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Everything posted by Journey

  1. In a crock pot with potatoes and sauerkraut. yep, it is yummy!
  2. That is so great Remuda! We just got another Thoroughbred and when I checked his breeding I was surprised to find that he has NO great names until you get to his great, great grandpa...which for TB's is odd! I love looking at horse's breeding lines!
  3. Wouldn't I have any other symptoms? I had one about 5 years ago and it was so painful I had to go the ED. I don't have any symptoms or anything except that now that I'm thinking about it, it feels kind of crampy.
  4. I am 49 years old I and can't hold my pee anymore. I am so sorry to be gross but it's true! As soon as I get the urge to go potty, I have to get to the bathroom that instant or else....yes, I have wet my pants twice in the last two days. What could it possibly be? I am so scared that it's something really bad. Has anyone ever had this?
  5. Please don't ever feel badly about posting prayer request. The Lord loves our animals more than we do and well, your sister, He loves her SO much more. Will be praying for both of them. I haven't read all the posts yet so I'm not sure how Frosty is doing. Where does your sister live? if she is anywhere near me, I would love to go and visit her and tell her she has not.done.anything.wrong. The cat is just being a snotty cat, he'll come around. Her playing with her poodle didn't cause his bloat, and even though that one vet said he has successfully operated on bloat patients, that is a very dangerous condition and many, many dogs don't survive it. And the hamburger is probably not the cause of Frosty's pancreatitis. I feel so badly for your sister, and for your mom and for Frosty. Please keep us posted.
  6. Good one Milovany (I know I spelled that wrong) but I never thought about putting it in the wanted section...I know the section I put it in gets more action....farm/garden, that's where the horse ads are. Good thought though. Thanks!
  7. Thanks Laundrycrisis...I edited my ad to ask why it was being flagged. I'll keep you posted as to how long it takes this time to get flagged again!!!
  8. I don't know why they flagged it, I'm sure I've followed all of the rules. I did put in the ad that I wanted the hrose to retrain and show it. I don't think you can ask the moderators. I think people are just being rude!
  9. so I put an ad on Craigslist looking for a horse. I am looking for an ex-race horse that we can retrain to show (2nd one). I put in the ad that I was not expecting to pay for this horse, number one, because we live very close to a race track that is now closed for the season, so there are 100's of horses needing new homes or they go to the kill buyers, number two, I don't feel the need to pay for a horse that has no training except race training, and.....look at reason number one. I put in my ad that we will give this horse the best home and will spoil it like crazy. Someone flagged my ad. Are you serious? Who has time to do this? Why would someone do this? People are out of their minds. Just to ad....it is totally NOT unusual to not pay for this kind of horse. The barn next to ours has 27 race horses in it right now....these horses belong to the trainer, who has them because their owners just dumped them on him. So, why don't we go over there and pick one? Well, we have looked at several and none of them are what we are looking for due to injuries, size, color...several reasons, otherwise, if he did have something that would suit us, I wouldn't have to put an ad on CL!
  10. Even the littlest pets capture our hearts, truly, I know how painful it is. We've had to put a few gp's down. I am so sorry.
  11. Pigs can lose their hair because of mites. Ours does. We just give her some Iermectin wormer (we use it for our horse too) you just give them a pin head size and shove it in their mouths. Please check with your vet first. If your pig is old, he could just be losing weight because of his age. You can also give them Tang in their water bottle.
  12. Why do you think this mom and girl are "snobs"? Is it because they don't believe like you do? Just wondering. This is the world though and most people think education over being a mom is more important. Whatever it is you and your daughter decide to say, just remember what you say because she's probably going to have to say it over and over again beacuse she is going to run into alot of people who believe what that girl does.
  13. I have a 23 year old that sounds like your girls. She's at about a 16 year old level. We are getting her card making supplies. She loves to make greeting cards and scrapbooking. I'm also going to get her a bunch of face medicine and some makeup. I know it really isn't Christmas type stuff but I hope if I get it for her she will use it!
  14. could you be praying for us? We are retiring our wonderful mare because of lameness issues and we're going to look at another ex-race horse tomorrow. My daughter (16) is so wanting another horse (she's been riding and showing for 4 years) and now has nothing to ride really. Anyway, this horse we're going to look at is an ex-racehorse, which is what we currently own, so we know what we're in for but I just don't want to jump into anything too quickly. Sometimes I think it's the Lord when things work out the way they do, but sometimes I realize it isn't. Anyway, here are the events that have happened so far....we currently board our lame horse at a huge boarding facility. We have been looking for a different situation for her (cheaper) and found a barn that I am going to rent with a lady that used to board her two horses at a previous boarding barn. Everything seems to be working in our favor so far in getting this barn ready for horses (it sat empty for 4 years) and figuring out what our chores will be, expenses etc. The horse that we are going to look at tomorrow "happens" to be at the stable right next door to this barn....that doesn't happen very often...so I know, know, KNOW that the Lord has His hand on all of this but I don't want to jump on this horse if he's not the right one for us. Please ask the Lord to show us without a doubt if he is the horse or if he's not. Thanks so much.
  15. You can't confront her. She is unreasonable in that dogs bark. We all know that and we all know there is nothing we can do to make them not bark. I have two Jack Russells who bark sometimes. My neighbors don't complain but I don't want the barking to bother them, so I bring them in immediately. It stinks because sometimes they want to be outside. So, if I were you, I would just let the dogs out to do their thing and bring them right back in. I'm sorry that this neighbor has health issues but she has to realize that people have to live their lives. I just thought of something....why don't you talk to her husband instead?
  16. And some say that homeschooled kids are "missing out"! Apparently that's not so true. I've been reading this along. If you go to the bottom, start with the introduction post and stuff or you won't get what the person's writing about. Took me a minute to figure it out! http://pleasetellmeididnotjustseethat.blogspot.com/
  17. this thing came up on my FB wall saying that now we can see everyone who has looked at our FB. There is a link to click on but I'm afraid to! Have any of you seen this yet?
  18. In case you don't remember(!) I had posted a question about what to do about my daughter being bullied by three girls at her pizza shop job. I said that I was going to call the owner and talk to him and many of (most of) you said that she needed to do it. At first I agreed with you but as I thought about it and saw how upset my daughter was becoming, I decided that I needed to talk to him. I work in an insurance office and he is a customer of ours so I've met him twice, very briefly. Anyway, I called him and praise the Lord he was WONDERFUL. We couldn't have asked for it to get better. I am super blessed by this guy. He LOVES my daughter (well he doesn't LOVE her, but he knows she's a good worker, non-drama kind of girl and didn't want her leaving). I told him that I didn't want her to go back there in that envirornment and he says "I want her here". That spoke volumes to me. It showed me what I already knew, that she IS a good worker and workers like her are hard to find. So he agreed to have her on the schedule ONLY when he is working, as the scum bag bullies only bully her when he's not there. This really speaks to me to, because she has only been working there for a little over a month and for him to give her such a great accomodation, it just really means so much to her and me. So, sometimes as moms, we have to still "baby" our babies and help them out when they really need it!
  19. Just a note on donkeys and horses. It's not good to put them together. Donkey's are some kind of disease carrier that if a horse got could kill them.
  20. If I knew the kid would spend the money on something worthwhile, and not drugs or beer or something like that, I don't have a problem with it. Way easier than trying to think of and then going to buy something they may not like. But....if the kid was not walking a straight line (no pun intended) I wouldn't ever give him/her money. I would feel funny telling people "cash only" but I know my daughters would rather have the cash than something else.
  21. I can tell you that it really can work. I'm a single mom on a limited budget and my daughter has a horse who we are currently boarding. I believe from the bottom of my heart that everything involved with us having this beautiful animal has been a gift from God and a labor of great prayer. He has provided every single thing we have ever needed for this horse (for everything actually). Yes, they are very, very expensive but there are ways to cut down on costs. Grain would not be one way especially since you live in a cold climate and I would never, ever, EVER buy a pony! They are horrible little creatures...at least all of the ones I've known have been. Horses are the better way to go.
  22. As far as I know, these were 12 year old girls, not older gang members who DO know better. They were kids being kids. Just like your son and your daughter, except that I'm pretty sure your daughter knew what would happen if she (and she did) kicked her brother in the face. This situation is totally different. Sometimes as parents, we don't have to build a lesson into every little thing our children do something wrong.
  23. I don't think it matters right now how the OP talked to her daughter about not picking people up. I think that post was sort of rude. The girl picked up the other girl and someone got hurt, that is the root of this question, not about how the 12 year old should or should not be picking someone up. Anyway, since the family doesn't have alot of money, can you get the girl a gift card and maybe offer to pay for some of the chiropractor visits? I know they aren't cheap so I feel for you. Your poor child. So sad as she did not intend to hurt her friend. Poor things the two of them.
  24. Thanks for the replies so far. I think part of the reason she wants me to call him is because he is a customer of ours (insurance business) so I kind of know who he is. Secondly, she is so upset that I don't think she's really thinking this through. I don't want to call him as I do think it's her place to be the one to say something to him but I don't think there is any private place in the shop that she can talk to him and every time she works one of the two girls is working too. She has to work with one of them again tonight and I know she's dreading it. This kid has suffered bullying in school and now at work and I just don't want her to think that trying to be an upstanding, honest, caring person who has integrity is isn't worth it. She tries so hard in everything that she does and succeeds only to get kicked in the gut for it.
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