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Everything posted by NancyNellen

  1. We just watched the movie, which was quite good as well.
  2. I buy 1-2 a year when they are on sale for under $100 a course (DVD's).
  3. Phonics Pathways plus Bob books is what has worked 4 times in a row here. Thorough. Simple. Cheap.
  4. Oh yes, I forgot that. It shows the breast in that scene. I didn't feel the need to censor it, though.
  5. We enjoyed the mini-series very, very much with a 12, 10, 9, and 6 year old. I can't remember anything inappropriate at all. There are a couple yucky scenes...smallpox vaccinations specifically that I remember, but nothing crass or rude.
  6. Yes, he can read level 1 and some level 2 readers (like Frog and Toad.)
  7. We do math 4x/week. Mondays are reserved for art, poetry, science projects, history DVD's, etc.
  8. Well, we have both afternoon and morning chores. Mean mom :-) We do our major picking up in the evening, but in the morning pets get fed, beds made, and they get dressed and put away jammies before breakfast. They are also required to do their memory page before breakfast (reviewing Scripture, poetry, math facts, Latin vocab, etc.) My husband doesn't leave for work until 9AM, so we tend to have large breakfasts (pancakes, french toast, eggs, etc.) After breakfast they brush and have one special chore for the day, such as emptying wastebaskets or watering plants. To me, a solid, consistent chore set is crucial for the happiness and well-bring of all in the home :-)
  9. This is how we deal with this issue, as well. We stick to the schedule. It doesn't take too many days of only getting three bites of breakfast for them to realize dallying during chore time is a bad idea.
  10. Bible: with Dad Phonics: finish up Phonics Pathways, ETC 3, 4, 41/2 Grammar: FLL1/2 Math: Singapore 1B/2A daily copywork Memory: AWANA, Charlotte Mason's Scripture Memory System, IEW's Poetry History: SOTW Vol. 3 (w/ big sis) Science: My World Science Green daily reading
  11. We used it this year. It is a lovely book: nice thick pages, each with a historical quote on it. My children have enjoyed using it and flipping through it. I had a 6th, 5th, and 3rd use it together this year.
  12. I set up a spreadsheet ahead of time with the chapter/story, associated encyclopedia pages, whether there is a map or coloring page, appropriate books that my library has or that sit on my shelf, and any crafts/activities I want to do (and the materials needed to do them.) Then as I am going along and planning week to week, I combine stories that can be appropriately combined and slow down in the areas we want to spend more time. Being able to see the big picture of what we have left to do helps me to plan and schedule accordingly. I hope that makes sense. :-)
  13. Bible: with Dad Memory Work: IEW's Poetry & Charlotte Mason's Scripture Memory system Math: Videotext Algebra Latin: Ecce Romani Writing: CW Diogenes Maxim on line tutorial History: Teaching Co's Early American History DVD course Science: Apologia Physical Science Literature: WTM rec's P.E.: fencing 2x/week Music: piano
  14. I would probably start and just go nice and slow. Maybe take a year for A and a year for B. You could always complete Intro. to Poetry before beginning Homer, which is definitely a big step up from Aesop. That would put him at roughly 9 for Homer, which would be reasonable, in my opinion.
  15. I have always done this with my oldest 2. If you feel the oldest could do more, there are plenty of things you could do to beef it up a bit for her: assign more books for reading on her level, have her write narrations, give her a lapbook-type project to complete. All-in-all, my 2 oldest have thrived in their studies, and no, my daughter doesn't "hate me" :-) I hope that gives you some peace :-)
  16. My dream? Open a seasonal bed and breakfast. But we'll see :-)
  17. I am Nancy (34) married to Gustav (37) for 12.5 years and am an uprooted New Englander living in L.A. for the past 3 years. I have 5 children, ds12 (7th), dd10 (6th), dd9 (4th), ds5 (1st), ds2 (into everything) and have always homeschooled them. My husband and I met in music school. He's a classical composer and I'm a flutist with a degree in music ed.
  18. I second Shutterfly. I have probably done 10-12 books through them and all turned out great. It is super easy to use and the prices are pretty good.
  19. I like the Usborne Internet Linked History Encyclopedia. It's literally falling apart it's been so loved. We like the Kingfisher, as well, but UILE wins here.
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