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Everything posted by mumto2

  1. It just dawned on me that your bookstore is the really great one with the wine and cheese (or something similar) evenings. I am excited for you with new job and a move but leaving behind something that fun will be hard. ;( Anyway congratulations on the new job and I hope house hunting goes well. I can't remember when you go back to school there.....do you have all summer to get organized? Or do you start mid August.....seems like it was early.....
  2. These lists always add to my stack or to my wish lists! :lol: Thank you!
  3. I just finished a book that I have been reading for a few weeks but was really looking forward to. I had to read a hardback version which is why it took so long, most of my current reading seems to be either on the go or middle of the night, either way that equals on my kindle! Camille by Pierre Lemaitre is the third book in a French crime/thriller series. I have read and enjoyed all three books as soon as the translations became available. The translation is done extremely well imo. They are able to flow nicely for easy reading yet still feel French. The main character is a good person, a police detective, who simply perseveres through countless crushing obstacles as they come his way. He is a highly untraditional detective because due to his mother's continuous cigarette smoking habit he is short (under 5 foot). I hesitate to say much more because these books tend to peel layers back as you read them and the perspective changes. I can't quite remember what I knew at the start of the journey. I am definitely a fan of this author and will read more of his work as it becomes available. I couldn't find any good links for Camille so am linking another in the series.http://www.washingtonpost.com/entertainment/books/book-world-pierre-lemaitres-alex-is-a-thrilling-addition-to-european-crime-fiction/2013/09/29/2d719054-ff66-11e2-9711-3708310f6f4d_story.html
  4. Out of curiosity did you pull the cable out of the metal bit you attach to the needle? I have done that twice lately and am wondering if I am doing something wrong or if my cables are just old. Never broke a knit picks cable before. I am getting close to done with the prayer shawl I was already working on. Hopefully it will be done this weekend and I will be able to join you.
  5. Since you occasionally visit here, the grocery stores frequently have really good (as in better than American brands) pretzels in the international food section with the Polish foods.
  6. I want to go on a really extensive tour of Australia and New Zealand, as in a couple of months. One trip with some added stops to places I want to take the dc's; Singapore, Hawaii, San Francisco for a start. Essentially a trip around the world. :lol:
  7. I have an abandoned bookshelf on Goodreads. I have stopped entering books until I have read enough to know I am going to finish except when travelling. When we are going on a trip I put everything I am hoping to read on goodreads so I can quickly click read when I happen to have internet.
  8. I remember being a bit disappointed by the Margaret also. I really loved the Judy Blume book Deenie. That's the one where the main character had scoliosis. I just read the summary I think it must of been because so many of my close friends in junior high had issues that were big and she was in the middle which is how I felt. Not sure why but I never shared these books with dd. I think it was a case of by the time she was ready for the topics she had started picking her own books and preferred mysteries or sci fi. I am on the request list for Blume's newest book. I don't know if I have read any of her other adult books.
  9. I find rating difficult also. I always find myself torn because although I read quite a bit of fluff I do know what "good" literature is supposed to look like. ;) But then you get into the reality of what makes it good, which I think really boils down to how much did the reader enjoy the book. Also what was the reader's purpose for reading the book.....a two hour distraction equates to a decently written piece of fluff. If it did its job well it probably deserves a 4 or 5 because it did it's job well. I probably couldn't summarize it in a week but it was good. I always worry that my giving it a 2 or 3 on goodreads will mean that someone looking for fluff won't read it because I considered it unworthy, even though I actually liked it. Does this make sense? I actually grade my books that are considered literature much harder I think. They need to be placed against like works. Much more is expected of them.......I am also hard on popular best seller type books. They should be well written and do their literary style in an exemplary manner. Part of my dislike of Gone Girl was based on my belief that I thought it was done really poorly. Not nearly as cleverly done as it should have been. Especially considering the fanfare. It did make me remember it though, maybe I should up my rating! :lol: Enough rambling..... ETA. I did up rate a couple of books last year to 5 when doing my end of the year summary and I moved a couple out of 5 star also. 4 tends to be my rating if I am unsure, but enjoyed it. My 3 ratings tend to be equated with a feeling of just fine, I finished it.
  10. Continuing to pray. Thank you for the update.
  11. Fwiw....Our favourite supplement for Henle are Mother of Devine Grace study guides. Memoria Press only covers half the year (I think, definitely not the full year). Can but MoDGin one book for one year or divided in order to cover over two years.
  12. We have never used Forester's so I have no idea of the format but We have used most of the Non elementary LoF books. I would do LoF then go through chapter tests in Foresters with an emphasis on the story problems, since a pp said they were good. Roughly a week per chapter assuming it has 15 or so chapters. If he can go quicker let him test and be done. Dd only did Fred for geometry and trig. We did a couple of final exams from other curriculums and no need to do more. She had already done Algebra when we bought the Fred books. Dd did the Fred book for Calculus first and her comment after was it didn't have enough problems to be truly competent at Calc (not ready for the AP) but had absolutely no fear of Calculus thanks to Fred. I think that statement might apply to doing the LoF algebra first also.
  13. Someone gave me a copy of An Utterly Impartial History Of Britain by John O'Farrell. I can't recommend it because I haven't read it but my dd has been enjoying it. The little bit I have read is presented in a pretty humorous manner but it could be too British. Goodreads gives it mixed reviewshttps://www.goodreads.com/book/show/1935045.An_Utterly_Impartial_History_of_Britain_or_2000_Years_of_Upper_Class_Idiots_In_Charge.
  14. :lol: Now that I am thinking about it I can look at them (lovely btw) but can't figure out why I can look at erotic photos and not look at the menu for a favorite chain of Pub Restaurants which are very family friendly! The menu is the only thing I have ever been blocked from, odd. Eliana, Praying for you and your family. I have been starting and stopping books for the last couple of days. Nothing feels right or interesting. I finally started the next Pink Carnation book just to read something familiar. I am getting down to just having books that I am really looking forward to so need to be careful! :lol:
  15. My dc's have taken several classes over the past couple of years for certificates but have started way more. ;) That really is the wonderful thing about Coursera, they can try things that are reaches and succeed some of the time. I go through and mark classes on the wish list that have potential for either dc periodically so that I get emails when a new section is starting. That way I get notice a few weeks before and can see what our schedule actually looks like. A couple that haven't been mentioned that are younger dc accessible is the python computer class from Rice and the dinosaur class from Alberta (I could be wrong about which university but Canadian). Dd also loved the Forensic Science from Singapore although I really didn't monitor that one so content wise can't say how appropriate for young dc's.
  16. Robin, I hope you start feeling a bit better soon. For some reason my allergies just seem to be getting worse as I get older. Sudafed is my when everything else fails treatment also, well that and Benadryl. Strange how there are all these fancy new boxes lining the shelves at drug stores and it is the drugs that were around when we were kids that bring relief sometimes. Welcome to all of the new and returning people who have been visiting BaW. Glad to see you and I love reading your posts. :) We went down to London for a couple of days to celebrate our wedding anniversary. Dh and I honeymooned there many years ago. We had a good time taking the kis to some new to all of us sights. We rode the Emirates Air Line https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emirates_Air_Line_(cable_car)for the first time. Enjoyed it so much we got back in line and did it again! Great views. I highly recommend it to those spending a few days in London. I haven't finished anything of interest. I seem to be much better at checking books out then at reading them lately!
  17. I am still working on the shawl I started a few weeks ago for my friend who is having chemo. I really like the second onehttp://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/dunes. I saw some yarn at a market that would be perfect. If I can I will go back for it next week.
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