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Everything posted by jenL

  1. I'd also wait it out a bit. Let him start the job, travel around the area, and see for himself how great it is. Is your dh a numbers guy? You could occasionally send him emails of houses and let him see how cheap they are compared to where you are. When I was trying to get Dh to move to NC, he wasn't budging (he HATES change). I started sending him real estate listings from NC and then of a similar NH house where we were. Within 2 months, he had decided we were moving! I'd give your dh some time, and most definitely pray during that time. You may be pleasantly surprised when he realizes it would be more practical (and financially feasible) to leave in the south.
  2. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations!!!! Enjoy her! (I know you will :))
  3. Congratulations!!! We are proud Kia Sedona owners here! I was driving around today thinking, "Gosh, I love my van!" I hope you enjoy yours too! What color did you get?
  4. What a beautiful story! Thanks for sharing it! Stories like this are another thing for which I am grateful.
  5. Congratulations!!!! Sometimes quiet celebrations are the best ;)
  6. :iagree: And, CONGRATULATIONS!!!! What wonderful news!
  7. my husband's job the dollar movie theater coupons & BOGO grocery sales my garden friends who could care less about socio-economic status I know there are more things, but I can't think of them right now... For what are you grateful? In times such as these, it's easy to dwell on the negative, so I thought I'd open it up to everyone to think of something positive right now. Kind of like a little Hive reality check... :)
  8. It's been so hot here, that no one feels like eating, so I think we're just having cereal tonight. The kids will definitely eat that! :D
  9. I think what you've chosen sounds perfect. I've selected some similar items for DS when we travel soon.
  10. We'll be heading through Louisville and stopping there for one night. I've searched hotels and there is the east area, airport area, and downtown area. What would you suggest?
  11. My 3.5 yo is fully potty trained during the day, but at night he still needs to wear a pull-up. Like your dd, he sleeps so heavily, he doesn't wake up to know he needs to go. We've tried to wake him before we go to bed, and it is disasterous, so we've decided to let him do it at his own time. For now, we'll just continue with the pull-ups even though I hate paying for them.
  12. You can do this, Joanne! We are on a DR plan that works for us like others here. We're cc debt-free, and we're about to pay off my car, then my school loans. Within all this, we are still taking our summer vacation (albeit frugally), and we've actually budgeted an entertainment envelope and a restaurant envelope. The amounts are not large, but we knew we needed a bit of freedom to keep our sanity. We enjoy eating out and the ability to take the kids to a movie every now and then, so that is why those envelopes are there. They keep us reigned in and successful with the debt snowball, but DR probably wouldn't approve. :)
  13. I'm sorry to hear it was a tough weekend... hang in there, and give yourself grace. :grouphug:
  14. :iagree: This is a near-perfect description of my dh too. I will add that mine will pick up the slack with housework because he knows that schooling takes up time when I could be doing chores. He's also excellent at taking the boys out of my hair when we're having those days where I am spent at the end of them. Granted, I had to communicate my needs, worries, and concerns to him before we started, and during this journey, but he responds as best as he can. For that I am grateful.
  15. :iagree: Both Dh and I took jobs we didn't like to get by while we searched for something else. We both learned skills at these jobs that ended up enhancing our qualifications for the future. This boy needs to grow up and his parents need to stop helping him maintain this attitude by supporting him with housing and finances.
  16. Peela, I just love your responses! You are always so insightful. Thank you for helping us to keep things in perspective. :)
  17. I think it can be lots of fun - this is coming from a woman who used to HATE exercising in any form! Getting and staying fit is hard for some women; I am one of them, and I think it's going to be a constant battle for me. Pilates and Zumba are great programs, and I know several women who are in excellent shape as a result. As Peela mentioned, body type is definitely going to be a factor... as is metabolism, diet, sleep, medications (if any)... there are so many things that will affect getting fit, and it's definitely not a "one-size-fits-all" fix like we're made to believe in exercise infomercials, magazines, etc. I've found the suggestion of having an exercise buddy is truly motivating and is one of the things that works for me. Left to my own devices, I'm lazy!
  18. Glad to hear you had a good appt. today! Thank you for keeping us posted! :grouphug:
  19. So happy for you! God is more than wonderful!!! Enjoy your new friends!
  20. You had a great time at Walmart which can be hard to do! :lol: Love it!
  21. As with others, it truly depends upon the actor. The quality of the movie is usually more important to me.
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