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Tree Frog

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Everything posted by Tree Frog

  1. The tag is free, but the tolls aren't. I agree with this advice, though. We visited our dd, thought we were using the hov lane, but received a bill later for using the toll lane. It was dropped because it was the first time it happened, but it's a steep charge if you use the toll road without the easy pass. My dd lived in Houston for 4 years during med school in 2 different places, both with roommates. One was a gated community close enough to walk to NRG stadium, but not in a better part of town. The second place was a non gated townhouse where she sometimes needed to park on the street. Her vehicle was never broken into. She loved the diversity of living in Houston. I hope your ds is able to find someplace you're both comfortable with.
  2. We bought High Sierra luggage and have been satisfied with it. It's not really expensive, but hold up well. We looked there first because I took one of their shift side bags with me when I was an exchange student in high school 40 years ago and it's still my favorite suitcase to pack. (Though at this point, I wish it had wheels!)
  3. I went to Dillard's to be fit because I need either a racerback or strapless for the dress for dd's wedding. They told me to try on a particular brand and style bra and when they found the right size, that would be my size. So we did that and they brought in other styles of the same brand in that size. None of them fit. It was the strangest "fitting" I've ever had. On another note, why do stores only carry small band sizes? It seems stores only carry stock up to a 38. I ended up ordering from Amazon. We'll see how that goes.
  4. My mIl did this when we went to the ER due to difficulty breathing when there was a nearby controlled burn. She told the medical staff she had no medical problems. Thankfully, someone here said to take all her meds with us, so I took them all in a bag. When I asked why she had so many prescriptions, mil downplayed each one. "Oh, that's only when I'm short of breath." or "That's just my water pill." or "That helps my heart." Even when we think we remember, sometimes we might not remember the medical condition, but only the effect/reason to take the medicine. I can't imagine how much more difficult it would be in an actual emergency in the air.
  5. I think this might depend on the state he lives in. Different states have different laws. In my state, with a $400,000 estate and a will, the estate didn't have to go through probate. @Tap, it might be worth finding an attorney who is familiar with the laws in your states and can speak to your concerns specifically.
  6. Today I learned that if you hold a $2 bill, your face will melt. It actually really frightens me how easily kids believe random stuff. I have a different 8yo student who watches TikTok and believes whatever they see. This student was very serious about this being true, even when I told them I've held a $2 bill and my face didn't melt.
  7. Our house will be in totality, but dd is getting married the prior Saturday in another state and we won't be back in time to see it. I'm kinda bummed about it because I was really excited to explain it/watch it with my class at school.
  8. I'm not the OP, but my MIL was on hospice in AL. The AL facility offered stepped up care, so as her needs increased, we used the higher levels of care. They allowed her to stay when she went on hospice. Eventually, we found a wonderful woman to stay with her overnight to help as needed. I was with her all day. We also looked into hiring a private nurse for a brief bit (in addition to the hospice nurse daily visits), but she passed before we found someone. I believe hospice also offered someone to come in to help with daily (or every other day) care.
  9. I tip my head (to the right I think.) My optometrist noticed me doing this during my appt. She said it's due to the prisms in my glasses.
  10. This is what I have too. I love it! It's perfect for just 2 of us, so now I use the oven to store the cast iron pots. I think it's a little loud, but it doesn't bother my dog at all.
  11. I have a Garmin watch that thought I was running stairs during a flight take off. I got lots of stair runs that day! 😂😂
  12. We have a smart one and love it. Ours uses WiFi, though, which isn't what op is looking for. I use different codes for specific people and once needed to unlock the door from my phone because the person came at a different time than normal. We use 6 digits for our code. I read somewhere that for our lock brand whatever digit code you set up between 4-8 is the longest code you can use. So if you set up the primary code with 4 digits, the other codes can't be longer than 4 digits without factory resetting the lock. We've found the 8 AAA batteries last just about a year.
  13. We are the first owners of our house, too. Somehow, Enid "ourlastname" began receiving mail here. We have no idea how/what/who she is.
  14. The bolded is what dd is trying to avoid. She would prefer items such as sheets for her mattress and towels. I plan to answer questions about their registry the way you suggest in the second paragraph.
  15. The bolded is what I told her. She likes to have everything done on her timeline and some things can't be until she knows where she'll be going.
  16. After talking with her last night, this is what they're thinking to do. They will have honeymoon expenses and will need a dog kennel to fly their dog to them and hard sided cases to transport their bikes. Gifts could be sent to us, but they wouldn't see or open them for 3 years if they immediately move overseas.
  17. These are what I was thinking she should do, though I like @bolt.'s idea of donating to a charity, too. Thank you for all your thoughts and ideas.
  18. Our AF experience tells us she should have advance notice. She's stuck on having something set up for the registry before invitations go out. However, everyone she's inviting either already knows the circumstances (friends) or has someone they can ask (family). That's a good idea about transportation. Thank you.
  19. They're using a website, so this would work well. I think she was thinking that if she's sending her invitations, she also needs to have her registry set. I think some of it is overthinking and panicking a bit about what needs to be done for the wedding while she training. They're expecting about 150 guests. We have lived OCONUS and had items shipped to our FPO. The Christmas gifts sent before Thanksgiving arrived mid summer. I hadn't considered sending items to the or having them shipped to her or us.
  20. I agree. I don't know if she's even considered that. I'll suggest it to her. I appreciate your wording.
  21. They don't know if they'll be able to take leave after training. If they do, they will likely move, then take leave for a honeymoon where ever they're stationed. However, it's equally possible that she won't receive leave and will immediately travel to her new duty station and begin working, possibly deploying immediately. Unfortunately, no one at her training is able to answer her questions at this point, in large part because any information given will be dependent on what drops for her class. No one knows that info yet. Only dd is in the Navy. Paperwork getting him added before they leave won't be a problem. Because the Navy is storing her long term items, I would be very surprised if she were able to add to it. It would simplify things if she could. I didn't consider shipping her gifts to her. That's a good idea. Thank you. The problem right now is that she won't know where she's going until probably Feb., so she doesn't have anyone specific she can ask. Dh has some Navy contacts he's connecting her with.
  22. My oldest dd is getting married the beginning of April. She is in the Navy and will likely be moving overseas within a week of her wedding. Before she moved to her current training location, she and her fiancé sorted all their items into long term storage, short term storage to take overseas with them, and items they need at their current training location. She is wondering how to handle their gift registry. Because they combined their households, they don't need many items. In addition, because they're hoping to move OCONUS, they would not be able to use or easily store items they are given. I suggested waiting until later this month when they should know where they'll be moving so she knows what they may need to store, but she's concerned about sending out invitations prior to having the registry figured out. (They're planning to send the invitations out the end of this month.) I also suggested asking for donations towards their honeymoon or towards purchasing items overseas once they arrive. The registry will allow guests to gift money towards a specific gift, so they could choose which items they would like to gift towards. She was concerned that some people would prefer to give them gifts that mean something personally to them, which is how she likes to give gifts. If the items can't be stored while they're overseas, they'll likely come home with us to store. However, we won't have a lot of extra space to take things home with us. We live 13 hours away from where the wedding will be and have a small SUV we'll be driving with 4 adults, one of whom we'll be picking up en route from an international airport, so he may have more than normal luggage with him. There's also a small chance her 70 lb GSD will return with us until he's out of quarantine and can be shipped to them. She is using a registry site, but we aren't sure how to word the registry so it doesn't sound like a money grab. Any suggestions or thoughts?
  23. I found felted snowballs at the dollar store, so we had a snowball fight. We have a 2 story open floorplan with a loft area, so there were people upstairs throwing snowballs at people downstairs. It was lots of fun. It was also very short because the 2 dogs are ball fiends and didn't like being outside when we were throwing balls. We've done something similar in the past with Nerf guns, but I was afraid one of the dogs would find a missed foam dart.
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