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Everything posted by ChristusG

  1. I agree with True Blue and was going to post just what she said. If you have to have him wear his swim trunks in the shower, stand there in front of him and tell him to bathe correctly. And you'll do it like this until he stops smelling.
  2. There's a difference between the internet on the two. The iPhone has the internet everywhere. The iTouch has Wi-Fi, which means you have to be somewhere that there is a public network open. So you will be limited where you can view the internet. And you cannot text with an iTouch. You actually have to even pay for that seperately with the iPhone, on top of your phone and media fees. Crazy!
  3. Thanks so much for the help guys! I knew someone here would know!
  4. I'm so sorry!!!! I live in Florida. I cant believe I forgot to include that!
  5. Let me see if I can explain this without being all jumbled LOL. My DD is 4 years old and I will be homeschooling her, starting kindergarten in September of this year. Right now she is in speech therapy at the local public elementary school, twice a week, for thirty minutes each time. I'm not sure if she will continue to need therapy next school year or not. My question is this......where would I "register" her at for her kindergarten year? I know that some homeschoolers do not register their children anywhere. However, the county already knows about my daughter since she's in public school speech therapy. Will they be looking for me to register her for kindergarten next year and could I get in trouble if she's not registered anywhere? I could register her in an umbrella school. However, if we are still using the public school system's services, would I be required to register her with our county instead of under an umbrella school? Really....I just dont want to register her with our county. But I'm wondering if I'll be forced to if we are still using their services. Did I explain that well enough? LOL! Or did I confuse you? Does anyone know the answer?
  6. I'm a self proclaimed "scared to get food poisoning" person LOL. So no, I would not eat it.
  7. Have you tried www.zennioptical.com ? I just made my first order a few weeks ago and should be receiving them in the mail at any time now. MUCH cheaper.
  8. Gosh, I thought I was reading about myself! I've had strange symtoms and new allergies during and after my pregnancy with my second DD, who was born almost two years ago. I developed allergies. I've never had allergies before. In fact, just this morning I'm about to leave to go to a skin scratch test to see what all I'm allergic to. And I just have weird things going on with my body. I am sore all the time, like I ran a marathon the day before. Which I didnt. I have heart palpitations sometimes. I feel tingly sometimes. My nose is stuffy all the time. It's really strange. And it all started after having my second DD. My thyroid went out of whack for a while after that pregnancy, but it is fine now. I've had bloodwork, an echocardiogram, CT scan.....it's all normal. It's really strange.
  9. You will NEVER EVER EVER catch me in that tea house LOL! I'm VERY afraid of heights.
  10. Honestly, it is probably nothing......but since you have been having them so frequently for the past hour, I would get it checked out. If only just for peace of mind. I just went for an echocardiogram this morning. My doctor heard a heart murmur a few weeks ago and I have been having palpitations frequently over the last few weeks. The tech said she saw nothing to worry about. She actually didn't even see the murmur anymore. I've had heart palpitations on and off since I was about 18 years old (I'm 28 now). I believe some of it is anxiety related. I'm a very high strung person. I actually went to the ER when I was 18 years old and it happened. They hooked me up to an EKG and sent me for an Echo and all was fine. Another time it happened alot was when I entered the second trimester of my first pregnancy. But I think that was due to increased blood flow. It quit after about a day and a half. Another time it got really bad was after the birth of my second child. I was hyperthyroid and got palpitations. This last time.....for the last few weeks....my doctor told me I could be dehydrated. They did lots of blood work, an EKG, and an echocardiogram and everything looks good. It can happen if you do not drink enough water. Also, the doctor told me you can have a panic attack at any time. You can have one when you are sitting doing nothing. He said that he sometimes wakes up in the middle of the night with panic attacks. I hope that you get it figured out. Keep us updated.
  11. Hmmm.....that would have threw me off. I guess it would have depended on her attitude when she gave it to me and what she said. On a side note, I have that book and think it is an excellent book.
  12. All the rage right now seems to be the "feel good" churches with "cool, trendy" names. They are popping up all over our area. Journey Church. Canvas Church. Celebration Church. Personally, I would never go into any of those churches because I'm not quite sure what they stand for. I'm a Baptist, I was raised Baptist, I believe the Baptist doctrine....so a Baptist church is what I would attend. I do understand wanting to pull non-believers in to share the gospel with them. However, I dont think you should do that by covering up by hiding the fact that you are a Baptist church. I dont like the "feel good" trend right now. They want you to walk out of church feeling all warm and fuzzy inside. Yes, God loves us.....and that is warm and fuzzy. But I dont want a church who will be afraid to step on toes and flat out tell you what's a sin. And these new church names just seem to be on the same trend as the feel good churches. Maybe they are not, but that's just the connotation that I get.
  13. As a child, my parents made me wear a dress to church every Sunday and Wednesday. I despised it....I was a tomboy, it killed me! Now.....I wear jeans to church all the time. As long as I'm clean, modest, and wearing nice clothes, I think it is fine....especailly if I'm not the only one wearing more casual clothing.
  14. Hmmm....not sure if this is a habit, but rather a behavior. Not sure if that's the same LOL. But I'm amazed at the way my 4 year old DD loves, cares for, and watches over her little sister (1 year old, almost two). She's always been such a mama's girl and I was afraid she would be incredibly jealous when DD2 was born. Boy, was I wrong. She fell in love with her in the hospital on the day she was born (she was only 2 years old at the time) and hasnt looked back since. She watches out for her as well as I do and she's always looking out for her well-being. I strive to my girls that sisters are best friends and I do not let them mistreat each other. We get enough hurt and flack from people in this world, our sisters should always be there for us to be our friend.
  15. Gosh, I've never even thought about organizing them according to theme. We just have them all combined in a huge rubbermaid bin so the kids can combine and play with whatever they want. I dont think I could organize according to theme. We have TONS of bins organized with ponies, dinos, cars, stuffed animals, dishes, marbles, little people....many more...I dont think I could add tons of playmobil bins to that as well.
  16. I think that running on a treadmill and running on solid ground are two very different things. It all has to do with the stride that you can take. I feel like I have to shorten my stride on the treadmill....so my legs are actually moving a lot faster, yet taking shorter steps, than I would do outdoors. It wears on me more quickly and I have to end up going slower. I think that when you run outside you will find you run better and more quickly.
  17. Thanks so much for the replies! I like what we are using, so I'll probably stick with that. My daughter really seems to like it too. I just wanted to make sure there wasnt another way I was supposed to be doing it. :001_smile:
  18. Thanks so much for all of the replies and suggestions! I'm definitely going to be spending some time googling all of these different things! You guys rock!
  19. I feel a bit lost as I have never done this before. My DD is 4, nearly 5. She wants to read so I began trying to teach her a few months ago. We are doing the Get Ready, Get Set, Go for the Code series (a prequel to the Explode the Code books). She absolutely loves to do work books so I figured this would be perfect. So there's about 12-15 pages devoted to each letter. We break that up over several days. Right now she can recognize, write, and sound out the letters m, r, k, t, s, p, b, and f. I figured we will go through all the books and learn how to recognize, write, and sound out each of the letters. Then we'll move into the vowel books. Then we will begin putting them all together. I have the Bob books that she can move into and then someone told me about the I Am Sam books as well. Am I doing this right? I mean, she seems to be learning the sounds and everything.....but I just want to be sure I'm approaching this correctly.
  20. My daughter will be starting K next year and I'm looking for some science to use with her. Are there any simple little experiment kits out there that she would enjoy? Any simple science curriculums? A Christian based one would be awesome, but it does not have to be Christian based. Just nothing with evolution, etc in it because that is not how we believe. But I dont think that a science curriculum at that age level would include things like that anyways. Thanks so much!!
  21. If this is someone who you enjoy being around and is a potential good friend, I think you need to be fairly honest. But you know what? A lot of people, myself included, do not know very much about paganism. In fact, I knew nothing until I've read a few posts about it on this board. The people who have rejected you may be confused about your stance. I would honestly explain that you are not a devil worshipper or a witch who tries to cast spells or anything like that. I dont say that to be funny, I really mean it. As you probably know, there can be all sorts of misunderstandings about paganism. Maybe explain a bit about your beliefs to let her know you are not some sort of strange person. Again, I hope that I'm not insulting you by how I'm stating it. I'm just coming at it from someone who had no clue about paganism a short while ago. Not that I know very much about it now.....but I know what it is not. If she is a nice person, a faithful Christian, then she will still be your friend. Jesus was friends with people who did not believe the same as him. But also, she may pray for you in her private time. And please do not be offended by that if she mentions it. As a Christian, we are called to pray for those who do not believe the same as us. It sounds like you guys could make great friends since you have so much in common. I'd hate to see it end due to misunderstandings.
  22. Our playroom is like a mini-Toys R Us. With several aunts, three sets of grandparents, two sets of great grandparents, and us....my kids have a lot of toys. People love to buy for them. I go through periodically and get rid of the "junk" ones or the ones that just do not get played with. Aside from that, we organize. And I have found that it works better that way and things actually get played with. My kids are almost 5 and almost 2. The two year old has never really thought of herself as a baby and has always played with the same toys as my older daughter. So I was pretty quick about packing up the baby toys and putting them in bags/boxes up in the toy closet and out of the way. I probably did that when she was about 15 months. And I got rid of the baby toys that were not played with very often. And all of the remaining toys are in boxes. There are seperate boxes of varying sizes for dress up clothes, My Little Ponies, Littlest Pet Shop, Little People, small animal figures, Mr Potato Head, Playmobil, Mega Blocks, small stuffed animals, GeoTrax, Dora/Diego stuff, dinosaur figures, Hot Wheels/trains, Barbies, dollhouse accessories, baby doll clothes, and dishes/play food. These either go into the toy closet or on the shelf. When the kids want to play with one, they ask. I make sure they have cleaned up other toys and then they get to play with the new box of toys that they have chosen. This works VERY well. When these things used to be thrown everywhere, nothing really got played with. Now they shuffle between boxes almost daily and most things get played with. There's also a bin for baby dolls with their strollers and shopping carts parked near them. And there's a seperate bin for stuffed animals. They can play with these things any time without having to ask to get them out. Same with books. We have board books in a bin in the playroom's reading/TV area. And then there are regular books in a cabinet in the playroom. I really believe that organization is the key to kids playing better with their toys. For us, we cannot really tell family memebers not to buy for the kids.....that would be rude. But we can handle how we organize it all. The playroom has a lot of stuff in it.....there's even a playhouse and train table in there. But amazingly, we have it organized where everything is pretty accessible. Now we do have one toybox, stuck in the toy closet with odds and ends in it. Things that the kids do not play with often, but I dont want to get rid of just yet. But overall, I dont really like toy boxes for the inaccessability.
  23. Oh gosh, I don't even know why I looked in here LOL! Just the thought makes me shudder.....I dont even know that I would be able to look at his fingernail LOL!
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