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Everything posted by craftymama

  1. We still have about a month with this one. We've enjoyed FLL3 and FLL4, but what comes next? I know there are options, so could some of you chime in on what you liked or didn't like? Thanks.
  2. We have just finished WWE3. It seems to be working fine. The problem is the repetition of the layout. I'm wondering if there might be a better fit for us instead of just going with WWE4. I'm not entirely opposed to WWE4, but thought some here would have some other thoughts. Thanks.
  3. We use Blue Lizard too. It was recommended by the dermatologist when we had allergy induced eczema in the house. We've since gotten that under control, but with all the sensitive skin in the house we've never had a problem. We've also never had a burn.
  4. I want to get a swim shirt for in the pool when I'm just standing there for the safety of my kids. I'm tired of being cold. I want something like Lands End has, but can someone recommend another source, a source with a bit more fun in their designs?
  5. I was reading in the "Expensive soap" thread and a few people mentioned making their own soap. I'm wondering if anyone here makes their own moisturizers and/or lotions and would be willing to share links to recipes and such. Thank you.
  6. Do you have a reference I could pass on? I'm pretty sure there are people I know who need to know this.
  7. I cannot express how brilliant I think this is. I am adopting it. I think it will work in my house quite well.
  8. I'm not really asking why you homeschool now, though the answer may be the same, but more what caused you to consider homeschooling to begin with.
  9. We're pretty close to there so I was wondering if I was missing something. I hope you have a great trip.
  10. What's in Eindhoven? Is it just a swimming thing?
  11. Have you considered scabies? Itching at night is a big sign that it's scabies.
  12. The Maryland Science Center. My kids want to move back there just so we can go back. Fort McHenry is right there if you have any interest in it. My kids enjoyed it. Everyone seems to rave about the aquarium but we never went. I found it to be expensive and we couldn't take a stroller so there was no way for me to do it at the time. The boats. My kids especially loved the submarine. I think there are four total you can tour. I know Baltimore has more to offer for slightly older kids like yours, but I didn't look into those as we weren't there yet.
  13. First, start saving now. Second, get a travel book or two and decide what you want to see. Three months sounds like a long time, but it won't be enough to really see everything. Also decide if you want to see things quickly or experience things. Personally, I would rather experience things, but that means you will see less. Third, consider traveling without your husband during the week to see more. Fourth, consider pulling things into your schooling that will benefit from see them. Renaissance art for Florence, for example. World Wars if want to see any of the battle sites and such.
  14. I say she goes and makes the most of it. If she is uncomfortable or if she feels she is somehow cheating someone who was suppose to go out of a slot then I wouldn't force her to go.
  15. Pizza pie Mississippi Mud Pie Chicken Pot Pie Ice Cream Pie Strawberry Shortcake Pie My husband's aunt used to make chocolate pie that was really just a store bought graham cracker pie crust filled with instant pudding. You could do the same thing as a sundae pie - store bought crust with ice cream and whipped cream and whatever topping you wanted.
  16. I don't think it would be a problem.
  17. We have a basic children's atlas and we have the Encyclopedia of World Geography. I'm looking for another one somewhere in the middle. What is your favorite? What do you like about it?
  18. I am tight everywhere these days. I will check out some of the sites listed and see if I can find a good fit.
  19. I have never done yoga. I know it would be good for me. I think I would like it. But, how does one start? There are free or very cheap yoga classes here, but no childcare available so I need something I can do at home.
  20. I'm getting the urge to clean and regroup. I don't think we have all that much extra stuff (we just moved last year and I got rid of tons of stuff), but we never really found a home for everything we have in the new house. I'm really considering doing some light days of school so that I can go through every single room in the house and find a home for everything. If it doesn't have a home we must not need it. I like the philosophy of getting it done before the warm weather. And in my case, before the sun decides to show up because if the sun does decide to show up we are going outside no matter what we have to skip.
  21. This makes me angry. If they are going to use their tracking as proof of a delivery then they should be required to ring the doorbell. They should be required to come to the front door of the house. I've had delivery people (not just USPS) leave packages at the mailbox over 500 feet from the front door with the description of delivery say "left at the front door." The mailbox is not the front door, especially when I had to fill out a paper saying where to leave the package because I lived in "the country" and they had to have express permission. They've also left packages sitting balanced on top of the mailbox, outside the garage, in front of the car in the driveway...If your tracking is your proof and you know packages get stolen then you should have the decency to ring the doorbell to alert anyone who might be home. To be fair I've also had delivery people walk down that long driveway because they didn't know about the turnaround at the end. It just makes me cranky that a company uses their tracking as proof when people make mistakes and they have no way of knowing what mistake was made.
  22. Well, we move a lot. So here are my thoughts, take 'em or leave 'em. Declutter every room in your house. Start using up everything in yr pantry and freezer. Pack things your don't need early. Let your kids pick out a few last minute items that won't get packed until the last minute. Find ways your kids can help, especially if they want to. Pack books, or being you books, throw stuffed animals in a box, that kind of thing. Make a kitchen kit - just enough plates, fork, knives, etc. for your family, a pot, a pan, can opener, you get the idea - pick a cabinet, put only the kitchen kit in the cabinet, pack it last, open it first. Do a unit study on your new location/new state. Use towels and blankets for padding. Accept that something will go wrong. Be prepared for it mentally and emotionally.
  23. My mouth feels cleaner when I floss first and then brush. And I always use a tongue cleaner after I brush too.
  24. I haven't read all the responses, but I've been there. Sometimes it feels like at least one of the littles has this problem every year because we move so much and are in an environment where the friends move just as much. Ask you son who he wants to invite. If he wants to invite the older kids and he considers them his friends I would invite them. Depending on the relationship I may chat with the moms first. Second, ask him what he wants to do at this party. It may give you a reason to invite only one or two people that you're pretty sure would make the effort to be there. And we generally invite whole families when the numbers are low. It makes the birthday kid feel like it's a bigger party than it really is.
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