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Everything posted by mumto2

  1. That series is actually a favorite of mine. I am so glad you liked it. 😀 That said these books are so interesting and most are so descriptive......they make the Kings Lynn area sound rather bleak, and I personally consider it to be. Very flat with dykes etc. Definitely go back and read as many as are available in order because even the archeological dig sites repeat themselves within this series which imo makes things realistic. I can’t remember that particular book in the series but can remember the first one pretty clearly! Lol
  2. Great post Robin! I can’t wait to explore the links more. I clicked a few and was happy to confirm that my planned Anne Hillerman read for my book chain challenge should work for the Four Corners......I knew at least one of her father’s portion of the series visited the four corners. Tony Hillerman’s books are great and I have read most if not all of them but many years ago. I have been reading the Hobbit very slowly and I agree with Robin, two fantasy books at once is hard! I have been listening to Patricia Brigg’s Dragon Blood and can’t wait to be done so I can sit back and enjoy the Hobbit. Last night I finished the second book by Greg Iles https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/44473861-turning-angel for my spelling challenge and it was a great thriller filled with uncomfortable topics. I don’t know how else to describe it........I believe this series always will have racism at the forefront but this one had a serious relationship between a 17 yo girl and her 40ish Doctor.
  3. I found this http://www.free-clep-prep.com/clep-exams.html website really helpful when I was starting the CLEP journey with the dc’s. It’s been several years but Straighertline https://www.straighterline.com/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI05e4o7eQ5wIVDpSzCh339ASrEAAYASAAEgJPlPD_BwE for ACE credits was quite use too. Aleks might have a statistics class for credit.
  4. @DicentraBeautiful pictures! I spent part of my childhood in northern Michigan so those pictures bring back memories? @Junie I also have problems reading physical books because of weight and size. I have folding cases for my ereader devices that allow me to easily balance them on tables when my hands get tired. My husband has several of these from Ikea which he leaves around the house and loves......the really cheap solution! https://www.ikea.com/us/en/p/bergenes-holder-for-mobile-phone-tablet-bamboo-10457999/
  5. Like Robin many of my rereads are done via audiobook turned onto a higher speed. While I am an Agatha Christie fan I frankly never liked Poirot all that much but have to admit I love Poirot when Hugh Fraser narrates them. Makes no sense! Hopefully most of my AC 10’s will be audiobooks read by Hugh Fraser! 🥰 I have always enjoyed being read to if it is done well so my enjoyment really isn’t a surprise. I rarely watch tv because of audiobooks. I knit, sew, and even machine quilt with headphones while I listen. Sometimes when a book is something I am interested in but at the same time know I will never finish if I read it in print I will get the audio. It works well for me because I do read the book and frequently end up being quite fond of it. @Robin M Love the list and totally plan to watch your Steampunk finds. It’s a category I feel in love with a couple of years ago and read several great books and since just haven’t clicked with anything.
  6. My easiest is pouring Soy Vay brand teriyaki sauce over it and sticking it in the oven. My family likes that recipe best too so why fight it!
  7. I have read these from the first........as in I remember getting the first off the new books shelf.........I think I have known a wide enough group of fans so you might as in probably will. They can be snort worthy funny and probably good to clean to😉 Start with one of the first ones, if possible the first one read. Quiche is in the title, maybe Quiche of Death, because. It hooked me. i also enjoy her Hamish MacBeth series set in a small village in northern Scotland featuring a clever policeman who works very hard not to be promoted away from his village. Once again close to in order preferred because characters repeat. This one has interesting pets imo so you might like it better. Or you might decide to try both.😉
  8. 10x10’s, or whatever works for you like 5x4 to equal 20.......is when we pick our categories at the start of the new year and hopefully manage to read our desired number in each category by the end of the year. Each of us picks our own rules (and adjusts them as needed as we go along!). Like all the challenges here there is no pressure, no requirement to play. Last year I really loved doing this because it made me stretch myself and read a few books that were not in my comfort zone. I tend to do what some might consider “easy “categories......my next 10 by Agatha Christie as part of a perpetual challenge. Last year I plan to read 10 detective novels that span the world or at least 6 of the continents....10 books that have Dragons should provide for a fantasy/ urban fantasy mix. It is definitely not too late to start!
  9. I generally prefer to have my people in the picture and those are the meaningful ones. These days my people aren’t always with me but my ability to take a picture frequently is. I might snap a picture of something to show my people, the picture probably will be kept because I started paying extra and have quite a bit of storage now.😂. I do make exceptions all the time but I don’t take nearly as many scenic shots now.
  10. 😂My family was just talking about Dh and the Mona Lisa because he couldn’t get over the” surprising part”. He still talks about it if anyone mentions the Louvre. Yes we have pictures of him with it......Yes, I am sort of embarrassed......... I don’t think there is a thing wrong with taking pictures as long as you are being very quick in a crowded place and not interfering with others, respectful.......... I tend take a lot of quick snaps so I can remember the day. Some are silly and just mattered to me at that moment which is interesting.......but I also capture really special things at times.
  11. Thank you! On the list and moving up....... I also want to thank you for your notes on The Hobbit. I just read the first chapter and enjoyed using your notes and because they shall we say “centered me” as I tend to get caught up in things like Bilbo’s hairy toes being blessed to not go bald😂. I hope you will continue posting them for us! In case the DEStevenson fans did not notice one of Jo Walton’s books was a Stevenson. One I haven’t read......I now feel the need to read it. For those not familiar with Stevenson her books are simply lovely, views into a another world. Many including me would say Fluff....but the very best Fluff. I don’t have time at the moment to double check but there should be some free to Prime readers.
  12. Oh......I didn’t know you were getting one, she is so cute!
  13. I hope you feel better soon! I drank Red Bush pretty exclusively for awhile several years ago. I haven’t had a cup in years. I have moved through several tea brands since and now drink several cups of P&G each day. Yes, even when it is really hot out......some say it is cooling and I wouldn’t say hot tea on a hot day is cooling but warm tea on a hot day is comforting. Ancillary Justice https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/17333324-ancillary-justice is one of the Sci Fi series that I have as to read on my lists. Did you like it well enough to read more in the series?
  14. I just listened to The Tombs of Atuan for the first time last week. This is my first visit to Earthsea........I missed out! The Ghost of Dibble Hollow I remember......not well, but I read it! I think the books that were really irritating started around number 22 or so. Listening might make them better. The last 2 or 3 were quite good so I am glad I didn’t quit.
  15. Growing up I never lived anyplace with a truly great library so I know I missed several classics. My library really didn’t have a YA section so my mom graduated me to Phylis Whitney, Victoria Holt, and Mary Stewart...... so I missed fantasy to a large degree. For me Wizard of Oz, Milly Mandy, Molly, and Teddy Robinson all entered my life with my children.........I had never read Winnie the Pooh either. A friend gave Dd a really lovely Milne set at her birth and I faithfully displayed it on the table by the chair we nursed in . Before I knew it I was happily reading Pooh to her while she nursed and napped, those books made it even harder to move her to her crib. It doesn’t surprise me at all that you also read Cherry Ames.....beyond being a bit surprised that she travelled to your part of the world! I did have access to a pretty decent used book store and parents who bought what I wanted within reason. A couple of the Gilman books look familiar but beyond that I couldn’t say. I know they were not among the books I saved...until my mom died many of my childhood books still were in my room growing up. Dd plundered the bookshelf’s there pretty efficiently .
  16. My Dd has sort of left her mysteries behind for now and reads mainly Sci Fi these days. Has she tried The Goblin Emperor yet? My daughter thought I was brilliant when I found that one........thank you @Kareni. 😉. Seriously, I think that one would interest her. It’s fantasy not Sci Fi but a seriously well developed world and a main character that it is really hard not to root for.
  17. I still have my Cherry Ames and Nancy Drew’s! My mom had read them at a friend’s house so we went to used book stores to put together relatively complete collections of originals. I was obsessive...no surprise! Dd did not really appreciate Cherry Ames so I reread them at the appropriate age. 😂. Fortunately she loved Nancy .........
  18. For the new members this is me sort of marking the thread. I know when roughly Robin will start a new thread.......I check occasionally throughout the afternoon and post something when I find it. Generally just what I am reading, nothing overall detailed or profound. It makes it easy to find this thread later in the week. I just went and checked a copy of the Hobbit out on Overdrive. Woot! Love the Hobbit! 🥰 I have several books going right now but am concentrating on Kate Carlise’s A High End Finish this afternoon while waiting on my kids this afternoon. I generally start several books in sort of a rush of enthusiasm then concentrate on one or two so I finish books. One of my 10 categories involves trying new to me cozy series and this is a popular one that I have never tried. i am planning to continue my reread of 1Q84 at a few chapters a week. I am amazed that I am 8% done already.
  19. Favorite Books growing up......... I was pretty obsessed by checking the Boxcar Children and a Helen Keller biography out of the library in 2nd grade. I basically had one or the other constantly. I read a whole lot......I loved Little Women, Nancy Drew, Trixie Beldon, Cherry Ames, Pippi Longstocking, the Black Stallion.
  20. I wanted to kick off my time travel 10x10 category by rereading a favorite from when time travel romances were my absolute favorite genre.....the 1980’s and 90’s. In recent years I have found /purchased a few of my old favorites and reread them but haven’t replaced A Knight in Shining Armor by Jude Devereux and happily discovered one at the library so that is what I read today ummmmm pretty much all day. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/73385.A_Knight_in_Shining_Armor This copy was reworked and updated from my old 80’s copy in 2001 which apparently resulted in 50 more pages but it was really good. A modern vacationing American falls out with her fiancé and wishes for a knight in shining armor while standing by a knights tomb in Devon and one appears.........the knight has been wronged in his timeline and doesn’t know by whom.....eventually she travels back in time. Very star crossed and romantic, good stuff.😉 Now I feel ready to tackle some of my modern time travel choices!
  21. Definitely start with the first because other people on GR didn’t seem to like book 5 as much as I did. Maybe Bo needs to be an old friend by that point, plus not a lot of explanation regarding who is who in the last book.
  22. Sniff, sniff...........thank you as I hadn’t seen that. She sounds like she was quite the character doesn’t she. Apparently I might have a couple more to look forward to and if not I am glad I thought Beating About the Bush was good. @Robin M I gave up and returned Rock Chick before deciding on the path my book chain was going. That said I would have been out of order. Rock seems to be a good word and I am tentatively planning Anne Hillerman’s Rock with Wings https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/22934457-rock-with-wings?ac=1&from_search=true&qid=MpRfMcffex&rank=1 because it is another series I want to get back to.........If the people new to BaW haven’t caught on I like book series in order!
  23. I just finished The Tamarack Murders by Patrick F. McManus https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/18911055-the-tamarack-murderswhich is the fifth Bo Tully 🥰 Mystery. I finally have a square on my bingo card filled....Top of the Mountain! It’s also being used as a T for Banana Yoshimoto and will ultimately help with one of my 10’s.....I hope to finish 10 of the series I have partially read through this year. Sheriff Bo Tully was a new find for me last year off of the favorite books to recommend thread. I have the biggest crush on him @aggieamy! The marvelous thing about these books is I think Mr. Amy 😉would like them too. @Robin M Tell your hubby thanks for the recommendation for my headache but I had already. Tried that combo which is my go to and has always worked before. My hubby found some over the counter migraine relief-aspirin, Tylenol, and caffeine, which seem to have taken the edge off. I slept well last night and am functioning pretty well today.
  24. Thank you, I will fill out a purchase request and see what happens. Regarding the golden age mysteries @aggieamy I spotted a John Bude on the shelf at my library yesterday........naturally I thought of you and brought it home! I haven’t had a chance to figure out where this one fits with the others they apparently own at different branches so I may have to do a couple of hold’s before I read it. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/34862883-death-makes-a-prophet?ac=1&from_search=true&qid=UFGwP8c4nG&rank=1
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