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Everything posted by momtoboys

  1. My younger DS watches none. My older DS is allowed one video a day during the week. We don't have "regular" television, just DVDs and videos.
  2. I was a camp counselor back in my single days and loved it. IMO, nothing beats the camp experiences. . .hanging out in the cabin, sitting and singing around the campfires, canoeing, swimming, hiking. . . I can't wait for my sons to go to camp when they are old enough! I think it is a wonderful experience for any child!
  3. My boys are both circumcised because we wanted them to "look" like DH and it is easier to clean/prevent infections IMO. I realize that some people are strongly anti-Circ, but this was are decision for our family. I respect the positions of others. Both boys DID have anesthesia for the procedure.
  4. I guess I just wanted reassurance that he won't be disappointed growing up that he didn't go to Kindergarten, or that I am not doing the wrong thing by holding him out of school since he is so social. Sometimes I wonder what's wrong with me that I'm *not* one of those parents who is *thrilled* about homeschooling (which seems to be the majority of homeschoolers).
  5. Last year DS went to private classical Christian Pre-K. We all loved it. I am probably going to homeschool for K for the following reasons: 1. No money for private school this year. 2. We are moving, and there are no good classical Christian schools in the area. (There are other acceptable Christian school options, however.) 3. We don't personally see public school as ever an option for our family. That said, I have already taught him to read. I work with him everyday anyway with science, Singapore and ABeka Math, history, writing, ABeka and McGuffey readers, etc. I don't mind working with him. I kind of feel sad about the fact that he won't go to school next year, because he loves it. And to be honest, I like the break sometimes. ;) He is very social. Sometimes I wonder if we shouldn't just try to cut out more expenses and send him to a Christian school. Not that there is much left to cut out, but still. . . Please don't tell me that I *have* to homeschool because it's the *only* right way to educate. We believe that any Christian education is good for our family. It just seems that homeschooling is the way we need to go for this year at least. I just am still on the fence as to whether this is the right decision for our son.
  6. I haven't read the all the replies, but the topic caught my eye. No, absolutely not, do I believe teenagers should be spanked, and my boys will not be. There are other ways to discipline teenagers.
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