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Everything posted by TwinMominTX

  1. I haven't read other responses so likely this has already been mentioned, but goats will generally eat upwards - ie trees, bushes, etc. This is their definite preference. They will eventually graze downwards - ie lawn, grass, but only after they have decimated the upper branches of everything they can get a hold of.
  2. They have Costco in Taiwan. We got a kick out of shopping there as it was multi-story and had a cart conveyor belt.
  3. I would ask for some answers and clarification from the dentist. I'd want to find out if he was over sedated or possibly had an allergic reaction the NO. His reaction doesn't sound normal and I'd want to get to the bottom of it to make sure it didn't happen again. I wouldn't automatically jump to conclusions and immediately go on the defensive, but I'd be firm in getting clarification directly from the dentist for his future safety. They should keep some type of records on how much was administered or what period of time. Poor guy.
  4. I recently adopted a 4 year old boy from Haiti. I knew from a friend that had adopted previously that black hair requires someone knowledgeable to cut it, but that's the extent of my black skin/hair knowledge! 1. How do I know if someone can cut black hair? He came to the US with a cute haircut and I've had it cut once here in the US and it doesn't look as good. They did something different in Haiti. What? 2. His skin gets very ashy and dry. Anything special lotion wise that I should be on the lookout for? 3. Do I need to do anything for little boo boos or scars? He got a minor scratch on his face a few weeks ago and it is still there. It is white and faded, but it seems like it is sticking around longer than a similar scratch on my daughter. 4. Every time I give him lotion to put on he also rubs it on his head. Obviously this is something that was taught to him. What should he be rubbing on his hair? Thanks for any and all advice!
  5. I found emu oil cream at my local hometown drugstore. My husband felt like it worked as did his mom. I have arthritis in my hips and didn't feel like it did any good. If I remember correctly, it was $25 for a medium sized jar of the stuff.
  6. My husband had issues with his daughter traveling into Mexico from the US. However, this was before passports were needed. He was required to either have a notarized statement from her mother or her original birth certificate. Now it is commonly believed that if you have possession of a current passport for your child that you are entitled to travel with your child. That said, I'd probably take a notarized statement similar to what you posted just in case. I would also make the date range quite a bit wider than your actual travel window - again - just in case.
  7. I think for my girls to get a real sense of they would have to attend for at least a week or two. Anything less and I just don't see how it would be beneficial to them.
  8. My twins are competitive horseback riders and even at 8 years old have accumulated literally hundreds of ribbons. Any clever ideas on how to display them and/or store them? I am tempted to hang them in the barn, but they will get very dusty very quickly. I'd love some clever ideas! Thanks.
  9. I find HOA's extremely annoying. It seems that you often get a neighborhood busy body that has too much time on their hands and goes around "finding" violations. They are usually passive aggressive people and seem to pick on the little violations, but let the bigger ones slide since they are a bit too cowardly to confront those. Also, in Texas the whole HOA idea is a bit wacked. In reality the HOA's when it comes down to it, don't have a ton of power. If you were to put your furniture back on the porch and just hunker down and refuse to remove it, they could harass you, send you letters and even put a lien against your property, but the reality is that someone would eventually have to take you to court to get you to remove it. How ridiculous would a judge find that? I understand the idea of HOA's and maybe even appreciate them in a state like Texas where there is little zoning, but people often throw common sense out the window when they get just a tiny bit of power.
  10. Dr. Dean Ornish has several books on diets that he claim reverse heart disease including high cholesterol and its effects.
  11. The plug in file I used was Mac compatible. I think I used http://www.microsoft.com/mac/products/flip4mac.mspx. I couldn't get my Mac to recognize the zipped movie file from the website until I downloaded the Mac compliant plug in converter and then downloaded the movie file after shutting down and restarting and then using Safari.
  12. Oh my...the great mystery of life. I had the worst time trying to do this the other day. First, I had to use Safari as Firefox wouldn't allow me to do it. Second, I had to eventually restart my computer. I downloaded everything, unstuffed everything and then shut down and restarted. I went back to the web page with the video using Safari. I was successful at last! Good luck!
  13. My girls who are 8 like to watch Top Chef. The language is horrible, but it's bleeped out - mostly.
  14. I love this site jmeacham.com for calendar ideas.
  15. Yes. I am a paid contracted tutor for Classical Conversations which is a 1099 position. I am able to legally deduct all reasonable expenses that are not reimbursed by CC from my Federal Taxes. We interpret this to mean that books purchased to supplement my CC class (but not paid for by CC) are deductible. Paper, pens, pencils, materials, etc. etc. necessary for me to use in my job (which also might mean using them at home) are also deductible.
  16. Hi All, My husband and I were recently blessed to be able to add to our family by adopting a 4-year old boy from Haiti. He has been with us for about two weeks and things are going exceedingly well. Our entire family is thrilled and it's been amazing how easily we've all adapted. In the 2 weeks he's been here, our Haitian Creole and his English have each gotten better and we are able to easily communicate all our wants, needs and desires. Throw in a bit of charades and we're all doing great. He already easily understands commands in English and is turning into a little parrot. He mimics just about everything we say and I can see the connections starting to happen within his sweet brain! I am curious if anyone has adopted an older child that did not have English as their primary language? I feel like we're doing fine, but I would love to find some resources - possibly online - that might tell me about the different stages he'll go through in the coming months as he learns more English. I can make some good guesses at the process, but I figure there has got to be something out there that will give me some more information on the entire process. I'm finding it all very fascinating! Last night when he was falling asleep I overheard him whispering words in English to himself - like he was trying the words out in private! Very cute. He is from all appearances a very intelligent little guy - very curious and FULL OF ENERGY! Oh my...everyone always told me that girls and boys were very different. I didn't believe them until now! I have learned that daily outside play time is an absolute must for a house with a 4-year old boy! Anyway, I would love to hear of any resources that you all might know. Thanks!
  17. I have used this book... http://www.amazon.com/Grammar-Diagramming-Sentences-Advanced-Straight/dp/093199375X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1258636885&sr=8-1
  18. We recently purchased one from Costco. It is a Nordic Trac Commerical and is actually pretty good. I think it was around $800. However, I don't know how long it will last?
  19. Some ideas... Does your state have a department of education type agency? Perhaps they have an ombudsman type person who can help clarify the law. Contact someone higher up with the same school district - like the superintendent. Ask for clarification. You could also find a lawyer who is knowledgeable in the education area. My guess is that finding a local or regional special education group will help you find a lawyer. Parents of special education kids often have to resort to lawyers to get things done for thier kids within the school system. Many times lawyers will work on a hourly fee with a not to exceed limit - i.e. tell them you only want to spend $xxx persuing this and see if they will help you. Hope you get some answers.
  20. We (I mean the T.F.) does $1 for each year of age around here. My dd lost two teeth this week - she's feeling rich!
  21. Inspiring. What a tribute Amy is to the human spirit.
  22. In your example, the Foundations book would say something along these lines... Science What are the 5 sense? Hearing Taste Touch Smell Sight That's it. The idea in the grammar stage is to get the information in to the brain. It does not include additional information on the 5 senses. The Memory Resource CD has both computer based delivery of the various topics and printable delivery of the topics. Some of the materials on CD would have additional information such as...the sense of hearing is blah blah blah...
  23. Thank you. What do you recommend I purchase? Thanks.
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