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Everything posted by ChristusG

  1. This is only our second week ever of homeschooling....but our days go something like this: 6 AM - 6:30 - I get up, eat breakfast, do devotion, check email/forums, etc, change clothes 6:30 - 8 - Exercise 8 - 8:15 cool down, rest, get online, maybe start a chore At 8:30 or 9 Am I get a shower and get dressed for the day, kids usually get up sometime during this time and I'll help them get dressed, get them breakfast, start them a morning TV show 9:30 - 12 PM - do school, probably taking some sort of break in the middle On Mondays and Fridays, I have the rest of the afternoon free to do chores, run errands, or play with the kids. And we usually do our read alouds in the afternoon as well. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, DD has speech at the public school at 1 PM, and then the rest of the afternoon is free. Sometimes we have one or two subjects of school to do when we return, depending on if we were running on time that day. DD also has soccer practice on Tuesday evenings. On Wednesdays is homeschool group, and the above schedule is not correct. My morning is the same, except that we leave at 9:30 and do not return until 2:30 for homeschool group. And then we leave for church at 5 PM.
  2. Oh no! I would be heartbroken as well! Can you still go? Or was the room being paid for through your DH's job? Is there any way that you could still get something really cheap to stay in? I know you must be terribly upset! I know that I would be.
  3. I don't think you are being irrational at all. We've been looking at new homes and one of our requirements is that the master bedroom be on the same floor as most of the other bedrooms. I have the same fears that you do. I don't have any advice, but I just wanted to let you know that you are not alone in those thoughts.
  4. Thanks so much for the info! I think I may give it a try with her and purchase the activity book as well. I guess the worst that could happen is that she'll be bored and I'll just save it for when she gets a bit older.
  5. I post here fairly regularly....but I'm not a classical homeschooler and I know nothing about SOTW :::I'm hiding now:::: LOL. So I have a few questions. I have a child who just began kindergarten. Is the SOTW audio CD appropriate for this age or will she be bored? Also, I read somewhere that there's activities that go along with the CD's. Where would I find these activities and pages? Also, we are a family who is very grounded in our Christian faith (one of our primary reasons for homeschooling) and I wanted to make sure that the SOTW does not conflict our beliefs in any way. I'm all ears :bigear: if anyone can answer these questions....and not throw tomotoes at me for being clueless LOL.
  6. Thanks Heather! I never even considered foreign adoption because I just figured that we would have to fly over there to get the child. My husband really wants a closed adoption if/when we decide to adopt. So this might would be the way to go. I'll have to talk to him about it. How old was your son when he met you at the airport? Was there any bonding issues? I mean, was he upset a lot after being moved from his foster family?
  7. Thank you so much for all of your replies! Definitely a lot to think about. Heather, do they escort a child from Korea to any airport in the US or are there certain ones? How do you go about a Korean adoption? Is it difficult? Is it more of less costly than a domestic adoption?
  8. Chocolate....and time on the computer. Research, socializing, and I do a lot of photography stuff in photoshop as well. Plus, digital scrapbooking. So a lot of my hobbies are on the computer.
  9. Loooove it! I just might have to do this! And I like the idea for the laundry area as well.
  10. I say to trust your gut. If you are comfortable, then care for them at home. The minute you become uncomfortable with the way they are acting/feeling then bring them in.
  11. Personally, my favorite park is Magic Kingdom. But if you have an extra day, I'd do Epcot. There's never enough time to see everything there is to see in that park. Do future world one day and do the countries on the second day.
  12. I would really love to adopt a child....I've wanted to since I was a teenager. But honestly, I have absolultely NO idea where to begin. I googled "Adoption Agencies" and about a million different things came up. If you do not mind, I have a few questions for those who have "been there, done that." I do not know anyone in real life who has adopted a child, so I do not really have anyone to ask these questions to. I hope you guys do not mind answering them for me. Where do I begin? How do I know which agencies are legit? I know that I want to do a domestic adoption. I do not get on an airplane, under and circumstance LOL. And I know that if you do an adoption from out of our country, you must fly to the child's home country, right? So that's out of the question. We'd definitely like a young child, as our children are still very young themselves. Preferrably younger than our youngest, who is two. I'm not sure if those things make any difference about which agency we use. And when I find an agency, what do I do? Just call them and tell them we're looking to adopt? And what is the time frame for these sort of things? I dont know if you are kind of in a "line" and whomever is up next gets a child? Or is it something where the biological parents look up your "resume" and choose your family? I'm totally clueless. My husband is not 100% on board with this yet. He is hesitant. I'm going to sit down and talk to him about why he is so hesitant, but was anyone else's DH hesitant about adopting? Did they come around? I know he would be very concerned about the cost. Is that a huge issue? Does it cost a lot? Open or closed adoption? I'm paranoid of the stories I hear of adoptive parents coming and stealing the children back or something crazy like that. Also, what if the adoption is open and the bio parents live a lifestyle that I'm not comfortable with my child being around? What does an open adoption entail? Visits and stuff like that? I would want my future adopted child to have as normal of a childhood as possible with minimal interruptions in their daily lives. How about things like co-sleeping? Homeschooling? Multiple children sharing a room? Do you think that potential adoptive parents or agencies would be put off by those things? Are those obstacles that will be in the way? And lastly, even though I've wanted to adopt a child for a long time, I'm also afraid that I would not love them as deeply and unconditionally as I love my own children. Is that a common fear of adoptive parents or is that a red flag that I should not adopt a child? It was just be absolutely terrible for me to adopt a child and then not love them as my own. But then I think, how in the world could I not love a baby, ya know?
  13. We're in the process of repainting our entire house at the moment so the school room is in shambles right now. I'll have to post pics upon completion.
  14. Yep, we'll be counting co-op as a school day. My DD takes fitness fun, exploring your world (science and social studies), group games, book club, music and movement, and show and tell....so we'll be counting homeschool group day as a school day. It is once a week.
  15. DD took dance last season when she was 4. It was ballet and tap. It was a VERY laid back studio. Not the best dancers, but they all had fun. The instructor was nice. No strict codes or anything like that. The recital at the end was cute and was a great price as well. We're sitting this season out of dance....between soccer, our first year of homeschool, homeschool group, church, etc, I figured I wanted our Monday nights free.
  16. Wow, the nerve of those people! They will call YOU when THEIR OWN son can come home??? I hate confrontation but it sounds like these parents need some talking to.
  17. Could you post pics here? I'd love to see how they look as well!
  18. My DD5 years old writes with both hands. She just occasionally switches back and forth when in the middle of practicing writing letters and numbers during school work. She does it effortlessly. I've asked her which hand feels better to write with and she says both. Is this normal? Will it probably taper off and she'll settle on a hand? Or is it possible she will always be able to use both?
  19. Thanks for your replies everyone!!! I found a house on an acre of land that is SOOO cute! It comes with a small horse corral and fence and my 5 year old DD would love to get a goat or something like that and put it in the horse corral. It is about 1450 sq ft, where our current house is 1900. However, it does have an unfinished basment and huge garage area. But there's no way we'd be able to finish it right now. But the option is there though. Not sure if hubby would go for it though. He already has to drive about 45 minutes to work. This one is about 15 minutes further out....so he'd have an hour drive. I'm going to run it by him though. The basement would be great to keep business inventory in....especailly if we could finish it and add A/C. And then designate a bedroom down there as well.....for if MIL ever moves in with us.
  20. How many square feet is your home and how many people live in it? Also, do you have any sort of home business that uses any of the space in your home? We've been looking at houses to buy. We have four people in our home (and will probably have another child, possibly two, in the future). Our current home is about 1900 sq ft. It is 3 bedroom, 2 bath. And we do have an eBay business that we run out of our home, so we do store inventory in the garage. Naturally, we've been looking at homes larger than our current one to purchase. We're looking in the 3000 sq ft range. But I often wonder if we should downsize? Are we putting too much worth into a house when we could use it for other things? It's a tough choice to make. My husband would love to be able to move our home business indoors. Right now he works out in the garage and it is really hot out there. And we need a place to homeschool. And we would love a guest area for when people come to visit. In the future my husband's mother may need to come live with us, so a larger house would be better suited for that. I may go nuts if she lived in a smaller house with us. How many people have ever downsized instead of upsized? Did you regret it? I'm afraid I would regret having less space than I do now. But I do think it would be a better steward of our money.
  21. The moth looks cool! But that larva looks completely disgusting LOL! I actually got a shiver when I saw it!
  22. No matter what, there is absolutely no reason at all that the coach should have spoken to you in that manner. Is this a league? If so, I'd be talking to whomever is in charge of the league.
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