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Everything posted by mumto2

  1. We have also had the scores checked now. Ds received 5's on both exams. After a miserable week it was great to get good news! :)
  2. I think I forgot to post a couple of books that were read last week that some here might enjoy. The first book in an American cozy series by Julia Spencer Flemming was interesting. Not really cozy too violent but I need to call it something. It features a female Episcopal priest who discovers a newborn on her doorstep which leads to multiple murder investigations. I listened to it so it moved incredibly slow. I knew who did it, probably partly because of the narration tone, from the first word out of the characters mouth. :lol: I did continue to listen..... I can't get these in Kindle book form from my library which I think would take care of my issues with slowness. I may go back and listen to more at some point because I do like the main characters and have read enough cover blurbs to know I will probably like the future books. I honestly think Jane and Jenn among others might enjoy these as lighter reading. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/1414862.In_the_Bleak_Midwinter I also finished a second Alana Knight British cozy. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/7478427-enter-second-murderer. I believe I left her off my list but she is an incredibly prolific author from the 1980's forward. These are books that feature an Edinburgh policeman or his children. Perfectly good but not outstanding.
  3. Last winter when we were on vacation in Florida both dc's had the flu and ended up at an emergency clinic. We took my son first who was really really sick. The doctor asked about the rest of the family and dh replied that dd17 wasn't sick yet but the rest of us were improving. It was decided that dd should go in and get a Tamiflu prescription in order to save the trip as much as possible. Well my "heathy" dd had a temperature of 102.5 when they took it. The doctor asked her how come she didn't know she was sick, she should not be feeling well. Her answer was she was a bit hot but she was in Florida. Florida is HOT!
  4. Does having War and Peace in my Kindle stack count? :lol:
  5. Have you held the on button down and tried to reboot?
  6. I only had Ballet Shoes available as a child but Dd (and I ;) ) were able to read several others. Theatre Shoes was another favourite and there was another one linked to that one I believe. Lemony Snicket was popular with my kids also. Has Middle Girl tried the Charle Bone series? Needs to be read in order but I have read most of them (blush) to myself. :lol: It's a bit of a Harry Potter spin off but I liked this setting better for younger dc's. I finished a new release historical by Lisa Klepas called Marrying Winterborne https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/26242354-marrying-winterborne?from_search=true&search_version=service last night before I lost it to overdrive return. I have discovered that I let a stack of books go overdue last week so am back on top of my multiple libraries, sort of.
  7. I just want to say if you find a way to be comfortable with putting her in school I would. No guilt. When looking for a church to for the Sunday School program I would look for one with many children's programs. A church where we used to live had a couple of weekday afterschool gym type things also, I think. Cooking. I would start looking at 5 ingredient recipes http://www.food.com/ideas/5-ingredient-dinners-for-busy-moms-6023?c=3810 and slowcooker recipes. Also making things in quantity and freezing in meal sized packages.
  8. Safe travels to Kareni and her dh today. Also to VC and family. Wee girls booklist was wonderful. So glad she had a chance to read Ballet Shoes. I love that book!
  9. I finished some fluff, the Countess Conspiracy by Courtney Milan https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/13489925-the-countess-conspiracy. I think it's my favourite in this seris so far. It does have adult content.
  10. The new GED is very different from what we grew up with. Among other improvements it offers the chance of 10 college credits through ACE which should be accepted at the over two thousand community colleges and colleges that accept ACE credits. So it is worth almost a full college semester with very cheap credit hours......$120 for 10 credit hours if your dc has the potential of a high score is a pretty good deal for many kids. College is expensive! http://www.gedtestingservice.com/educators/general-score-change-faqs
  11. Just wanted to check in before the new thread starts and tell all of you how much you kind thoughts and sympathy means. It's been a rough few days but things are stabilizing family plan wise. I finished the obituary last night. I haven't done much reading. Planning a long walk today if the weather cooperates. ;)
  12. I just want to thank everyone here for their kindness yesterday. You guys are wonderful. Things didn't go well at all. My mom died after her surgery. She was such a wonderful mom. I'm going to miss her so very much.
  13. We think he got sloppy on the easy stuff like apostrophes and lost easy points because that was happening on the practice exams. Technically he needs a quarter point too for the composite. Literally one question more right. I have been doing some curriculum searches for something that he might perceive as fun. Anybody use Editor in Chief software? Other ideas? We've used Barron's etc. Plan to order another book for the exams.
  14. We have scores. Dd improved but is a quarter point from her dream score. But ds needed 1 more point in general. He got the same score. September, here we come. English would be the easiest to bump up. Any good prep book or online suggestions?
  15. My mom had another fall yesterday and her hip is broken. Surgery later today most likely. I've been up most of the night. Positive thoughts and prayers would be appreciated. I started the Courtney Milan Scoundrel's series during the night that Kareni was reading last week. When I can't sleep I read. They are good probably better than most but the pacing is odd. I may be distracted so it may be a problem with my concentration level but the first chapter or so seems to be a bit strange and a bit unrelated to the rest of the story in the three I have been reading. Two are hundred page novellas so not as impressive as it sounds. The rest of the story is great. Different background topic too, workers rights.
  16. I'm not going to repeat what others have said. Lots of great ideas. My family loves fossil hunting so I would try to fit that in. :) If Cornwall Tintagel Castle is my kids favourite. Huge climb and probably not a great destination on a rainy day but my teens loved it last summer. http://www.english-heritage.org.uk/visit/places/tintagel-castle/
  17. Idnib, I am going to give a friend's book(s) a mention just in case the boys want to continue their studies. Dinosaurs of the British Isles http://blog.everythingdinosaur.co.uk/blog/_archives/2014/08/03/dinosaurs-of-the-british-isles-book-review.html Fossils of the Whitby Coast https://www.amazon.co.uk/Dean-Lomax-Fossils-Whitby-Coast/dp/B00NBDTOS2 Dean was the dc's dino tutor and there is at least one photo of them in the Whitby book. Glad you had a great trip!
  18. I just visited my stack of unread research and read one that I wish I had read in time to include in my list. Anthony Eglin's The Blue Rose https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/120136.The_Blue_Rose?ac=1&from_search=true was everything a cozy should be. A nice couple buys their dream country cottage somewhere near Bath. Its been a bit neglected especially the large gardens. The wife is in charge of clearing the massively overgrown garden area and they find a surprise an impossible blue rose. The sleuth for the series is the botanist they enlist to help them market their find. It's more of of good tale of unexpected treasure than about gardens, but I like gardens. :) I suspect this is a series that can easily be enjoyed out of order. I definitely will be reading more in this series.
  19. V.C. My (and dd) Agatha Christie starter choices. No particular order. Neither dd or I read any of these in any order other than how we found them on library shelves and charity shops. Murder on the Orient Express (Poirot) https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/16304.Murder_on_the_Orient_Express?ac=1&from_search=true Murder at the Vicarage (Marple) https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/16331.Murder_at_the_Vicarage The Murder of Roger Ackroyd ((Poirot) https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/16328.The_Murder_of_Roger_Ackroyd The Body in the Library (Marple) https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/16319.The_Body_in_the_Library Death in the Clouds (Poirot) https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/16326.Death_in_the_Clouds. If you watch Dr.Who it should be paired with the Christie episode Due to copyright expiration in US these are free on Kindle and an acceptable starting point. The Mysterious Affair at Styles (Poirot) https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/16343.The_Mysterious_Affair_at_Styles The Secret Adversary (Tommy and Tuppance) https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/49596.The_Secret_Adversary. Dd and I love the Tuppance ones but most people don't like them as well as other characters. May not be the best first Christie.
  20. Jeanne Dams is on my to read list and probably just moved a few books higher! :) I had forgotten about the Scotland Street series which is a favourite of Shukriyya's I believe. I wish I had read one for my list! When I think of that author I always think of Ladies Detective Agency which has the wrong location. Another series to try! I have to admit this book sounds fascinating but I suspect I would also find many of the solutions a bit difficult to implement due to local recycling rules. Eta. I got so involved in my multiquote plus family members with needs invaded me twice I forgot to add some messages onto my post. Angela :grouphug: and prayers to you and Abby. Regarding the reading for the hospital I would probably go for cozy mysteries and historical romances. Maybe the first in a couple of series so you can just get the next one if you end up reading a lot. Stacia :grouphug: and prayers for your family also. Mothersweets, I love the shawl! I think we both need to make one for ourselves.....
  21. I think I will start with Jar City or maybe I should start with the beginning. I think I will make the big decision tomorrow! But just so you guys know I want to go to the Iceland party too! :)
  22. I really like the Marry Russell series too. :) It was on my starter list but I ended up weeding it out mainly due to length. They are on Cozy lists, but I started feeling like all British mysteries were on someone's cozy list! My original list was huge, really huge! I have been busy reading Jane Steele today and loving it. Not what I was expecting at all. I thought it was going to be a violent retelling of Jane Eyre. There is violence but this is it's own story. You could definitely read and enjoy it without having read Jane Eyre. I looked around for a link and liked this one best. http://smartbitchestrashybooks.com/reviews/jane-steele-lyndsay-faye/
  23. Jenn and Jane, I am contemplating joining you in Iceland but am trying to figure out where to start. Goodreads says Reyhjavik Nights is the first, book 0, but my library catalogue says it number ten. The catalogue implys Jar City is first, goodreads says it's book 3. Which one first.....remember I really prefer to read in order.
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