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Everything posted by mumto2

  1. We went shopping today, a normal non prepping shop. 😉 For the most part the carts looked pretty normal......everyone had bottled water but reasonable quantities that are probably normal. I never had to think of it before. We did check and Hand Sanitizer was out at both stops.......Sam’s and Target. Staff at both said it is arriving with their shipments and being sold quickly. Eventually demand will go down.....we did find sanitizer last week at Staples but it is fragranced and we prefer scent free products. Not complaining but would love to find some that won’t bother my nose.
  2. Totally agree about The Gown. So much of it was wonderful and fascinating and then we had to have a r*pe added for some unknown reason. 😞 Eventually I will make it to the Leckie series. I keep getting sidetracked! I finished listening to Out of the Deep I Cry today. It’s the third Julia Spencer Fleming and it occurred to me that that series will cover all four seasons very dramatically by the time my reread/listen is done so they will be my Bingo Square for Four Seasons. I soon as I started reading it I realized it was plague reading ........ Diphtheria filled a small graveyard in the 1920’s and the graves sat in the background for the current events in the book. @JennW in SoCal Station Eleven will be next weeks quilting listen. Robb’s Golden in Death also arrived in my Overdrive and I want to return it as quickly as possible because the line is long but moves quickly from this experience. I am reading Running with Sherman and so far am absolutely charmed. Four legged Bingo square.https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/43834684-running-with-sherman
  3. In the U.K. most petrol stations provide gloves and we got used to it. So we now use the gloves to pump petrol because every so often you end up smelling like petrol after, it isn’t/wasn’t really for human germs but because of the petrol smell. 😂I am being really careful to take my items from the back of the shelf these days!
  4. I can’t remember VC’s list .......the food I think is individual. I stocked up on things we eat normally and plan to replace more frequently than normal. I have more items that everyone can cook in case mom goes down than normal. Also have some soups etc. We don’t drink tap water so I bought our normal water supply for a couple of weeks. I consider myself essentially ready for hurricane season and could pull a generator out if the power goes out which I consider super unlikely. If we have to we can drink the water....... Have to say get the gloves because they are just plain handy to have irl. We started keeping them in stock for putting petrol in a car and now everyone in our house grabs them for messy jobs in order to keep their hands clean. Cleaning bathrooms, bike repair, gardening if it’s quick, the list goes on....... .Rubbing alcohol is another thing that has a lot of uses......cleaning glasses , computer screens, stains, sticky stuff on your counter, but most importantly wounds. My paranoia kicked in after I used more than half a bottle on Dd the other day after a spectacular bike fall in a rain storm on the corner where every dog in the neighborhood lifts their leg etc. If it gets bad going to the hospital for minor things won’t be something I want to do. Btw......when Ds hit the stinky age I started keeping a small spray bottle of rubbing alcohol in the bathroom for under his arms. I love my spray bottle of alcohol and use it most days to clean something. Also useful for fevers, giving an alcohol rub can bring a high fever down quickly. I have shared some of my stash with neighbors. I also bought extra Purell intentionally and Dh gave a bottle to some of our neighbors.. Bleach....I haven’t really stockpiled tp because we were almost out. I try to have maybe a month supply normally........I fear running out. Worst case thanks to bleach I can set up sort of a diaper pail situation for cloths......I refuse to use catalogs! I have lots of fabric........also I use maybe a gallon and a half a month. I wash whites with bleach and use it for toilets......so I have bleach normally. I also have some Lysol concentrate (old brown bottle ) because I like it for laundry when we have germs in the house. Occasionally when I start adding it early not everyone gets sick! Also good for sweaty stinky clothing, cleaning floors, all purpose. I did buy wipes and spray Lysol which were on sale and will be used eventually.
  5. Spam was sort of a picnic(camping stove) staple for me growing up. I have happy memories of my dad frying it up with a can, yes I said can , of potato’s on picnic tables as we traveled. My kids actually would love to try the stuff from my stories but Dh hates It. I can see where food banks and churches would love it. Maybe I will buy some and hopefully be able to donate it. I read behind a paywall but U.K. plans are being released. Big panic via friend is that Paracedamol has basically ran out...........that is basically Brit’s version of Tylenol, using aspirin is not common, and alieve is a prescription . India not shipping in and the other source is China.
  6. @Pen Both Dh and I have been reading the U.K. papers pretty intently and have not seen a master plan for the NHS beyond a statement a few days ago that if it got bad priority would have to be given to younger patients. The most alarmist real life friend I have is there and happens to work for the NHS at a hospice. She plans for everything and is remarkably calm. A few emails have been trickling in , regarding us returning now to the U.K. People want us back......that said Dh has been on the council until very recently and is a good person to have doing the planning for these things. They want him there..........Honestly we would be fine with going back. Instead Dh is prepping the neighbors here as much as they are willing.😉 Our kids have the semester to finish here (Florida] and I now have life here prepped as much as it can be. Random thoughts for girl college students.......talked to dd about tying her hair back in public(really long hair) and to consider cutting her nails. They are quite long, all hers btw. Beautiful germ catchers. My kids have also had another Conversation with us about what to do if both mom and dad die. Not pleasant but they need to know basic plans and locations of assets. This is being said not because I or Dh are particularly high risk but because you never know. My kids are young adults . @Penguin I think your plans are good. If your mom does get sick her care will likely be better with you so improved survival chance imo.
  7. We always keep and use bottled water so we were simply bringing our supply back to normal last weekend. Many of our neighbors also buy water normally so I think the prepping has cleared the shelves in some stores. Supplies on everything except hand cleaner are back up from the weekend from what we could see yesterday.
  8. Best I can think of!😂 Budding Botanist................China Bayles by Susan Wittig Albert is a great series I checked out several cozy mysteries to go with my Station Eleven audio.............plague reading. Somewhat worried this one might be too much because of settings......they actually visit my home town in their wandering. I am far from my home town but ............ I want to read this for the tie in with the author’s new book. I would like to try and listen while I quilt which is sometimes not so intense an experience.... @JennW in SoCal glad you love your new “headphones”😉. The cozy mysteries are all books in series that I read one or two (or eight!) in years ago and am trying to jump back into where I left off. I have a couple in the China Bayles series to finish also. Death by Chocolate https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/761668.Thyme_of_Death?ac=1&from_search=true&qid=o1i8OPkiEC&rank=1 Fleece Navidad https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/3322930-fleece-navidad Banana Creme Pie Murderhttps://www.goodreads.com/book/show/30346650-banana-cream-pie-murder Shades of Earl Grey https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/426547.Shades_of_Earl_Grey
  9. Happy Birthday Connie! https://crimereads.com/the-rise-and-fall-and-restoration-of-anna-katharine-greens-the-leavenworth-case/ Interesting article.......at some point I know I read an article about AC and how she modeled Miss Marple on Green’s Amelia Butterworth.
  10. I have read the first 7 of this series and have to say A Share in Death might be my favorite so I hope you can find it! I have my next in the series order A Finer End ready to go. This is one of the series I world love to finish this year. Wishing you an easy move! Not sure what I am reading currently as I have a couple of audiobooks in progress but am seriously thing of setting those aside in order to just get Agnes Grey by Anne Bronte done for my bookchain project. I am stuck and this book lets me move on easily for awhile using books in the stack. I also started a short book last night called Finna https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/44081573-finna but am not sure how much more I will read. I actually requested they buy this one because I read a great review a few months ago and it has an IKEA type store with multi dimensions featured.....it’s short so I may just make it through! Not quite sure what I will read if I abandon it. Exactly what I thought😂 We recently drove by one that is no longer a Stuckey’s, the result is my kids now crave pecan logs from my hour long story of how great they were!
  11. Pictures with me in them are very few on my iPad!
  12. I spent yesterday reading a couple of shorter novella length books. The Christmas Carmel Mystery by Joanne Fluke was short and so filled with recipes it had very little story but it was next in the cozy series and I picked that series to read for my “whimsical” Bingo off one of the links couple of weeks ago......I plan to read the next full length one also. Ilona Andrews published Sweep with Me as a reader Christmas present on their blog.......I started reading it as blog entries but forgot to go back and read the final blog posts , it showed up on Overdrive so I read it i n one convenient book! 😉 I am a fan of The Innkeeper series and was not disappointed! I decided to rejoin my favorite Hobbit today and managed to finish Bilbo’s journey. Lori’s notes made the book all the more enjoyable, so Thank you again @Lori D.. It really was quite a journey for Bilbo, the ultimate homebody, to make and really thrive on. Some of my favorite minor parts......Roac the Raven charmed me this time through even though I never thought about him before......I think that might be due to reading Lori’s notes first!😂 I remain a fan of Beorn and enjoyed his character again. I love the image of him shadowing his ponies as the dwarves and Bilbo ride them. The Gollum just was a part of the book this time instead of a highlight......I think the movies may have ruined that section for me In terms of he is no longer my Gollum that my mind created but a picture someone else put there. Not sure about my reading previously and the movies but it is possible that I haven’t read since the movies were made.
  13. We just went out with kids to push carts and did another stock up as we have been using the supplies and this thread made me concerned about shortages right now. While we were shopping the local panic level rose because someone believes they have Coronavirus in our area and is hospitalized......that said the tests have not been run. Things simply escalated to panicked while We were shopped😕 For those looking for hand sanitizer try Staples, that is where we found it. I am adding a fwiw regarding gloves at gas stations, in England free gloves are in a box by the gas pumps in normal life . We are used to it and carry a zip lock of plastic gloves in our car for that purpose when in the US. I am embarrassed to admit this but I just bought a large bag of rice as my final prep. My family had to listen to me say people on the board are buying this so many times......followed by we need it....if they still didn’t agree, it was I need it.
  14. Can’t imagine that people will want to have/go to funerals so suspect most will chose immediate burial with memorial services happening later. Thank you! This made me feel calmer.........
  15. I am another one who made the decision last night to s.tart wearing a pony tail more....at least to places that I will be touching things. I wore a pony tail for years when the kids were young and avoid them now because they show off my white hair and make me look old. I no longer care! @Pen fwiw I don’ t. mind woo posts and am actually back to reading this thread pretty intently . I am just going back the number of hours since I last read and skimming forward. In England there seems to be quite a panic going on with a local school being closed. No inside knowledge beyond the assumption it has to do with half term travel. We are supposed to return at the end of April for the summer and doubt that is going to remain in our plans... still hoping to manage a couple of months. btw, recently read somewhere that the Westerdam passenger did not actually have Coronavirus.........I am assuming friend is still self quarantining.
  16. So I did a re-listen last year.....2018/2019...... to the entire series before reading Lies Sleeping which made it very much a tying things up book from my perspective. I honestly thought it was the end and Aaronovitch was going to focus on other characters in that London with little glimpses at Peter, Beverly and the Baby..........positive I knew about that. False Value is of my purchase requests on Overdrive, so I am giving them a couple more weeks.......unless I need it for plague entertainment !😉
  17. I finished my Ladies of Lit spelling challenge for Mary Stewart. M......The Madness of Sunshine by Nalini Singh A.......Aurora Blazing by Jesse Mihalik R.......Rock withWings by Anne Hillerman Y........Anyone but You by Jennifer Cusie S........The Chinese Shawl byPatricia Wentworth T.........Storm’s Heart by Thea Harrison E.........Applied Electra-Magnetism by Susannah Nix W........The Woman In the Water by Charles Finch A.........ABC Murders by Agatha Christie R.........Rose Cottege by Mary Stewart T.........Strangers on the Train by Patricia Highsmith
  18. So I should reread Station Eleven first? I can’t remember how it ended other than in Kalamazoo I think............. Station Eleven is definitely on the list. Perhaps The Passagehttps://www.goodreads.com/book/show/6690798-the-passage?ac=1&from_search=true&qid=6c3i7QUaRC&rank=1 and it’s sequels.
  19. @JennW in SoCal and others, I just discovered that Emily St. John Mandel, the author of Station Eleven, has anew book releasing nest month called the Glass Hotel. The reviews say that it is nothing like Station Eleven but still very good...............I just put a hold on the audio. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/45754981-the-glass-hotel?ac=1&from_search=true&qid=1KcfP3YsEQ&rank=1
  20. Take a look at the terms and conditions as you might be able to get some of the taxes and fees refunded after you miss the flight. That said sometimes the airline charges a processing fee that is too much to bother with the forms.
  21. Stars Beyond has been on my recommendation list at my library that owns all their other books for many months now. They haven’t had a major purchase of Overdrive books for a couple of months so I am waiting impatiently.😉. That said I think I will be flooded with my requests in about a week as I think I am probably first in line for a virtual stack when they do make that purchase. Glad you enjoyed it! I have a different Mia Vince in my hold’s stack which should be appearing in my account very soon. Glad to hear you enjoyed it! Before I forget my four legged book just arrived in my account Running with Sherman which I am really looking forward to. I ❤️Donkeys. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/43834684-running-with-sherman?ac=1&from_search=true&qid=rJbYc2mqv4&rank=1
  22. 😂😉. I have given this some thought very briefly as in did I want to trigger all of my suspended hold’s at the paper book library. The answer was no. I am pretty sure we have more than enough in the house and garage as long as we feel up to moving a box or two. Plus I have over 3000 in my kindle library.................now if Overdrive and Kindle broke that would be a crisis for me. I hope you feel better soon! Glad you are enjoying a Beautiful Blue Death. I actually finished the first one and didn’t return to the series for a couple of years........ In my opinion this series sort of picks up steam as it rolls along and is at its best a bit later on . So if you like this one keep reading/listening. The possibility of spoilers exist in this series that might make it hard to go back imo so try to stay in order.
  23. 😂. Love the list and for books those are so the suspects. As a side note......Our family as the” newcomers” are really obnoxious because we tend to stand more on the preservation side of village disagreements . We worked really hard to keep the historic Lyme Trees.......there are many trees sort of cascading over the road into the village that we fell in love with before moving there. Planted for Queen Victoria’s Jubilee and for the most part healthy but needed some serious pruning. It was thought to be easier to plant new oak trees.......Makes me happy to see those beautiful trees every time we go “home”. The Woman in the Water takes place when Lennox is 23 so well before A Beautiful Blue Death. The Vanishing Man is also before. I still haven’t read The Inheritance or Gone Before Christmas. I have left both in part because I didn’t want it to end and now it hasn’t. 😂 I will most likely read those after I read the newly released The Last Passenger which supposedly is the last of the prequels. The prequels are full length or very close btw.
  24. My Dh found it and linked it to me. He is sleeping so can’t ask him if he saw it elsewhere. As Pen just said they are right sometimes........right often enough for me to really wonder because this actually sort of explains how things keep originating in China.
  25. I haven’t been able to keep up with this thread and I suspect this or something similar has already been linked but decided just in case someone hasn’t seen this incredible part of the wild animal market story to add it in https://nypost.com/2020/02/22/dont-buy-chinas-story-the-coronavirus-may-have-leaked-from-a-lab/ Per this article animals from the virus research center in Wuhan were being sold after they were used as research subjects to the market next door for FOOD. Yes, instead of humanely euthanizing them before cremation like the rest of the world these researchers sell animals infected with whatever they are researching to the public! I am so disgusted on so many levels 🤮
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