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Everything posted by mumto2

  1. Some ideas.......I just saw this! For Christmas theme these are what I can think of. There should be several novellas in this series with a Christmas theme https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/48058.A_Pedigree_to_Die_For?ac=1&from_search=true&qid=pejgucTMMy&rank=1 Read and Gone https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/37928555-read-and-gone Donna Andrews also does a Christmas mystery each year. Think this is the first with the Christmas theme https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/3222778-six-geese-a-slaying Not a favorite but Christmas https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/38126336-his-promise
  2. @Pen Have you tried the Laurien Berenson series with Poodles? One of my favorites. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/48058.A_Pedigree_to_Die_For?ac=1&from_search=true&qid=pejgucTMMy&rank=1
  3. The Milkman was good and is already sitting on my Bingo Card as Bildungsroman. I decided coming of age in 1970’s Northern Ireland worked there, honestly never thought of modern. The winner is Graham Greene’s The Third Man on audio. Cannot find it in book form but at 3 hours long I am pretty confident I can find time. I think I ended up with To the Lighthouse because there were waiting lists for A Room of One’s Own. 😉 Thank you everybody. I had been dreading today’s 10 or so pages........ The Third Man looks enjoyable and I am pretty sure I have seen the movie but don’t remember it.
  4. I am certain there probably is something I would rather read, I am 50% done which is a plus considering I seem to be taking these challenges down to the last. I will admit I could care less it that kid ever gets to the lighthouse. Any ideas.......something short and available.
  5. @tuesdayschild Glad the move went well! Good job on Daniel Silva.....I decided to do Gabriel Allon and still need A and I. I am also hoping to read the second in the series An English Assassin before year end for the A. @Junie Great categories for you 10x10. @Negin I love the pictures. Cannot imagine the time it must take to water those flower pots! @Violet Crown Wonderful list! I am totally impressed. Great reading summary also. So I have two squares remaining for Bingo and am trying to finish To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf for the Modern Literature category. It’s a odd book for me as I relate to main character which should mean I like the book......this is the first and probably last time I read a book by Virginia Woolf. I also have the Road Trip category and have been saving How the Heather Looks. It’s a Literary trip around England featuring children’s authors but back in the 50’s. I spend a lot of time wondering if this building or that still remains. I still have one Asian Detective book for my 10 by 10 left and have decided to try Colin Cotterill’s other series so Killed at the Whim of a Hat is on my Kindle. A few pages have been read but no option yet. I am listening to my last Nordic Noir.......The Fire Dance by Helene Tursten. It is really good so far, set in Sweden. I have been reading Faith Hunter’s Have Stakes Will Travel when I just have a couple of minutes to read and have to say the short stories featuring Molly and Evan at the start of their friendship with Jane Yellowrock have been great. I am glad I am reading this. I also listened to Pygmalion last week both to use for my Bingo and as preparation for a cozy mystery series starring Eliza and Henry that I want to try. I read a few pages and decided that I needed a bit of a review! Smilla’s Sense of Snow is finished. Parts of it were fascinating but the character was very hard to relate to. I read it in smallish chunks. I also listened to The Caller by Karin Fossum for Norway which I really enjoyed.
  6. The Newf quilt flimsy was put together today. Not sure when I will finish it but glad to have the top done.
  7. Confession time, I never finished Mara so I get it. I have been wondering but did want want to express my negativity!
  8. The one I knew the details of was quite a bit more than that because the cost was a huge part of the decision. Several hundred I believe....... I knew the cost at the time and thought it was pricey considering she was changing it to a name she already had.....middle to first, first to middle. The child’s birth certificate was altered maybe that was why? I know they missed an age cut off....
  9. Just wanted to say thanks for posting. We are at WaWa constantly, normally we use prepaid cards but have used others there just because of because of a rebate offer.........Dh is shutting the cards used there down now. So tired of this happening btw!
  10. Better now than later after a career has started. My son’s name has somehow became a common girl’s name in one of his country’s so I have sort of wondered if we might face this. He certainly knows it’s an option! I love the name so would find it hard. Laura, I think name changes are more common in the U.K. in part because they are cheaper. One acquaintance is on her third name since I have known her. I have met others over the years too......culturally the connotations might be bigger to Americans. People don’t seem to notice there as much.....it might just be these are all new people in my life too. When my US college/post college roommate married a man whose ex wife had the same first name, she started using her middle name which is sort of unique but unfortunately is the first name of another dear friend from my childhood. The whole thing called huge confusion in my life because it became impossible for my family to differentiate the friends. I would say I am doing blank with x, response would be which x. Then no matter which X I said the conversation went to original name and why she had to change it....20 years later it still comes up every time. I gave up using the new name years ago to avoid those conversations but have to when I call her. I will admit I kind of resent the husband for this decision ( it was his btw so I am giving it all to him) but ......it caused friend some odd professional confusion and friend has/had a major career before the name issue. So it’s a pain as an established adult. Btw, I think it’s really hard on her but it was never her choice. No idea what she did legally. Another US good friend named her Dd a name more commonly given to boys with a feminine middle name that has a ton of cute nicknames. Well her brother couldn’t say the first name and they started calling her one of those cute nicknames........at age 7 they flipped the names in court. It was pretty expensive but they wanted it done while she was little......at that point she didn’t even have school records. My kids still joke when she comes into conversation that she is x who used to be y, but we didn’t call her that. As a side note she appears to be using her now middle name professionally but I haven’t asked if she paid to switch them again.
  11. I finished my 10 Book Chain today! I will admit I had three of them going and will only finish one......also planning to start fresh in the new year because I do not wish to finish the others but have decided they are good fun as long as one plans well. I am hoping Robin will offer it next year and her explanation is better than mine but essentially you connect the books by words......can only use author name once. This is mine...... Broken Ice by Matt Goldman The Ice Princess by Camilla Lackberg The Princess and the Pea by Victoria Alexander A Murder for the Books by Victoria Gilbert Murder of Crows by Anne Bishop Wild Country by Anne Bishop Death in a Strange Country by Donna Leon Death of a Hollow Man by Caroline Graham A Better Man by Louise Penny Penny for Your Secrets by Anna Lee Huber
  12. I think so.....believe you can curate on GR but no idea how.
  13. Any chance the library would buy it if you put in a request? Also take a look at the sample pdf. There might be more out there. My kids liked the biology one. They did the whole thing with dad supervision when I was with my mom for a couple of weeks. I was so grateful for those books!
  14. Name change is good with me. Have to admit I glanced quickly and read Cafe Bilbo......I have hobbits on the brain!😂. Cafe Biblio is much better!😀
  15. Your library has LoF.....so envious! I hope it works. In my experience Fred either clicks and the kid loves it or it flops. If your daughter doesn’t love it you will know quickly. Which Pre Algebra are you trying?
  16. The one book a quarter sounds perfect. Everything definitely starts in The Hobbit......at least imo. The journey starts there, friendships are formed, a the ring. Also the best dragon! 😉I used to have a neighbor who didn’t agree and had never read The Hobbit because it was a children’s book!
  17. Ones I don’t see on list... The Ranger’s Apprentice series is one I remember Ds loving at 12 or 13. Secrets of Droon was also loved by a younger Ds.
  18. I just lost a long post so briefly. The Chemistry........it was published after my kids did Apologia so I have knowledge because my kids used something else for high school chemistry. We do own the book, my kids read it for fun, and I just pulled and looked at it. The Labs are not extensive but could easily be supplemented with something like GPB http://www.gpb.org/chemistry-physics. There are good worksheets etc http://www.gpb.org/chemistry-matters/unit-2/separating-mixtures do some downloads My Dd once said regarding the LoF Calculus.........Fred made her fearless even if it wasn’t complete! 😉 Btw, Dd now has a math degree so her need for completeness was higher than most!
  19. I love The Hobbit best so I will read be reading The Hobbit. 😉.I don’t think the rest of the world feels quite my level of Hobbit adoration so I understand if others just want to start with Fellowship. When do we want to start?
  20. We are LoF fans but did other math courses also. Our first LoF class was Geometry .........the one thing I remember was the LoF Geometry assumes you have done the second algebra course which is different than the math progression for many other popular programs with Geometry taught between Algebra 1 and 2. I would make sure she has covered the prerequisites for the outsourced Geometry Just in case the LoF Algebra 1 differs from the sequence in other courses.
  21. I would skip the AP and enjoy your vacation. The reward is just not great enough for the time lost.
  22. @Kareni Jane Austin’s Ghost is now on hold! @Robin M So Dragons.........just saw this review https://smartbitchestrashybooks.com/reviews/sorcerer-to-the-crown-by-zen-cho/. The Sorcerer and the Crown May not have been given the best review but I think it may be one I would enjoy! On hold. It’s beautiful! I love the colors.
  23. Just sending hugs. Keep a close eye on your arms for swelling over the next few weeks as your surgery was recent. My unplanned Christmas Newf quilt probably is not happening. I just can’t seem to find enough time at my sewing machine to finish the last few blocks much less get it put together and mailed. I will keep working and my friend is spending her birthday with us this year so I will get to give it to her in person which is pretty cool!
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