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Everything posted by TwinMominTX

  1. I did states and capitals with my twins last year for 2nd grade. Each day they would trace a laminated map of the United States with the eventual goal of being able to draw the US from memory on a blank piece of paper. Next, each week we studied 5 states and capitals. I found extra large flashcards from Barnes and Noble. Each card had an outline of the state and a star with the capital noted. On the back was some information abou the state. We made up hand motions to go with each state and capital. We would study a set of 5 in depth each week and then constantly quiz and review the previous weeks. My girls know the states and capitals really really well. We enjoyed the States and Capitals CD put out by Kidzup.
  2. Would it help if you use some of the IEW checklists? Perhaps have her go through her own writing and filling in the checklist and then you do the same with the same piece of writing.
  3. I think watching them a few times is integral to understanding the program. I plunked down the money as I can see myself watching them several times as my kids get older.
  4. First of all, I suspect that your reading comprehension issues are directly related to your vocabulary issues. If you miss the meaning of several words in a written passage because you don't know them that will significantly reduce the comprehension of the passage. My suggestion is to invest in a small compact dictionary and a small notebook. Anytime you come across a word you do not know, write it in the notebook. Look up the definition in the dictionary and then write out the definition. Make your own personal little dictionary. Spend some time each day reviewing your "personal" vocabulary words.
  5. We don't do journals. I don't really believe in the value of original writing by kids younger than about 5th or 6th grade. We use IEW for our writing curriculum and we do a limited amount of original writing at 3rd grade. All that said, I have seen some writing journals at my local teacher supply store as well as at my local Lakeshore Learning.
  6. I started Procardia at 22 weeks. I ended up delivering at 30 weeks, but DID NOT go in to labor. I ended up getting eclampsia which necessitated the early delivery. Good luck to you and lots of healthy baby vibes!
  7. Pamela, Does it say if the exercise has to be all at once or can be broken down into a few blocks of exercise - say 30 minutes 3 x per day?
  8. My third graders LOVE IEW. We are doing Ancient History Based Writing and they are really getting a lot out of it.
  9. I plan to do formal grammar through 6th grade. At 7th grade we will continue grammar studies within writing.
  10. For me...sort of. I wanted to have each week's timeline figures printed out (I use the CD) and ready for my students to color and put on the timeline. I wanted it to be indpendent work for them and have it all printed out/laid out by chapter or week ahead of time.
  11. Except I already own all the timeline figures! I'd love a written list. Anyone??
  12. Exactly. Maybe I'll send a rainy weekend, putting a list together. If I do, I'll definitely let you know.
  13. Ok, I am interested in purchasing this, but I am confused. On Amazon, it shows the cost as $59.95. From the publisher's website it says that 9 maps are $18. To do the program I need the $59.95 book correct? I am confused....
  14. Does anyone have these matched up? I'd love to find or buy a list somewhere so that I don't have to match them up myself! Thanks.
  15. I would put a great deal of effort in to figuring out how he can get his BA or BS degree online. Many state universities have online degree program. I can't imagine that there is only one unless what your dh is trying to do it get a degree in a very very specialized area.
  16. How old are your kids? 8 year old twin girls. What are they doing 15 minutes before you start schoolwork? Outside feeding goats and horses. Possibly playing outdoors. What are YOU doing 15 minutes before you start schoolwork? Trying to get off the computer!
  17. IEW has a spelling program called Phonetic Zoo that is set up this way... A spelling rule is taught and 15 spelling words that follow this rule are then dictated to the student who writes them down. The student then hears the spelling word again with a the correct spelling as a way to correct the work. When they correctly spell all 15 words two times in a row they move on to the next lesson.
  18. I could have written almost your exact post. My twins are good readers and TERRIBLE spellers. We did AAS level 1 and most all of of level 2 and they are still terrible spellers. It didn't do anything for us - at all. I ended up deciding to do a remedial phonics program using Saxon Phonics Intervention. Probably a little radical, but I wanted them to really understand and internalize the rules. It takes us about 15-20 minutes to do each lesson. They repeatedly ask to do it first thing in the daily schedule so I guess they enjoy it! We are only about 2 weeks in and I've already seen their spelling improve quite a bit. Edited to add: I never taught my twins any phonics. They picked up the inital sounds and just went from there. I am hoping the remedial work in phonics will help with their spelling.
  19. I'd highly recommend listening to this talk by Andrew Pudewa. Teaching Boys & Other Children Who Would Rather Make Forts All Day. It might give you some good insight and ideas.
  20. Once my kids reached about 2nd grade I started guarding our mornings. We rarely, if ever, do anything in the mornings that isn't school related. We don't do playdates or other activities in the morning.
  21. Definitely. As someone else said, if it is important enough to get my out of the house on a weekday during school hours, it counts as school.
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