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Everything posted by ChristusG

  1. I shoot for every other night with my girls (who are 5 and 2). Sometimes it does not happen and it goes a day longer. However, of course, if they played outside that day, I definitely bathe them that night. We live in FL and every time they step out the door, they sweat.
  2. Mine won't either. I might can get some turkey in them.....and they'll scarf down the dinner rolls. But I can forget anything else. But then again, I dislike sweet potatoes and cranberries too. Ick!
  3. Patrick Dempsey anyone? Come on, I can't be the only one that wants him.
  4. I've been ChristusG forever online. I got the nickname Christus Gardens as a teen in my church youth group. A friend went out of town and saw a place called Christus Gardens. Since my name is Christy she said it reminded her of my name. It kinda stuck and I was called Christus Gardens sometimes. When I started needing Internet names around 16 years old, I chose ChristusG and have been using it for 13 years now.
  5. Glad that People magazine got it right! For some reason I thought he was hot as Jack Sparrow LOL.
  6. Personally, I'd want to be sure that it wasn't fractured or something. I'd probably end up taking her to her regular doctor and see what they suggest. You want her totally healthy quickly for her ballet.
  7. I've never done this before, but I'm thinking of putting a coupon book in my daughter's stocking. I think she is at the age where she will really enjoy it. She cannot read yet, so I'll have to put pictures on them too. So far, I'm thinking of putting the following coupons: 1. postpone bedtime for 30 minutes (when I say bedtime, she can choose to pull this out) 2. 30 more minutes of TV 3. dinner switch (if she does not like dinner, she can ask for a PB&J or chicken nuggets or whatever). 4. get out of time out free 5. no school day 6. bedtime snuggles with mommy (I do not usually lay down with her at night but she always wants me to) Can you guys think of anything else? I'd like to have 10 or 15 coupons in the book. I hope I'm not setting myself up to get annoyed LOL (like when I say bedtime and she pulls out the "postpone bedtime" coupon).
  8. My DD has the following games....Up, Pet Pals, Disney Princess, Dora the Explorer, Diego Animal Rescuer, Mr Pencil's Learn to Draw and Write, and Creature Create. Her favorites (according to me because these get used the most) are Pet Pals, Dora the Explorer, and Diego Animal Rescuer. For Christmas I'll be getting her another game. I'm leaning towards the new amusement park game. By the way, you do not have to stick with the "older" Leapster games. The newer ones will work with it too.
  9. We got ours at Play It Again Sports. I think it was around $300 or $400. We've had it for about 4 years and it has endured moving it around a lot.....still works great!
  10. It depends on if they ask for them and if I think they will really enjoy them, as opposed to being unhappy about it being a "school gift." I'm getting DD5 some science experiment kits because she just loves science.....I even casually ran it by her and she was excited about it. I'm also getting her a bunch of art supplies and a small easel. And also some more science type stuff like an ant farm, butterfly house, etc. I'm steering away from "regular toys" for the most part this Christmas.
  11. I put up on my kids Christmas list to give to other people when they ask. I'm sure it will get purchased for them, we all loved the movie. Monsters vs Aliens I didn't really care for.
  12. Just curious about what others do.... I've always told my girls that all toys in the house are shared. It just makes it easier than the "that's mine" arguments. Now if one of the girls receives a gift for their birthday or Christmas, it is kind of "off-limits" from the other child for a few days since it is new. But after that, it is a shared item. And often, if I see that one child is consistently playing with something for days/weeks in a row, then I'll make a mental note of that and if an argument breaks out over that particular item, then I will tell the other child "Well, sissy has been toting that around for a few weeks now....she likes that right now and you need to let her have it back." (Usually, the only argument like this is if one child is attempting to annoy the other one.) For the record, my girls are 2 years, 11 months apart....I know that larger age differences will matter more.
  13. Yes, Mario Kart is great!! We also really love Carnival Games. And I am sooooo putting Super Mario Brothers Wii on my Christmas list!
  14. I dont know anything about military rules and stuff like that either. I just posted the story because IF the story is really true and there is nothing hidden, then I feel really sorry for the mother.
  15. I agree with katemary. While it could possibly be a habit, or allergies, it could also be a tic disorder. I have never been diagnosed, but I'm sure that I have a tic disorder. I don't think I have it as severe as Tourette's. And I believe my DD has probably inherited it as well. If it is a tic, he has no control over it. Think of it like an itch. You can try to ignore it but the senstion builds and builds and builds until you just have to scratch it. And then you feel relief. You can ignore it and do nothing about it for a given period of time, but then you just have to. It's very likely that it is not a tic, but just in case it is, I do agree with katemary. And I have allergies too so I'm all about the sniffling for that as well LOL.
  16. Oh no!! I hope he gets better very quickly. Nothing like the stress of worrying about a sick child. :grouphug:
  17. I think chores are definitely good for children. My two are only 5 and 2, but I have my 5 year old help me out. I dont have her do too much at this young age (mostly because I dont want to have to worry about re-doing it myself LOL) but I do have her to some things. She is responsible for cleaning up her toys. I try to make her two year old sister help her, but my 2 year old is not too good at cleaning up. She is also responsible for checking the two bathroom trash cans each night to see if they need emptying. If they do, she brings them and dumps them into the big trash can and replaces the bags. She also feeds and waters the dog, as well as her African Dwarf frogs. She clears her trash/dishes from the table and puts them beside the sink. And when I need her to, I have her load the washer (I do the detergent though) and have her switch the clothes from the washer to the dryer and clean the lint trap (we have front loaders). Plus bring me dirty clothes from hampers in each room. Not sure when I'll be able to hand over actual deep cleaning jobs LOL.
  18. http://www.comcast.net/articles/news-national/20091116/US.Soldier.Mom.Deployment/ They told her to place the baby in foster care! :crying: That poor mother must have been so torn....break the law and risk jail time or abandon her poor son.
  19. I just purchase some organic ground hamburger meat today. I opened the package to cook it and the inside of the hamburger meat is already brown, as opposed to the outside which is still bright red. Is it okay or is it old?
  20. Count me in too LOL. I've been a "neck-checker" this week too. DD5 has been sick with a high fever and I've asked her to bend her neck several times.
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