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Everything posted by craftymama

  1. Well that's disappointing, but thank you.
  2. This one is from the Dallas Pen Company. There is a regular edition and a junior edition.
  3. Anyone seen this or played it?
  4. Where my dad lives they bus kids into his neighborhood. And we lived in a neighborhood once where we were the "poor" people and kids were brought in by the car load. Completely different parts of the country.
  5. If you like Rowan, but about Owen? Owen Matthew?
  6. In general I'm not expecting to find a family game given the littles ages, but if someone has one I'll certainly take it. But Mommy is getting a little tired of the games we have so I'm thinking they all need a new game for Christmas.
  7. I have also heard good things about Ticket to Ride. Still looking for more ideas.
  8. What are you favorite games for the toddler, preschool, and ten-year-old age groups? Any good family games?
  9. I love the magic of the season and stretch it as far as I can. Our traditions include: Christmas jammies - the littles get new ones every year, but DH and I don't Christmas socks - so we can be festive no matter what we're wearing Elves - Each little has their very own, personal elf assigned by Santa. Their elves bring their advent treats every night and may or may not have a little elfish fun along the way. And if your elf makes a mess, you have to pick it up. Cookies - we make one or two kinds every week. There are certain recipes that we only make for Christmas so we only get those cookies at that time of year. Christmas cartoons and movies Decorating the house while listening to Christmas music, right after Thanksgiving. Stockings - my favorite part Christmas books and stories - at bedtime, in the morning, instead of school, all.the.time Staying in Christmas jammies all day on Christmas day. Everyone has to get clean on Christmas Eve and then get into their jammies. Then, and only then, we can open our Christmas Eve gifts. Christmas crafts - we make ornaments and other decorations and gifts. I love to see the littles get into the creative process and get excited about their things hanging around the house. We also take the month (9 Dec-7 Jan) off of school.
  10. Get rid of everything you don't want, don't like, don't wear, is broken, is ugly, is unimportant to you. Start emptying your pantry and freezer months in advance. Don't stock up on food and other consumables between now and then. At a minimum I would hire someone to move the heavy furniture. It goes so much faster and everyone is in such a better mood. If you are going to pack yourselves, start early and pack what you don't need right now. Keep out a last minute, get to fast pack - don't forget pillows, can opener, corkscrew, etc.
  11. About the babysitter...I say bring the sitter over every Tuesday night or whatever for two hours. Even if you just go to your room and lie down and read or cry or whatever makes you feel better/distressed/happy/etc. you know you have that two hours. For me knowing I had time, even a small amount, every week like clockwork helped me make it through whatever struggles or negative feelings I was having because there was going to be my time.
  12. Is there a Mom's Day Out in your area? I know you said you didn't have extra money, but often times they are very inexpensive. That could give you a break from the younger ones for one morning week. It is amazing what three hours can do if you know you have it every week. You could also try a new schedule that fits your new life. Plan half the day so if things fall behind there is plenty of time to catch up. If you don't like the kiddos being in front of the tv/screens so much, plan it in. Watch a one movie a week or one during the week and one on the weekend. You need to decide what your priorities are for this year and then plan to those. If you need a pen pal (or rather an email pal) PM me.
  13. We have be chugging along with school...WWE3, FFL4, SOTW with lots of supplements, HTTS, etc. Things are fine. Oldest is learning. BUT we would like to make school a bit more fun. Not so much sitting. How does one do this? I know some people do units and all subjects tie into the unit, though I'm not really sure how to go about it or if it would be more fun. Thoughts, please. Suggestions?
  14. Are they sentimental at all? If so, could you make a family tree to hang in the babies room?
  15. I wish I had some wisdom to pass on. I do remember when my grandmother died, the ones who had access to the house cleared a lot of things out before the out of town kids could get there. So I would make sure BIL doesn't have access to the house before you can get there. It sounds like there are a number of family treasures your DH may want to keep and take care of.
  16. All I can say is that the military people here have been told not to be out and about in their uniforms. Don't walk to work in uniform, don't stop at places on the way to or from work, don't ride your bike in uniform, etc.
  17. Gearing up for Christmas shopping here...can anyone recommend some good places to order doll clothes for a 14" doll that won't cost an arm and a leg? What other accessories are good to have around for the 3-4 year old age group?
  18. We always have a party. The invitation list usually includes families we are close to and any friends they want. I love parties and planning them so it's something I enjoy doing. There is always a theme (that the kiddo picked) and activities that make sense with the theme...water theme - kiddie pool, sprinklers, water guns, treasure theme - treasure hunts - that kind of thing. I did goody bags for a few years, but prefer now to have very little junk in them...some candy, something they did at the party, and other consumable like temporary tattoos and such.
  19. This is the easiest year I've had. A mad scientist which has required some spending - bag, coat, wig - that will all get used again during dress up time. Add two zombies and done. Face paint might be the death of me...have to practice how to get that stuff on, but that looks to be the hardest part this year. We're also having a party. The old creepy house with gross food and such. Should be fun! I love Halloween. No one expects anything from me so it's really all about getting creative and having fun!!
  20. I had an Oogie Boogie a couple of years ago. I used a burlap type material, not white. Used yarn to "sew" up the sides and made it nice and fat with pillow fluff. It was clearly Oogie Boogie, no one thought otherwise.
  21. If you were going to study WWI and were lucky enough to be in Europe while doing so, what are some things you would consider "must see" field trips?
  22. Thank you all for the varying points of view. These things are not being given as a laundry list they are coming up in regular conversation... they ask what school my kids go to...I say we homeschool. I say what about yours, which school district are you in, or something like that - homeschooling isn't for everyone, I'm not trying to convince anyone they need to do it. The question I most often get (one the rare occasion I get one) is actually about how I find curriculum. they ask what my hobbies are...I say I do a lot of crafts; I take a lot of pictures; I travel when I can and then ask about theirs (unless, of course, we started there) - I know a lot of people are not into crafts and the conversation could end there. Unless they ask more questions I just leave it and try to go back to them or something more universal. Traveling was much more interesting before the move; here everyone travels. they ask about my job...I tell them I'm a SAHM because I am...Often on this one I don't get the chance to continue... And the school thing, I really don't know...why does it matter to anyone else? Though I find that if someone is in the process of going back to get their degree it is a bigger conversation ender. I have had people walk away from me, turn their body, close the gap so I'm not longer in the group It used to be I could talk to anyone, but now I feel like it is always a fight to stay in the conversation.
  23. when they find out I am a SAHM. when they find out I homeschool. when they find out I like to do crafts. when it comes out that I do not have any desire to go back to school.
  24. Does anyone know the order of the topics? I can find the list, and I know you can't change the order, but does anyone know what that order is? I want to piggy back some other experiments and studies to the topic, but I need the order to do so. TIA.
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