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Everything posted by mumto2

  1. At the point I handed it over there was only Written in Red and I was going up against “everyone but me has read Twilight” which I think is so inappropriate for the age preteen age group it attracts. My daughter trusted my judgement and kept saying no thanks but one of her friends eventually became determined she read it and made her life a bit uncomfortable for awhile. I found a couple of books that I knew Dd could handle (Written in Red and Eyre Affair) which won the who reads cooler stuff game that Dd seemed to be in the middle of with that group. Side note..... I had forgotten much of the back story which is appearing this evening as I listen. I have to say at least the others are completely appalled about the bags in the lakes. So everyone read these first before offering to your teens!
  2. 😍I am partway through listening to Vision in Silver. I am loving this reread.......btw these books are a fairly clean read if anyone has a teen who wants to try something a paranormal......these books are sort of their own special category. Dd read them as they appeared and she was a very gentle reader in terms of adult scenes. Eta: Preread past Written in Red before handing these over. The violence level increases as the series continues and uncomfortable topics do live in the background. I just finished my first book for my Asian Detective 10X10, The Perplexing Case of the Jewel in the Crown https://www.goodreads.com/series/162646-baby-ganesh-agency-investigation. Baby Ganesh is a baby elephant and his presence in these books makes them entertaining.......they are a 3* read with a serious cuteness factor.
  3. If you decide to give Discworld a try with your Dd this map https://io9.gizmodo.com/how-to-read-terry-pratchetts-discworld-series-in-one-h-1567312812 is really helpful. Someone on BaW recommended it to me years ago. Dd always recommends the Death books first........ Flavia is wonderful! The latest book came out last week and is in my stack. Another odd recommendation that worked well with Dd are Thursday Next books by Jasper Fforde. These are for people that love classics with modern twists, definitely adult because the amount of swearing is HUGE, but The Eyre Affair is fun for the fan. Same with others in the series.....Dickens is the focus of another in the series. If you haven’t read the classic the mystery is based on I wouldn’t bother with these........
  4. Primary Math Challenge is the UK’s http://www.primarymathschallenge.org.uk/
  5. I tend to wear longish skirts these days when I need dressy. I wear knee highs under the skirt but no one can really see them and I get blisters without something. I also still wear sheer nylons as opposed to bare legs.....blisters. Black tights are worn with things I would never match them with normally. I think they are now a neutral! I don’t particularly like the look but with brighter colors they are OK.
  6. First I think your numbers for the initial set up are about right in terms of shells and tortillas. That is what I would set out in my initial set up. I wouldn’t want to have a lot of open taco shells left over because we really only use them for tacos. I think I would buy closer to 100 assuming your family likes tacos with taco shells and would be happy to eat this meal several times. Mine would! My kids didn’t put much in the shells when they were younger but liked the shells a whole lot. My 18yo DS still stuffs as many shells as he can...starts with 4 and finishes all taco meal left overs in any extra shells. I would suspect that 13 kids might use several each but could be wrong, you just never know. I would add the shells to the buffet as the kids go through them because they do not store well after opening. How large are your tortillas? I would buy a couple of large packs of smaller ones ( I think they are about 6 inches across) for extras. I use them as bases for lunch pizzas quite often and they also work as hot dog type buns. Other words easy to use up if you have leftovers tortillas for things beyond Mexican food.
  7. Pretty much exactly what I had started to write! More shells and tortillas for sure. My son starts with 4......
  8. Thanks for the link. I think I might understand a bit better now. I listened to my son “lecture” on this hot topic in the cyber world over the weekend. 😂 He was making sure his sister who is a few classes behind him in her cybersecurity degree understood the full extent .........she certainly does now! Yes, this has become my family’s dinner table talk!
  9. I have one in storage I think. I know I have a copy of the page with the English Muffin Bread which my family loves in a big stack of recipes.
  10. I normally move them into the next month unless there is a spelling type challenge that I still need to complete from the prior month. 🤔Circumambulated........definitely not an everyday conversational word. 😂It is actually in my spell check. Great words.
  11. I just spent awhile on 2017 and the books are really diverse. I need to go back and add some to my lists!
  12. Sending hugs and prayers.........I am glad to hear that a plan seems to be coming together quickly for treatment. The chemo first is good I believe, have heard of good outcomes.
  13. I finished rereading Written in Red yesterday and loved it. The first book in The Others series which I frequently recommend but haven’t revisited since 2013.......I had forgotten so many just plain fun little things about those characters and how the world at Lakeside Courtyard changed when Meg arrived. Glad Kareni accidentally 😉made me start this reread as preparation for the new release. I have the next three books on audio but may switch to print depending on quilting time......I am not sure I have the patience to listen. I plan to use this first in the series for my Other Worlds 10 category but will resist filling the category with the other 5 books........ https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/15711341-written-in-red
  14. Lol, I have books in the stack and on hold and on lists for all of the 10 X10’s too. I now really waste time in planning. 😉😋 Having a blast at it! @Ravin I am currently listening my way through The Expanse series by James Corey. It starts with Leviathan Wakes https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/8855321-leviathan-wakes. My Dd is reading the first one and seems to be loving it.....she has sourced the second so plans to keep reading them. She also just finished and enjoyed The Goblin Emperor which has had mixed reviews here because it works better as a book because it has many very similar names. I think is more fantasy then you are looking for but she read it really fast and was so into it she shared scenes etc. We also both enjoyed The Three Body Problem which is fun because it’s Chinese Sci Fi.
  15. I finished a paranormal urban fantasy book last night that I wasn’t sure I would finish when I was doing yesterday’s post. Blood Law was chosen because of my other book chain......I started two because they happened naturally and can abandon one if I get stuck. I needed a book with Law in the title and knew I had Nora Robert’s Of Blood and Bones on hold. Blood Law sort of jumped out at me during my library search for that reason. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/6803525-blood-law It’s the first book in a two book series that the author has apparently stopped working on. It needed better editing badly because parts of it were great but it was many pages between these parts......It was set in a world where vampires made up about 50%of the population so police forces had their own paranormal police. The author threw out some other popular vampire mythology to have a really good start with a good main character......... 😟. On to Nora Roberts for this book chain! My 5th grade teacher was one of Clements cousins.....she was close to 70 at the time and I think had seen him at a family reunion when she was 5. Her tradition was to read her classes Tom Sawyer......she was fabulous at read alouds. Great with the voices and accents. I loved it with her but wasn’t that impressed when I read them to my kids!
  16. Arcadia, sending hugs and prayers. No advice beyond a firm belief that it is VERY important to have confidence in your doctors when undergoing a major health crisis. I would definitely get the second opinion.
  17. Flufferton is one of my favorite genres! Last night a hold on a Flufferton by a favorite author, Grace Burrowes, appeared and was promptly downloaded so this is an easy challenge! 😉 I will be reading My One and Only Duke. Purpleowl, thanks! I just downloaded one of the free novellas to try. I love Sproul, btw! @Matryoshka I hope your toe heals quickly. Broken toes hurt so much! The .........Science Fictional Universe book was recently listed someplace (helpful right) and received a good review and I think said to be humorous. It was put on my list to read this year for my Sci Fi challenge ........ @tuesdayschild I am so very glad to “see” you and know your reports are all good. I am so glad you feel well enough to hang out on BaW again! I am also very thankful your husband and son were unhurt. Btw, your son is a sweetheart! Such a nice young man who obviously adores his mum. I am taking a break from relistening to Gamache, so far 4 Louise Penny’s this month. They are great and I find I have forgotten so much....at least I remembered who did it in the last one! Anyway The Preacher by Camilla Lackberg became availiable so I am in Sweden for a change of scenery. This is my second book in her Fjallbacka series and this is as good as the first one. I finished the first book in a new to me cozy series(one of my 10’s) by Victoria Gilbert called a Murder for the Books. I think I am planning to use it as part of a book chain. @Robin M Can I use just the author’s first name? So an author named Victoria to another Victoria, just once? It started slow and I had problems focusing on who the characters were but by the end I was actually quite attached to them. It was a 3* but I might give the series another try. I have a huge stack of books and no idea which I am going to land on seriously next. The new Flavia is waiting for me and I made the mistake of reading a few pages of Written in Red, a reread by Anne Bishop, and I might HAVE to read that next. I know what happens but I was instantly immersed. I love that series! I have the next two on audio, so you all know what I will be listening to whenThe Preacher is done!
  18. Your question prompted me to think about this for awhile. Pain during ovulation I think I always had but it was comparatively mild.....I do feel the need to say my pain tolerance is really high (doctors have commented on my lack of pain complaints compared to what they see both with the endo and other injury’s). One thing that I have always had were shorter cycles....21 to 24 days when not on BC. For several months around 20 I had my period every 10 to 14 days, it was a normal period. The doctor considered it to be stress related and I was given a list of coping strategies, things did improve????? It was way before the endometriosis diagnosis which wasn’t made until I was 30 and suffering from infertility. A laparoscopy was done to see if there was a reason....there was. A couple more years went by with a variety of treatments and specialists before my endometriosis was rated a 4 on the 5 point scale ( lucky me I missed the 5 by some odd qualifier for his study) by a then leading researcher. I do carry the gene he felt was the cause and pray I didn’t pass it on. I have a whole lot of bowel involvement with significant scar tissue that could not be corrected......this scar tissue means ovulation hurt a whole lot as I aged. Pregnancy and breast feeding helped significantly for 8 or 9 years........
  19. That must be where she knows it from! It’s a beautiful name.
  20. As others have said severe cramping from the start. I had a prescription for alieve (the blue kind, I get them mixed up with Advil) and spent a couple of days curled up with a heating pad. Really heavy periods from the start. I went on bc pills and the pain went down to manageable. I could sit at my desk, I actually saved brainless work for the days my brain would be foggy from painkillers. I don’t even know how many laparoscopic surgeries I have had. They weren’t fun but I wouldn’t say they were dreadful, for me as expected. I was never willing to do the fake menopause ........ I was advised to Breast Feed for a really long time.
  21. So far I have made two bookshelf quilts.......and have given them both away! I am so glad Amy loves it! 😀. Dd thinks I should make the Harry Potter themed bookshelf quilt next!
  22. Congratulations! She is beautiful......my daughter says the name comes from something she follows. Is she right?
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