was my daughter's best friend also told me that both she and her husband decided that I was a bad influence on her daughter (never told me why though). That was two years ago and I still think about what she said to me, every day and it doesn't hurt any less today than it did two years ago, even though I KNOW I wasn't a bad influence. I do believe now that the members of that church will only associate with other members of that church. I call it sad and legalistic. They have no idea how much hurt they cause people. So, I do know what you are going through and it is not fun or right. I still struggle, my girls still struggle but all we can do is pray.
  20. I was in your shoes last year. I homeschooled my girls for 7 years and one of them had learning disabilties and when it got to the point that she needed life skills, I put her in a special program at the PS. My second daughter is now in PS because I couldn't teach her anymore and she has a thirst for learning and is very bright. I knew I was holding her back and I didn't want that knowledge hanging over my head for her future. I knew that I had raised her to be strong (praise the Lord) and to be a leader so I knew that I wouldn't have to worry about HER, but I do worry about the other kids...none of them are really who I would choose (if I were able to choose) to be her friends..but again, I know her, I trust her and she has made good decisions so far. PS is not the best place but for us neither was homeschooling anymore. While I am so thankful for the years of homeschooling, I know that putting her in PS in the ninth grade was the right thing for our family. She has been a light in that school and the kids notice that she's different (doesn't ever swear, actually has a relationship with me and talks to me), she's known as the goody two shoes but she's a cool goody two shoes and I know the kids respect that even though they rib her about it. I am so proud of my two girls and the women they are becoming. So, I do know where you are right now and if you trust your son, then I think you can trust sending him to school and whether he wants to stay for 2 years or 4, I think you are the only one who knows if putting him in school is truly the right decision for you. It's working for our family.
  21. I work for a large insurance company and if you report the claim then it will reflect on your ''record". What will probably happen is that when you report the claim TO HIS COMPANY...they will take the info and then call him and you to get each side of the story. Remember, these people do this all day long and they know who did what. Let his company take care of it. You could call the 800 number for your company, and not give any of your information and just ask them what you should do but as soon as you give your name, it's already in their computer!
  22. When you say "fluttering" do you mean palpitations....skipped heart beats? Anyway, my daughter has something where her heartbeat will beat about 230 beats per minute. It can happen at any time but mostly when she bends over, jumps or skips....it's not life threatening but it's still scary.
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