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Everything posted by ChristusG

  1. DH loves football. We have a new arena league football team in town, so for his birthday (this could work for Father's Day too), I got him some tickets for the game. But I went with him! It was his favorite part.
  2. Those were great!!!! The good thing about this show is that they allow all ages. The second one was hilarious! Gosh, did they go searching those people out or did they just all know each other?
  3. LOL!!!! I used to own the basic....but since my second pregnancy, I've had the deluxe as well. I'd like a downgrade.
  4. There's a subdivision near us called Peter's Creek. I'm sorry....I can't drive by it without snickering. Dirty mind, I know LOL!
  5. I saw the B-1 at a church near my house as well. I thought it was great! Actually, I even updated my Facebook status with it LOL! The Flippin Church of Christ is great LOL!!! That is hilarious!! I can hear it now..... "What church do you attend?" "The Flippin Church of Christ." "What? You don't like it or something? You can always convert."
  6. It is most definitely a buggy where I'm at (north Florida). Well, at least that's how my family has always said it.
  7. I never could get comfy with a ring sling and the Moby wrap that I had is just so hot down here in Florida....not to mention all the wrapping different ways just to get it on. My fave by far is the Ergo. I don't really like it when baby cannot support their head, but once they have the head support, I start using it then. I use it on my front till they get heavier, then switch to the back.
  8. Denise, thanks for your reply! I'm in Florida too. Is it the same state wide or is there different rules for different counties? I guess I just need to emamil whomever is in charge of homeschooling for our county. I notice that one of your children is heading off to college. Were they homeschooled? If so, how was the transition regarding the paper work, transcripts, and such?
  9. My DD is 6 years old and entering "first" grade. This means that in my county, I would need to register her with the county if I intend to do so. However, I'm not sure that I want to do this. If you are registered with your county, then what does your county require? Attendance? Grades? Portfolio? My daughter is currently taking speech therapy at the local elementary school. I assume that if we continue to use their services, then we will need to register with our county as opposed to an umbrella school. However, I'm thinking of stopping therapy with the public school. I'm just not sure yet. If you are registered with an umbrella type school, do you mind me asking which one? I googled them and a bunch of choices come up. I do not know how to figure out which ones are legit. I want something with minimal upkeep....I don't want to be constantly be sending grades, portfolios, etc. But I want a school that will be reliable if my children ever want to dual enroll, if I ever need transcripts, if they need to get into college, etc. Any advice? Suggestions?
  10. I wish they had this down here!!! I read all the Karen Kingsbury books that have a similar program in them....it sounds SO cool!
  11. If your son has valid reasons for wanting to change churches and he is a good, trustworthy young man, then you should take his desires into consideration. This doesn't necessarily mean changing churches, but sitting down and talking to him, maybe attending his youth class to see what is taught and how it is taught, etc....making sure he feels like he has been heard. And if that includes looking for another church, then that's great. If not, he needs to understand why. I do want to say that a lot of youth groups out there are not the best in the world. Yes, there are good and bad kids in a group, but there are a lot of kids in youth groups that are not good. It's just a situation that you'll have to look into and monitor.
  12. Has anyone gotten a cell phone for their young children? My DD just turned 6 years old. She has some OCD like quirks at times, she has been diagnosed with mild selective mutism, she has a speech issue, and she's very uncomfortable in many situations where I'm not there. For example, she attends a homeschool group every Wednesday for four hours (which she absolutely loves but just sits quietly and never talks). I usually take that time to run some errands, spend some one on one time with my 3 year old, etc. Well, DD6 gets very upset if she gets out of class and I'm not there. Last week she was in tears because she got out a few minutes early and I was not there yet (I was not late...she just was early). I make it a point to be there a few minutes early because I know how much this bothers her, but I got held up that day. I was thinking that if she had a small cell phone in her pocket with my number programmed on speed dail (plus her father's, as well as probably my mom's) then she would not be as anxious and just pull out the phone and call me. Then I could keep her calm. This would also be useful for if I happened to get caught in traffic or have car trouble on the way back to pick her up. She would just really freak out if I did not show up for a while. And she won't talk to people either. What do you guys think? Have you done this for any of your young children? I can get a cheap pay-as-you-go phone for like $10 and then just put a small amount of minutes on it....we'd rarely use it. So cost is not an issue on it.
  13. Other LOL. We just refer to our interstates by the numbers. Nothing else in front of them. For example, there's an interstate 295 not too far from us. If I'm talking to DH on the phone, I'd say "I'm just about go get on 295. I'll be there soon."
  14. It's his mother, so he called her......after I reminded him, that is. I also presented him with the card I purchased for her so that he could sign it. Then I mailed it for him. :D
  15. Weird!! I put a toy on craiglist yesterday for a good price. I got an email just like yours....but they offered me triple....if I could meet them that day to exchange. I didn't email them back. Seemed fishy to me.
  16. Interesting concept! But what if you had a guest over who needed to go to the bathroom? Would you have to stand in there with them? What I REALLY love is to go to Ikea and look in their small model homes. Not those are awesome!!
  17. Wow, didn't expect to come back to a 3 page thread LOL. :D It's good to see some toddler nursing mamas. We no longer nurse in public either. I've never been too much of a public nurser....I'm just not that coordinated LOL. But if there was not a fitting room around, then I'd take a out-of-the-way spot to nurse my kids when they were infants and young toddlers. But now my 3 year old is nursing for emotional reasons as opposed to nutritional ones, so if she asks to nurse in public (which is very rare), then I just tell her that we only drink milk at home since she's a big girl. And she is fine with that. When DD#1 was just over a year old, I had to go to the doctor because I was sick. I saw a nurse practitioner. I explained that I was still nursing so she needed to double check to see if the medication is okay for nursing mothers. After asking how old my baby was and hearing my reply of 13 months, the NP looked at me (you seriously cannot make these things up) and said "I thought that your milk dried up after the baby turns a year old." :001_huh::001_huh::001_huh: I made sure that I never saw that NP again and left that practice shortly after.
  18. My own 3 year old could occupy herself for that amount of time. She will spend hours upon hours playing imaginative things with her princesses and animals. She's been doing this since around 18 months old. And if I gave her the option of a snack and a TV show, that would buy even more time. Now my 6 year old.....that's a whole different story. She cannot occupy herself for 5 minutes without coming to me for something. She's very high maintanence and has always been. So I think it just depends on the child. But could the average 3 year old occupy themselves for that amount of time? No, I do not think most of them could.
  19. DH and I just got back from seeing the movie The Back-Up Plan...a romantic comedy. At one point in the movie, there was a woman breastfeeding a child (from the angle, you cannot really tell how old the child is). Someone asked her how old her baby was....the "baby" unlatches, turns around, and says "I'm three!" At which point the movie theater audience groaned and laughed....and I'm pretty sure I even heard a few "ewww's" as well. Was this supposed to be a joke? Is America really in such a sad state that a woman cannot breastfeed her child without it being seen as weird and gross? And to make fun of it in a movie? If people in other countries see this portion of the movie, will they have the same reaction? Or just here in America? And yes, I'm currently nursing my own well-loved, well-adjusted, totally normal three year old.
  20. I vaccinated when my children were babies because I didn't know any better. It was something that you just did......no one had informed me that I could do any differently. I didn't even really think about it. But then I began reading, researching, et and I decided to stop vaxing my kids. At that time my oldest had just turned four and my youngest had just turned one. So my oldest is vaccinated till two years old (she didn't require any after that until five, so she hasn't gotten those). And my youngest is vaccinated till 9 months. In the future I may choose to selectively vax them....I'm not sure. I'll cross that bridge when I get there. I've been thinking about the tetanus vaccine. I haven't come to a conclusion on it yet. If my kids reach their older teens without contracting chicken pox, I may choose to have a titer done. If they are not immune, I may choose for them to get the vaccine....I've heard that getting shingles is horrible. If they choose to go off to college and live in dorms, we may consider the meningitis vaccine. But like I said, we'll cross that bridge when we get there. For us, for now, I feel comfortable with no further vaccinations at the moment.
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