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Everything posted by bodiesmom

  1. Yeah, I grew up with a fireplace, and our home when we were first married had a fireplace, and I don't remember a smell problem like this at all. I just opened the damper...hopefully no birds come flying down the chimney. Ha! But seriously, this smell is awful. It irritates my asthma, and at times it makes my eyes burn. This certainly can't be good for long term lung health. Ugh.
  2. Great questions! We are in a home Furnace does not vent through fireplace Yes, we do have smoke smell with windows closed, but having the damper open does seem to alleviate it...sometimes. The fireplace technician who came out said to keep it closed and that would help with the smell. I'm going to try and keep it open for a spell just to see if it does indeed help. It will be worth any heat being lost through the chimney Ashes are cleaned out as well as burned wood that hadn't burned completely. It hasn't made a difference We've been in the home since last summer, and the previous owners were not smokers. Besides, this is a campfire smoke smell, not a cigarette smoke smell. Thanks! Gardenmom5- 😄
  3. Good point. My dh changed them about 4-5 months ago. They very well may need to be changed again. 😄 Thank you for the suggestion
  4. My living room smells like smoke. I've had the cleaner guy out to sweep the chimney and he said it didn't need to be done. Clean as a whistle. I've purchased an air purifier which does nothing to reduce the smell. It doesn't smell strong all the time, just particularly on cold, damp days. I'm in the PNW so basically just about everyday. I keep the damper closed when we aren't burning. I crack open the windows to create another avenue for the air to come in when the heater is on. It isn't smoky, it just smells like smoke (the kreosote smell I think it is?). Anyone experience this? Any ideas to make it go away?
  5. See- this would definitely rub me the wrong way. To have a hygienist hold up a color chart in order to see if my teeth were white enough....white enough for who? Who gets to say whether my teeth are up to par or not in terms of brightness? It's almost like someone going to see a medical doctor for a health issue and the doctor holding up a picture of large bOoks all the while saying " now let's see here....yes. Yes you definitely "need" augmentation." I'm all for enhancing one's looks. Heck, I even partook in professional teeth whitening years ago. Make the information readily available at these offices, slap the big advertisement posters on the wall. But don't hold up a "measuring stick" to me that has been created by society. Wow. Mini rant there....sorry about that...lol! Update- I sent an email (and tbh I feel a little bad but so glad I told them), the records have been transferred to a new dentist, new appointments have been made with new dentist, and now I just need to tackle paying for the upcoming fillings.
  6. bodiesmom


    Not a teen, but I've used it on myself in the past. Consistency is the key and it does work, at least for me it did. Iirc, it took awhile before seeing results.
  7. IEF- I'm so sorry for your experience. Many hugs to you. I'm composing my email right now. I'm nervous and shaky because I hate confrontation, but I'm sharing my displeasure with the office. The Hive has given me the courage. Ha!
  8. Oh my goodness thank you everyone. I was starting to second guess myself and wondering if I was just overreacting. The receptionist is asking to chat before she hands over the records-I feel much more confident in my reasoning now. Now I just need to compose a respectful email to her detailing my concerns.
  9. Funny you should mention this. My three kiddos and I had our appt last week and between three of us there are 8 cavities! I haven't had a cavity in a decade, and now suddenly I have three!!!?? My kiddos rarely have cavities, rarely, and now one has two cavities, and the other has three cavities as well. We are in the process of switching dentists. I figured if I'm going to spend an insane amount of money on filling cavities then I certainly don't want any of that money going to this guy. I've never realized how expensive these suckers are because we have rarely had to deal with it.
  10. I've had two cleanings with a new dentist and I'm just not feeling the love. Would any of these incidences bother you at all? 1- The first time I met the dentist he spent the entire time telling me I "needed" four implants (to the tune of 20 grand). I have four baby teeth that never had any permanent teeth to replace with and they are doing great. Strong root structure, no cavities, nothing. My mother has the same condition and hers are doing well. I politely listened while he gave his pitch. 2- Same dentist also told me I needed braces (to the tune of 5 grand) before I get these "needed" implants due to a slight overbite I have. I'm in my early 40s, have seen a handful of dentists over the course of my life for 6 month cleanings, and have never once been told I have an overbite. In fact all dentists have marveled at how great my tooth structure and spacing is despite my never having braces. I wasn't impressed with the sales pitch, but didn't think it was anything to switch dentists over. Fast forward to the next cleaning 6 months later.... 3- dentist comes in, looks at my X-rays from 6 months ago, and orders the hygienist to sign me up to have imprints done for an upper retainer. He says nothing to me. Nothing. So I ask him why I need it, and I literally get silence. He waits about 5 seconds and then repeats his demand to the hygenist. Alrighty then. 4- Dentist gets up to leave, and on his way out he tells the hygenist to make sure she remembers to talk to me about the importance of flossing my back teeth. I'm not a child. I'm sitting right there. I'm not happy. His tone was arrogant. He didn't talk TO me. He spoke to the hygenist about me with me sitting right there. Ugh. This isn't necessarily a jawm, rather I'm just curious if others would be upset over the behaviors exhibited by this particular dentist....
  11. I get it. I sooooooo get it. My MIL and SIL are the exact same way. Sorry OP. It is a pattern of behavior that sucks the life out of you.
  12. Good to know there are other manners in which to obtain the PD. Thank you for sharing! I did request the prescription at their appt and assumed the PD would be on there. I was surprised when it wasn't because...well why wouldn't it be on there, really. i agree, it's petty. I'm assuming the doctor charged the $20 because that was the only service. I hope they didn't charge you for it on top of a regular exam. 🤔 For the record, this is the same doc who tried to sell me on all the bells and whistles he possibly could come up with, including transition lenses for a kid who only needs to wear them for reading. I was already planning on finding a new doc for our next exam, and this latest stunt just made it even more so of a done deal.
  13. I'm in the middle of trying to order sports glasses for my ds, and am wondering what other's experience has been in obtaining the pupillary distance measurement for the glasses. Our former optometrist we had before we relocated was always able to just give us the measurements over the phone, meaning they had it in their charts from previous appointments. Our new one here doesn't keep the info on record (no biggie really) and required us to make a trip in to get the measurement. When I came to get the measurement, I received a passive aggressive lecture on how most offices don't give this info out and that she was doing me a great favor. So.....if most offices don't give this info out, how does everyone get it for online ordering?
  14. I feel exactly the same- So, to answer your question- No. I'm looking forward to watching this discussion- thank you for starting it.
  15. bodiesmom


    Well said, PeachyDoodle. Very well said. Fwiw, my family and I are currently enjoying the blessings of a small church that preaches the Bible. Period. Unfortunately this was due in part to a relocation to a different state. Prior to that move we had a heck of a time finding a church for all of the reasons listed in previous posts. I, too, used to be that person who could not even fathom being a Chrisitan and not attending church. However, experience has led me to soften my tone quite a bit. Sigh. It just seems as if there is an epidemic of churches straying from the Word. It's frustrating and heartbreaking.
  16. DesertBlossom, I could have easily written your post, word for word. My mother is like this, and it has definitely effected the frequency I call her. I also have a neighbor like this and I.just.cant.do.it. I just can't. I now have had my fill and avoid him like the plague....but that's another thread. I think you have already had some great suggestions and commiseration so I'll just add that you aren't a horrible person for feeling this way. Something Mimm said uptheread really stuck out to me and it is this... My oldest likes to talk and doesn't really want a conversation so much as an audience Being held hostage by someone who merely wants an audience is not okay. I'm sorry you are feeling so conflicted about this. Hugs to you.
  17. I think side effects are so incredibly dependent on the individual. I'd give it some time along with a quick phone call to your doc just so he could reassure you or steer you towards another brand. When I first started the generic form of Celexa, I became so tired that it was dangerous for me to drive (and this was only 2.5 mg, yes, 2 point 5 mg). It lasted a good week until my body became used to it. Keep going the distance- the uploading part is hard. 😟
  18. If you insist on carrying out a conversation via text during the entire 50 minute church service, please step outside. So rude. So.rude!
  19. My dd12 had a sleep study several years ago. This particular facility didn't have a place for parents to sleep so bring something comfy for yourself such as a mat and extra blankets (it was really cold in her testing room). The tech was excellent in explaining everything he was doing as he hooked her up to all the electrodes. Overall it was a positive experience for her, but expect to not get any sleep yourself. 😄 She did not have sleep apnea, fwiw.
  20. Great point Tsuga. We haven't made any effort to hide the truth the last two years. There have been numerous times this year when I thought....oh he now knows for SURE due to a slip in conversation, stories on the news, etc. But nope. He still believes. Little stinker...I have so far answered any question he has had very honestly. I've also attempted to challenge his thinking with thoughtful questions, etc.. No go. I wish he would just outright ask so I can outright answer. Lol. And Spryte- to answer your question- I don't know really. It's hard to verbalize. I never gave it a second thought with my older two, and really never told them to NOT blow it with their little brother. But this kiddo....his personality is such that he is sensitive to saving face, to being caught in error. As it stands for now, my lips are going to remain sealed...unless I'm directly asked. 😎
  21. Starr- Thank you. You are right. So right. 😄 I needed to hear this. He is presently lying next to my bed snuggled on a mat with cozy blankets. It is allllll good. Leave well enough alone. 😉
  22. My youngest is 9 1/2 and still srongly believes in Santa. If I could redo this whole Santa thing, I would. But I can't. My older two had no problem when they figured out Santa, and tbh, I'm really surprised that my youngest has lasted this long. I feel I need to tell him the truth, but am REALLY dreading it. I think he is going to take it really hard. My desire to tell him is fueled by my fear of him finding out through friends and being made to feel foolish, embarrassed, and even more betrayed. Anyone btdt?
  23. Great idea, Katie. I'll bring it up to him and see what he thinks. His room was right next to our room in our former home, and now it is on the other side of the house. You may very well be onto something here...thanks!
  24. I spoke with him this afternoon about it and he immediately began explaining how he thinks it is because he is so lonely. I "knew" he was, but hearing him verbalize it like a young little man just about tore my heart out. He left a very dear friend back home and this move really rocked his world. He also commented on how he thinks he will conquer this fear every night, but once night comes, it ends up conquering him. He said this with a little chuckle too. It was sweet. I appreciate (greatly!) everyone's input. I feel comfortable letting this continue for now, and also love the ideas I have that everyone has offered should the time come when "I won't do that" (love the reference to Meatloaf-lol!). Melatonin being one of those ideas I always thought for myself, but never for the kiddos. This is also the kiddo who still staunchly believes in Santa. I've been seriously pondering telling him, but maybe I will wait. Sigh. That's another thread. 😎
  25. Thank you for these great responses- 😄 My dd is 12 and doesn't mind at all (so far) that he comes into her room. Ironically, she was the one who frequented the floors of our room as well as her brother's before we moved, though not nearly as often. One of our trailer's bunk mattresses is stored under our bed for his use....wondering if we should grab the other one for his sister's room. This is my really, really intense kiddo. He operates at a level 8 constantly it seems so it doesn't take much to set him off. Interesting thought about his general anxiety levels. I never really thought about it in those terms. That being a suggested possibility (as opposed to just sleeping anxiety) has given me much to think about. Thank you everyone!
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