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Everything posted by momtoboys

  1. It is very common where we live, but we are in a "upper middle class" suburban area, and the preschools are very nice (higher class. . lots of hands on learning. . etc). Most moms either work and have their child in daycare or they stay home, and their children start preschool 2-3 mornings or afternoons a week, typically around age 3. The stay-at-home moms are still *highly* involved w/ their children. Almost all K's here (public and private) are only half-day. I don't really have a problem w/ preschool. . it's a personal choice. I think all day every day is a bit much, but a couple of hours a few mornings a week doesn't bother me at all!
  2. mix and match. .a variety. I do like ABeka for reading/phonics.
  3. Okay, i have not read 100% of the responses. . .But. . . I had to practically raise my siblings, do tons of chores, clean, cook, etc. .(and nothing I did was ever "good enough"). . I also *hate* doing all those things (EXCEPT raising kids. . which is a good exception!) to this day. However, I think it's not as much the chores themselves that made me hate it. . it was the never being good enough, the feeling as if you had to do everything, the unrealistic not age-appropriate expectations, etc. . that really contributed to me hating the chores. I mean, in a great, fairly functional family, chores can be a good thing, IMO, as long as it doesn't amount to child slavery. ;)
  4. I was at Bible study this morning, and the weekly babysitter (who has a son who is my DS's age who goes to private school). . .told me both of my boys were good. She then said that my 3 year old "doesn't talk very much". He is a more shy kid, so he can talk a lot at home, but not in public. He talks around his friends, but tends to clam up in group settings. He goes to a little play group/preschool) once a week. BUT this made me wonder, is he not socialized enough? She also mentioned that my 7 year old "talks and acts like a little adult". I wasn't sure if she meant this in a good or a bad way. My 7 year old is around other children a lot, but he has always been "a mini adult" in some ways. Even when he was in preschool, his teacher said this. So, i don't think it's really the homeschooling. I just wonder if this is a good or a bad thing. I wasn't sure what she was thinking, really. I don't know this lady super-well, but wasn't sure what to make of her comments. I'm probably reading to much into things (which is my tendency).
  5. I would personally question, whether in a formal counseling setting, or an informal setting where someone was getting "counsel" from a friend, if it is *really* possible to resolve certain life issues in a very short time. I'm not saying it will take years and years. . but still. . .if someone has lived/grown-up in an abusive situation, it's not as if they can just get over that in a day. I'd like to think there was some sort of magical prayer they could say, and God would make it all better. . .but I don't know that it works like that. But then again, I'm no expert.
  6. Weirdly, my MIL was telling me she thought it was a state requirement for me to put my 7 year old DS in a co-op. I said, "no, it's not". She thought it was horrible that I don't. I tried to tell her he's around kids all week and he goes to Gymnastics, Chess Club, church activities. . and on and on. . .but she still thinks he should be in a co-op. ETA: There aren't even any great co-ops w/ in a 10 minute driving distance of my house. . and I don't feel like driving further than that.
  7. My kids love Christmas. I will be honest and say I feel torn about it. Why? Because, I love the fact that Christmas for me is a celebration of Christ's birth. I love remembering what He did for me (if I can focus on that alone--it's great). I love my children's excitement. I love all those parts of Christmas. I hate worrying about how we're going to pay off the gifts we buy for our kids, our parents, our neices and nephews (because our budget is so tight, extra expenses make things difficult for us.) I hate worrying about how I'm going to have to work more (I work from home freelancing), which is hard on top of watching two boys and homeschooling. I especially hate the whole family/relative drama of Christmas. I also have some not-pleasant Christmas memories. So those things are harder to deal with. I am not a decorating/crafty person. So. . I keep things really simple. We put up a tree with lights and some homemade decorations. Our boys each have their own "little" Christmas tree they decorate. Simply put (I've rambled here). . .if I can keep my eyes on Jesus being the reason for Christmas, and on helping others. . then it's all okay. If I let my thoughts wonder from that, it's not good.
  8. It's possible professional help may be of benefit sometime. :iagree: I do agree w/ this. But if someone comes to me with something serious, I feel like I want to help them. . even if I'm not totally qualified. So that's why I do what I can to help.
  9. I get scared because it isn't pasteurized. I buy organic, but my SIL bought raw from a farm and they all got sick from it. I don't know. I'm sure it's great for some people.
  10. Does anyone know if organic canned tomatoes are just as bad???
  11. Thanks for all the different perspectives. Definitely gives me something to think about before I talk to her again! I appreciate it.
  12. Thanks for the responses! Strider-- If the person would say "well they did some things that were wrong." But at the same time, refused to say it was abuse, or that it hurt or bothered them (even though it obviously secretly did). If they in the same sentence said "it wasn't that bad". . when it was. Is "well they did some things (or a few things) that were wrong" good enough? I obviously don't want to push an issue that isn't a big deal either, so I appreciate your input!
  13. I was also going to say Land's End. I don't know if Hanna Andersson has their swimming suits out yet, but they usually have some cute one-pieces.
  14. My oldest DS is a *TALKER*. . my youngest DS not so much. But he's getting more talky. The worst is when we're in the car and they're arguing over "who was talking first." LOL
  15. I did not read all the replies, but I definitely know someone like that (a family member). It is entirely frustrating, because the wife is totally clueless. And she gets offended if you try to point out to her the *true* situation. (even if you say it in a nice way)
  16. Would you tell someone that in order to forgive someone they had to admit to themselves and God what happened. . .in the sense that if something was abuse, they should call it that, at least between themselves and God? Or would you say it was okay for them to say that the person sinned against them or that the person "did some things that weren't right or appropriate." Just wondering for someone I am helping. Oh, and we're not talking about an occasional spanking or something when they were growing up (just to avoid controversy!) ;)
  17. Does anyone have this? My 7 year old thought it looked neat. Do you think it's too young/babyish for a 7 year old?
  18. Please, don't do it. They'll give you *WAY* less than your house is worth. I did some reading on this when we were desperately trying to sell our house.
  19. Well. . interesting question. I personally believe the strict 10% tithing was an Old Testament thing. . so. . That said, no matter who you are, i think you should give as you are able. Sometimes that may be above and beyond 10% and sometimes that might be less. God looks at your heart. I don't necessarily see that whether or not you receive government assistance has much to do with it. Giving (not necessarily tithing) is a Biblical command, after all.
  20. Please don't feel bad! You made the best decision for your family considering the circumstances. If i was diagnosed w/ cancer, I don't believe i could keep homeschooling. It would be very difficult! You said the private school was great, so don't beat yourself up over it. Look at it as a small segment in your family's journey of life together. You can re-evaluate year-by-year. :grouphug:
  21. I memorized Scripture for 2 reasons as a child: 1. Competition 2. Being forced to memorize it Let's just say I enjoyed it WAY more when I memorized it for a "prize" or to finish my Awana book, than having to write out Scripture verses as punishment, or merely being told to memorize verses. As an adult, I actually DO remember most of the verses I learned. I am all for making it fun for kids, JMHO.
  22. sorry, if my post sounded mean. . i just think it's easier all around if you plan stuff like this in advance. I understand that their financial situation may be difficult currently.
  23. I read that yesterday. I have mixed feelings about the issue. For one, I think that yes, all toys should be SAFE. . .However, on the other hand, if your kid isn't eating the toy or something like that, is it really such a big deal? I mean, with Zhu Zhu pets, apparently you watch them roll across the floor. But, they're way overpriced anyway! ;)
  24. Do you teach your children the Catechism? I have taught my son (first grade) catechism this year, and find it a very useful tool. It is (obviously) a protestant catechism, but there are so many great truths. Of course, this comes secondary for us to memorizing Scripture.
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