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Everything posted by mumto2

  1. This is a me pondering something that I don’t think has been discussed...... I have just been skimming through U.K. papers and someplace along the way glanced at a map of the world with which strain of Covid each country had. I immediately noticed that the US and U.K. have different strains labeled on the map.......passed that off as because of travel we all must be a mix of strains in every country to some degree. Discussion here regarding NY and CA different strains ............ That said I just now realized depending on immunity etc I might be fortunate enough to be immune in one or the other of my countries but may not be in both.....depending on vaccines etc. Now pondering future travel restrictions based on status of your immunities. This is being said by someone who is not immune to measles which I actually had as a child. I have been vaccinated many many times. I can answer when asked that I have been vaccinated but.......am I immune, very doubtful.
  2. My Overdrive appears to have both her Catfishing on Catnet and her fantasy series Dead Rivers. I decided to try Catfishing first as I am intrigued by an AI controlled website about cats. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/41556068-catfishing-on-catnet
  3. What a wonderful story ..........I desperately want to know what happens next. I hope it gets turned into a book. I initially started reading it thinking about the picture I saw today about neighborhoods using little free libraries to house things your neighbors may need in the time of Covid as well as books. I saw a photo with toilet paper as well as books in one!
  4. @JennW in SoCal Great job on the masks! I think I have made 16 so far and have to say it’s sort of strange to be worrying about fit etc after primarily quilting for years. I am mailing some so won’t know if they fit well for a few days. A Long Way to a Small Angry Planet was my favorite in the Becky Chambers series.
  5. I Just finished a new Science Fiction book called A Pale Light in the Black by KB Wagers https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/43697435-a-pale-light-in-the-black. It wasn’t in the radar but after seeing it sitting in the new book section in my Overdrive for two days I decided someone needed to check it out and I am glad I did. It is what I consider to be a space Opera......lighter less violent than the Expanse series (Robin that was on your list) with lots of entertaining characters. It worked for a Bingo square that frankly I had little hope of filling.....not telling which because it would be too much of a spoiler😉. Not the Linesman but if comes on your radar and you like Sci Fi worth checking out!
  6. @Melissa M I have been waiting for your My Dark Vanessa review. I noticed you were reading it over on Goodreads and it is one of the popular books right now. Now that I know you liked it and found it an enthralling read I will try it!😉
  7. Zinc was also part of the recommendations that Dh received for our family from someone he was in contact with......I never posted because they tallied with your rec’s
  8. Since so many of us are looking for lighter reads these days I want to recommend a couple favorite cozy authors who are popular with Overdrive (Yeah!) These are what I call privately contemporary cozies, fun themed mysteries ...... Kate Carlisle.........she has two series. This is the first in my favorite series https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/6077869-homicide-in-hardcover?ac=1&from_search=true&qid=xtl970AdR0&rank=1 I have read the first in her other series, not as good but I may be reading those before we are done with stay at home! Donna Andrews is also excellent. I have reread this series. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/545766.Murder_With_Peacocks?ac=1&from_search=true&qid=WT8tK2DaMq&rank=1
  9. I forgot to mention I am in for the Fellowship of the Rings! I still haven’t ran into my copy so put a hold on it in Overdrive. I am next up! Which reminds me.......Our neighbor just hurt her back quite badly in her efforts to reorganize the garage. Hopefully she will manage to avoid medical care beyond talking to her doctor......she already had serious back issues. So be careful what tasks you take on right now! For me that means my boxes stacked with books and yarn can stay stacked in the garage.😉
  10. Last night I remembered to plan my Elizabeth Hunter spelling challenge ......at least to the extent of looking at how the books I plan to read fit in. I suspect this is going to run into next month a bit unless I manage to pick up my pace.......or I may just read a stack of red covers to find the letters I need! 😉 I checked a couple new books for the stack out on Overdrive and will see how it goes. Planning on sticking to cozy mastering and thrillers of the Lee Child/David Baldacci type. I think those might hold my interest. I have the new Kathy Reichs which I am planning to get going on soon. Currently reading another Laura Childs tea shop cozy.......Agony of the Leaves. I skipped ahead about ten books in the series and am enjoying this one much more. I am listening to Ashley Weaver’s Death Wears a Mask while sewing. It’s light and an easy listen. Period cozy.....
  11. Thanks, sort of what we were thinking. At most the kids pass 20 people in their 20 plus miles on a pretty wide trail. Everyone is trying to be polite but not get too close. I am thinking risk outweighs benefit. We wanted to try out the fit of the mask today as I am making for a few other people too. Hubby did some alterations to my basic pattern from his experiences with masks in labs etc They are tight😉and can have a filter put in if we get to that. But hot! Btw, regarding glasses fogging ....my sunglasses fogged because I put them on in the house, hubby’s did not as he put them on outside. No glass fog issues after we started moving.
  12. I tried one of my homemade masks(pictured of the mask thread) and went bike riding. I overheated really quickly, so did Dh wearing his. In the 80’s today. Had to breathe through my mouth. Two layers quilters cotton. Thinking about making a single layer mask for biking. Trying to figure out for my kids, biking and masks with water necessary during ride. The potential for contamination from the mask seems huge because they will need to take it on and off to drink. What do runners etc use?
  13. 😂Thanks for the chuckle........just mailed this to several friends in England who I am trying to check in on most days. The reality is there isn’t a whole lot say, so am super appreciative positive or at least funny articles to agg in.
  14. I originally found a report of the study in The Telegraph but since most can’t get behind the paywall used The Daily Mail because it made the same points. So glad you were able to listen and read in German to the information.
  15. I know my family is including our neighbor in our circle as far as being willing to suspend distancing with if needed. We are it for her too. That said only hubby has been in her house etc........unfortunately she may have really hurt herself yesterday, back injury, might be a ruptured disc. Sort of taking this day by day in case she needs medical care.. She does have an adult son in area but believe his job is essential so he has been staying away intentionally.
  16. Yep, the WHO being wrong is possible.....all I could think of was the choirs, the close contact spread in Taxis etc that we know is happening might just indicate these initial results might be right. I like that they are testing in real living conditions not labs. One thing I know the Telegraph article mentioned ( sort of skimmed the Mail) was a drinking game with shared glasses in large groups was played in Italy by the skiers. This Researcher felt that was the point that spread the virus from there all over........
  17. I read a very similar article behind a paywall in The Telegraph yesterday and just spotted it in the Daily Mail.....yes I know but the main bits are identical, the mail is just significantly longer with pictures. Since the main points are the same I am linking the one everyone can read......... a team of German researchers are doing research in the hardest hit part of Germany to try and figure out in real life how the virus is spreading. They have tested doorknobs, animal fur etc in patients homes and found no virus on those surfaces. At this point they are concluding only person to person but very early. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8182767/Scientist-casts-doubt-coronavirus-spread.html Interesting and somewhat calming......that said neither Dh or I plan to stop wearing gloves to open Amazon packages. 😉 My hand washing protocols are still in place , it’s just made me feel a bit less stressed about one mistake and someone touches their face and infects us all!
  18. Not sure if this will help anyone but this is how we have handled it..... Dh recently updated the file.......the file was originally put together years ago for me because he had huge job risk potential and handled everything .......we knew I had shall we say lost the thread on our affairs due to two toddlers and some other pressures which were mine alone. So he put together a one stop file with all pertinent info that I would need to take over.........for example a copy of utility bills so I would know who my provider even was and the account number. Really basic stuff so if you haven’t received a bill you can start looking for one efficiently. It also had a financial asset list, info on a business he owned. Car titles......one stop. The kids were first told about the file when my British BF was dying. Upsetting time for my kids and her Dd was being given a similar file to access at 14. That Dd was their best friend, my kids felt more secure knowing the same information she did about their situation if anything happened to us. The kids were talking together which was good, but sad. Info sharing made everyone feel safer r. My kids are now technically adults so they are grateful the guardian Issue is gone as they were going to have to move far away from life as they knew it. The file has now been upgraded to include burial info etc for the dc’s. Their names have been added in recent days to some assets to ensure cash so tuition gets paid etc. We have a basic one that sits in a desk drawer, one with passwords etc which is more securely stashed, and a lockbox with documents at a bank........
  19. I have been reading quite an interesting Gothic book calledThe Woman in the Mirror. A big old scary house is inherited in the current timeframe by a woman who had no idea she was related to honestly anyone. Longing to know her family, even if they are all gone she moves into Winterbourne......on the cliffs in Cornwall. It’s creepy......lots of flashbacks to post WWII. Not quite sure where it is going......... https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/48728105-the-woman-in-the-mirror
  20. I am sorry is this has already been linked. Interesting look at the numbers.....sort of a summary. https://www.newsweek.com/coronavirus-numbers-covid-19-all-over-place-estimates-1495034 eta.....this is also an interesting quick read https://www.newsweek.com/tobacco-says-working-potential-coronavirus-vaccines-1495451
  21. Thanks, I missed the separation of Wayne and Detroit when I glanced at the numbers. I also forgot about Pontiac and realized it after I had turned things off for a couple hours was planning to come back and amend. We lived close to Pontiac and I think I didn’t think of it because I was so used to it as I worked there for years. Interesting regarding the Southfield and Oak Park having the highest numbers. I hadn’t thought about the Orthodox ties with New York in those communities. Hubby grew up in Southfield..
  22. Earlier in the thread there was a discussion based around skiing destinations in the US being really high.........hubby and I privately theorized an Italy tie in. There could be a ski tie in with that part of Northern Michigan. Going back and forth would be the worst.
  23. Oakland County Mi has numbers has numbers almost as large as Wayne(Detroit). I lived there for years.......Oakland is the exact opposite of Wayne in terms of demographics. The very Wealthy combined with middle class. Large lots, nice houses, healthy life styles..........they are being hit possibly harder than Detroit........Both sitting right under 2000 cases with Oakland having more deaths......very possibly Oakland has more elderly, but don’t know. Northern Michigan areas with a large number of second homes, primarily SE Mi and Chicago are are rising quickly. People fled there and brought it with them....my extended family is there. Second death in Traverse City today. Politically some odd decisions like banning treatment with hydrocorzone treatment which just got reversed last night. SE Michigan is hurting........scared for Northern Michigan because the hospitals are not meant for numbers of critically ill, TC is probably it.
  24. This is sort of a random observation that concerns me. Not sure what it means beyond stoping the spread is obviously very difficult......I know it’s been talked about before....... One odd thing that @Plum numbers just highlighted to me once again........there was a huge number of people who must have thought to some degree they were positive and weren’t. The reality is most people who get tested are not positive. We know it is still difficult to get tested so there is at least belief of exposure in most of these negative cases. Then we look at numbers from a rather closed community like the Diamond Princes and see roughly half the positives are not symptomatic. They would never have bothered to get tested in ordinary circumstances.
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