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Everything posted by mumto2

  1. Dd and I have now both read it. I agree about don't even try to compare it to the series. It isn't a a bad tale just different. We both fell in love with a new character which sort of made it worthwhile. Such a sweetheart! It didn't have much to it in reality, dh wanted the quick version which was easily provided. The summary was when I realized how short it really was. The play, well, it will bring many tourists to London. Always a good thing! If dh decided we all needed to go we would certainly be happy to join him. ;) That being said dd doesn't show any sign of breaking out her own cash to go with friends. :lol:
  2. I just finished a book that I found pretty riveting. After the Crash by Michel Bussi. It was featured on one of recent lists, maybe summer reads. It was originally wriiten in French and feels rather French, I had to laugh because it had an unusually short person involved in the storyline which reminded me of Lemaitre's series, https://www.goodreads.com/series/97992-camille-verh-ven, which some here have read. A plane crashes into a mountain, a baby girl is found with no other survivors. Two infants of almost identical description boarded the plane. The story occurs before DNA testing and is essentially the story of the infant's identity. Lots of red herrings. I found it to be a page turner! https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/24862192-after-the-crash
  3. I have had Christie's The Clocks sitting on my Kindle for quite awhile. It's supposed to be my Bingo Birth Year Square.. ;) Your discussion prompted me to read a few pages of it, better than anticipated. I will read it because I can't find any others for my birth year at a library that I want go read. I finished listening to I Am No One. It was interesting but a huge big brother tale. In short, it is the story of a Professor who dines with the wrong faculty members, becomes too involved with controversial students, and has a family that is a bit too influential. Somewhere within that mix something may have made him someone. The main point is personal privacy no longer exists if you become someone. What makes you someone? Not a bad tale.
  4. Not sure if this helps anyone but we did the Christian Studies program years ago and thought it was great. It is definitely upper elementary with quite a bit of writing. Love the Golden Children's Bible and the books are in my keeper boxes.
  5. Onceuponatime, Another never heard of a Mary Sue before. After reading the description I don't agree with Mary Russell being one either. She is more a character created to complement Sherlock. I have always thought her very close to Harriet in the Sayers mysteries. Ali, I have HP and the CC on the group kindle. I haven't started it yet. I suspect I will want to read the whole thing in one go and haven't had that kind of opportunity yet. Glad you enjoyed it! I did read Mary Balogh's Unforgiven last night. It's part of a rerelease of one of her popular series. I loved the first but this one was a bit irritating. Will be reading the third soon. I am also listening to I Am No One. Overall entertained by it and glad I am listening not reading. Over 60percent in and still no clue other than loads of background. The character and author are both duel Brit/US and whatever the problem is it stems from this. I think the guy is a bit hard on both his home countries but the comments are entertaining. This is a pick for the great cover btw https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/28683055-i-am-no-one
  6. :grouphug: Mom ninja Another Dd18 who has her permit but hasn't driven a single time. No serious interest.
  7. Nan, I have no idea how this happened but gators are in Massachusetts according to this http://www.necn.com/news/new-england/Alligator-Taken-From-Massachusetts-Home-389250242.html. Thought of the BaW thread and had to post!
  8. I finished the latest in a series that I have read for years. Definitely not a cozy series but a psychological one. Jonathon Kellerman has been writing his Alex Delaware books since the mid 80's. Alex is a psychiatrist residing in LA who consults on police cases via his best friend Milo. The cast of characters has been kept small considering there are now 31 books so it is possible to miss a few books in the series. ;) I have probably read them all. :lol: The last few haven't seemed as good. Well... The old Alex is back! Breakdown https://www.goodreads.com/series/41421-alex-delaware is a good addition to the series. Several years ago Alex had done a consultation for a friend regarding the child of a mentally ill, but functional, actress mother. He was never consulted again until he receives a call regarding the mother, his friend has passed away and he has been oddly left on her file as the psychiatrist of record. Because it's a time sensitive situation he decides to visit the emergency center that she has been admitted to mainly because he is concerned for his patient, her son. The search for the son begans......
  9. Happy Birthday to Robin's Ds and to Jenn!!!!!
  10. We have always saved money with Costco overall but sometimes it's the convenience. I love Costco. Sometimes it's the fact that they have the brand we like. We like the samples. When my kids were little I managed to get them to try so many things because the samples seemed special and fun. I was thrilled to buy the sample product frequently because my picky eaters expanded their dining horizons hugely in those stores. The return policy is easy too. I have never enjoyed Sam's as much but no longer have one available. I always thought Costco had higher quality standards.
  11. I finished my prime book Boundary Born https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/28496524-boundary-born by Melissa F. Olson. It was the third book in a paranormal trilogy which I have greatly enjoyed. Third books are frequently disappointing, this one was not. I liked the wrap up of the story greatly. I also am a bit embarrassed about what I probably did to people's Goodreads feed this morning. I finally made an effort to get all my lists realigned. I think things are somewhat accurate now! :lol:
  12. Currently watching. It just started showing here. Episode 4 will be shown tonight. It is frightening!
  13. I just discovered a new (rather old actually) mystery series that I am looking forward to reading. I discovered that the Mrs. Bradley series exits because I recorded a tv show on the Drama channel here because Diana Rigg stars in it. I only managed to tape two episodes :( but look who else was in one of those episodes!http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b01bywqs Not one but two Dr. Who's. So fun!!!! Now for the books. I did already have the first book, A Speedy Death, marked as want to read. Not sure if that is from my British Cozy research or because of someone here. Gladys Mitchell was apparently a very prolific mystery writer at the same time as Christie and Sayers. Considered number 3 according to something I read this morning. Some of the books are available on Amazon Prime for free. I plan to check one out as soon as I read my current selection. I liked Mrs. Bradley quite a bit but that could just be because she was Diana Rigg. ;) looking forward to trying a book.
  14. I think Kareni and I could come up with far better fluff! ;) I honestly wouldn't recommend that book to anyone. It is entertaining and a fast read but I found it a bit too close to real people who didn't deserve being put in that storyline. I know public figures.....
  15. I await your reaction. I feel pretty bad for you because I generally like fluff and know it isn't your taste at all. The Royal We was not a favourite. I remember it less fondly as time passes. Tempted to down grade it on Goodreads because I was too generous.
  16. I just finished Imprudence https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/12799435-imprudence by Gail Carriger and really enjoyed it. I know several BaWers have read the Souless series so may be on wait lists for the new release. This is technically the next book in her Custard Protocol series but because it involves storylines for so many of her Souless characters it's more of a series continuation. Dd has it on her Kindle also because she loved the Finishing School series but hasn't read Souless due to too much adult content for a 13yo dd. Now that she is older I plan to recommend she read the Souless series first.
  17. I agree with the above poster, give him a light year built around what you can handle. Since it appears the rest of his siblings are home with you that is probably what he is wanting. If he isn't reading work on phonics. Maybe Ordinary Parents taken very slowly. My ultimate aim would be to do school for the 4 and 6 yo together. Do some math, maybe minquin. Get SotW with the workbook that corresponds with what your older kids are doing. That way he can learn a bit more at his level and have some activities to go with. Use the library. Audio books while he does Lego.
  18. Checking to see if my account is fixed. Currently reading Imprudance the latest in the Souless series.
  19. I keep getting logged out too. Checking to see if I can post.
  20. We used the Blue book, Barron's, annd Princeton. We bought most used inexpensively. One thing I wish I had done was get the review books at the beginning of the course for my use. I think it would have been really nice to have checked topics off as we covered them. I think review wise it depends on the student. For Maths 1 and 2 ds reviewed pretty intensely the two weeks before. I made a serious schedule and we did it. Dd took the same exams with very little review because it was during AP exams. Dd spent a month going through the REA guide for Latin at her own pace. The Lit books we barely touched. The pretest went well. Did an actual a couple days before.
  21. I decided to read a few pages of a novel that overdrive was about to return last night a became totally caught up in a good book about books. The Readers of Broken Wheel Recommend https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/25573977-the-readers-of-broken-wheel-recommend is on Book Riots Best Books of June 2016 list which is pretty varied. http://bookriot.com/2016/06/29/riot-round-up-the-best-books-we-read-in-june-3/ It is the story of a friendship between a young Swedish bookseller and an elderly Iowa woman who loves books. They send letters and books back and forth when the bookshop closes the Swedish girl is invited to Iowa for an extended visit to read books. :) Unfortunately when she arrives her friend's funeral is taking place and the very small town decides she must stay and have her visit. The book is what happens next.
  22. :grouphug: Just wanted to add green schools to the list of ideas.
  23. Mainly this is a bump! I never used Thinkwell but was curious because we have been a math intensive family. Looked at the website and I think you are supposed to do Algebra 1, Geometry, then chose either 1 year precalc ( to get both trig and algebra 2 http://www.thinkwellhomeschool.com/products/pre-calculus)or split into two courses. I think it is for acceleration to get Calculus in for twelfth grade if Algebra 1 is being done in ninth. Fwiw, you are wise to study the sequence especially if you may not stay with one program for high school. Geometry can come before or after Algebra 2 depending on the program.
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