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Everything posted by craftymama

  1. Our history program is a combination of studying topics the students selects and those that fit what's available near where we live. We are a military family so we move every few years. The available field trips this assignment likely won't be the same as the next. At the moment we are close to DC and the mid East Coast area. We studied the American Revolution and the signing of the US Constitution, then went to Philadelphia. We are studying the Civil War (though not too in depth) and the War of 1812 this spring with trips to Gettysburg (and perhaps a couple of other sights) and Fort McHenry. We are also working through the presidents and have been to the American History Museum for the third floor. We will also be going to Mt. Vernon in the near future. We also went to Williamsburg and Jamestown, but hadn't studied it yet. What other history topics would you want to cover if you were in this part of the country and knew you would likely be gone by this time next year?
  2. I like the contest idea someone else posted. I'm putting that one in my arsenal. Mine likes the timer. Sometimes it's an "I bet you can't get it done in (put time here) minutes." And sometimes it's how long do you think this will take if you just sit and do it? Time is given and then I set the timer to count up to see if the time was made. Of course, we're trying to teach how to use time wisely so we're trying to get through that the longer you take to do X the less time you have to do Y and Z.
  3. You need to decide what you like to do. So what are some of your interests that you would like to pursue more?
  4. Do you have any recent pictures of the two of you or her with the kids or your parents or anyone else she is close to? You could get a large collage frame or a couple of individual frames to help bring those close to her into her new home. Or a nice cozy blanket for when she is home.
  5. Good grief! Why didn't I think of them? Of course, the one we really wanted can't be shipped here, but we kind find something. Thank you so much!
  6. Being attacked by salespeople while walking through the mall Not being able to take my own pictures when we go see Santa. Seriously, I want a picture of them talking to Santa, not staring at a camera. Traffic People who want me to fawn over their attempts to go through the motions of Christmas Realizing that I have forgotten one important thing and have to go shopping again. Office holiday parties People who see me walk to my car with three kiddos and get frustrated it takes me so long to get out of my parking space.
  7. Preschool isn't necessary. Daycare isn't a great idea. A two income (especially career, vs needing the money) household isn't worth the sacrifice. Celebrities are just people who are, in general, overpaid and overexposed. Twitter, Facebook, etc. are a waste of time and get in the way of living. If you come to my house unannounced, you will see it messy. I do not appologize for letting my littles play. Smartphones get in the way of conversations. And if I'm with you, please do not answer your call or text as if my time with you is not as important as the person on the other end of your device. Sales are only sales if I already wanted or needed the item. Stop trying to convince me otherwise. Shopping sucks. If you do not want me to bring your child a gift fine, but please, do not expect me to bring a book or gift for your child to give to charity so you can feel better. If lessons need to be taught in your home, teach them.
  8. We just bake a couple different ones every weekend. But I've never tried to make them last very long.
  9. I am on the hunt for a toy traffic light that has a button on top to turn it on. Apparently, it comes on red, then turns green, and somewhere in there the yellow and red lights come on together. It is for use with matchbox size cars. DH was able to figure out it is made by a German company, but we can't seem to buy one here. My middle one has asked for this and one other small thing for Christmas so I am searching. In case you're wondering, we lived in Germany for a few years and a friend brought one to the house one day. That's how they even know about it. So here I am years later trying to make wishes come true. Can anyone help me?
  10. During one of our reviews the reviewer mentioned they were good for word recognition.
  11. Now that I think they are about done... Duck tape in both sizes Cars Candy Pedicure set Flashlight/glowstick combo Ornaments Socks Crayons Activity packs from the Dollar spot Toothbrushes Bracelets Wall color Roll Sticky notepads in their initials Trains Silly Putty Magic Pen book Chopsticks Pot Holders Stop Watch Water bottle Personalized Pencils List pad Funnel Cake Mix That's everybody, not just one stocking. Though I think DH's is a little light so ideas are very welcome!
  12. We're not anywhere close to high school yet, but every year I get the updated version from the library to go through the recommendations. I'd rather just go to my bookshelf.
  13. I just placed my Peace Hill Press order. I went through, changed my billing and shipping addresses. Put my credit card info in, although it wouldn't let me put the correct expiration year and hit order. I checked the email order confirmation to again verify I had everything I needed only to find out the shipping address change didn't go through. The office doesn't open until 9 am. Does anyone have any suggestions?
  14. I've done both of those in the past. Glad to hear I'm not the only one. Thanks for the laugh!
  15. I got mine A t-shirt for every single one of his sports teams A new Mickey shirt to replace an old one that has holes Some tools that I don't understand, but know he wanted Funnel cake mix for the stocking A new watch Now if anyone has any great stocking stuffer ideas that would help. No bar themed stuff, no gold themed stuff, no video games, no latest and greatest gadgets, no bath type stuff, so what does that really leave?
  16. Thank you. I have the first version. I wanted to update, but if we're thinking a new one is due next year, I'll wait.
  17. I was thinking SOTW and now I'm questioning both. Thank you. The SOTW audios is the text read by someone so I don't have to read it and kiddos can listen to again if necessary or desired, correct? The Jim Weiss audios are stories that have been matched up with specific historical times to be most beneficial, correct? Plus, they're just good stories too.
  18. Can someone tell me, what is the advantage of the audios?
  19. Handmade gifts we've enjoyed: Jewelry Knitted animals Bean bags A bag knitted from plastic bags A butcher block rolling pin Ones that weren't our favorite: Candles Premade scrapbook pages Little calendars Crocheted baby clothes Drink mix that I couldn't identify Ones we've given: Ornaments Stockings Scrapbooks Card sets Bags Name plaques Bean bags
  20. I love handmade gifts, both to give and get. I would love these gifts, however, I like to be in my kitchen. If the women in question do not cook much it may not be right for them. If they do I would think they would love them. Sew Mama sew has had some great choices this year!
  21. A small gift might be Duck Tape in his favorite NFL team. Men always seem to have a use for the stuff. Also I saw the iCade in a magazine and thought it was kind of fun for people of the right age to appreciate the older games.
  22. Thank you all! I think it will be a Corolle doll, but what size. The 12 inch seems so tiny. The 14 inch seems a better size, but I'm not sure. The little girl in question is two. Are there other benefits to one size over the other?
  23. Where does one get a good baby doll for a toddler? I'm looking for something cuddly, not super hard and stiff, but not as soft as a stuffed animal. A regular baby doll. Does this exist?
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