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Everything posted by Heathermomster

  1. You are already on record with the intervention team that your son's grade was inflated. Your past step 1 now and have moved on to step 2. Was the interim grade corrected?
  2. I hope that you get helpful answers. When I was in your place, I used to email the teacher and CC the principal and ask the teacher to review and regrade the exams because of the noted discrepancies. Photocopy the tests and keep for your records. With accommodations (calculator and facts card), DS passed classroom math. Son's private school accepted the NP's report. Honestly, schools don't handle dyscalculia very well, and NLD related math issues are an even more complex challenge. Good luck!
  3. I still don't understand what SLDs you are dealing with. If we are talking only dyslexia, school should be about normal with accommodation. The recs for dyslexia remediation are 1 hour per day, three days per week. Of course, children should play and have fun during the day. Accommodate the other subject areas using audio books (Learningally, Bookshare, VoiceDream app, Kindle TTS), coffee table type books, documentaries, and fun learnng shows like Myth Busters. During the grammar stage, DS performed hands-on science and literature projects which were fun for the both of us.
  4. When DS sat in the classroom pre-k through 6, his favorite part of school was recess and lunch. He provided that answer every.single.time that I asked. As a 10th grader, he loves homeschooling because he's working within the confines of a hybrid state which means some classes at the cover while the rest are at home. It has been that way since 7th grade. He started liking school for realsies in the 8th-9th grades.
  5. DS is dyslexic and dysgraphic. We used a writing tutor for all the reasons you described. I came alongside DS and pointed to the tutor when he was frustrated. She is a wonderful lady so I pointed that fact out as well. I am not a particular fan of IEW style writing but it worked for DS. Pen used Bravewriter so maybe check that out. I am not sure which writing programs have an online teacher component. Our students feel personally attacked when we are critical of their writing. We have to work with them gently so that they see we are helping them. Maybe sit down with your DD and discuss the situation and come up with a strategy for handling frustration. Develop a plan of action with a rewards system built in. Writing progress will take time so be realistic. Write down expectations and both of you sign it. Build in some hot tea and cookies into the process. DS is very good about soliciting my input now, but that ability took some time to develop. ETA: Typing has helped with the punctuation, capitalization, and spelling issues. There are also programs like Ginger and SpeakIt that can help.
  6. Scribe for her and talk her through the process. Do the prework with her and scribe the KWO. On the next day, help her write the paragraph and maybe edit. Edit with her on the third day for sure. My DS could not write a paragraph on his own IEW style until late 7th grade. He was the only boy in a class with a private tutor and 3 other dyslexic boys that could. Writing is tough. Can she type? Typing for DS made all the difference. You could also modify the KWOs and use mindmapping instead. Watching the Dr. Haynes webinar might help you as it discusses scaffolding strategies.
  7. What exactly are the SLDs? I don't understand the "he will always be technically behind" statement.
  8. Developmental vision will affect all subjects. Does your child struggle with reading or anything else besides math? My DS was diagnosed with a maths disability by a PhD. Neuropsychologist. A 2-3 stanine disparity between WISC-IV IQ scores and math achievement testing demonstrates his mathematics SLD. I brought DS home mid 5th grade and it was at that time that the seriousness of his maths disability became apparent. I read the book How the Brains Learns Mathematics by David Sousa, used materials by Ronit Bird, after market Singapore Mental Math books, and this Cuisenaire kit. With my direct intervention, DS learned his times and division facts in about 6 weeks. He also required constant practice so used a basic math drill program for pc using the 10-keypad. DS is a strong spatial/kinesthetic learner so he responds well to manipulatives. We also use math mnemonics and graph paper. I don't believe that public or private school teachers are prepared to deal with dyscalculia. The teachers we dealt with were inflexible in thought and not mathematically minded themselves. The teachers were totally uneasy with teaching novel math solving strategies and prefer straight up procedure. Anyhoo... DS wanted to try school again for 6th grade. We allowed that but he came home permanently since the 7th grade. My goal for DS is that he master enough algebra and stats to be able to get through basic college requirements. I recommend you place your eval request in writing and consider a basic COVD vision screening. The ps does not diagnose SLDs and only tests for IEP. Since your child is in ps, I don't know what you can do to help. It is very difficult to work with a student at home when they are attempting to keep up with grade level work. Unless your child is part of a daily pull out program for math, I doubt that she will get the helps that she needs. Have you considered bringing her home? If so, we can make suggestions, but her success will depend upon the severity of her issues.
  9. I don't know exactly how to verbalize this to make sense. DS is dyslexic, but I clearly recall a convo with son's principal where they wanted retesting because she felt the dyslexia diagnosis would not apply. BTW, the testing she looked at was within 36 months. Our stuff was not outdated by any means. DH and I felt like she was eager for the school to no longer be on the hook for helps. It was like, let's find any excuse we can to no longer accommodate in spite of the obvious need. This educator was being obtuse over an SLD that has been studied for years and years with tons of documentation to support findings. For the sake of the ASD community, I wish there was more conclusive testing rather than plain old observation. Agendas get in the way and it just irritates me.
  10. Hi there. I have some concerns about the RB books wrt your DD. My DS has a diagnosed maths disability but it must not be super severe because he never struggled with the basic add/sub facts to 20. He's 2e with verbal comp and spatial strengths. The Overcoming Difficulties RB book was great for him, and we used it when he was late 5th grade. I don't know you or your DD but given what you have written, I am tempted to suggest RB's e-books for the iPad first. If those prove to be unhelpful, you may want to go in an entirely new direction and consider Semple or Touch Math. If your DD's issues are straight arithmetic and not conceptual, maybe just hand her a calculator and fact cards and keep moving. Just so that you know, RB is mostly manipulative and picture based. Semple/Touch is visual based. TT is supposedly good with procedures. Math is one of those subjects that I have never been able to walk away from. It is just understood that I stand nearby or sit with DS while he works.
  11. OP, my DS was sitting in a classroom when he was diagnosed dyslexic. I did not feel prepared to instruct him and the Wilson tutor was available to us. I have never regretted the decision to hire the tutor. It took awhile for me to understand the issues or have any patience or confidence to teach. In our case, I feel like me tutoring the reading would have been bad. The tutor did not coordinate reading and spelling. If you go with a tutor, try to work alongside her and work out the spelling options.
  12. Have you considered taking an O-G course? I almost wonder if getting that sort of training might benefit your DS given the severity of his dyslexia. I think FairP and SandKC both deal with the dyslexia issues that you are describing. My DS worked with a highly experienced Wilson tutor for dyslexia remediation. If you hire a tutor, you want someone that is experienced and works well with your son..
  13. I'll read up on the Fairness doctrine. Thanks all.
  14. Off hand, I would say this thread. Maybe the Fairness Act, which is more of an attempt to limit conservative talk in the private sector. Maybe not so much where I live.
  15. Where I attend, shut-ins, which are the sick, elderly, and unable to attend for many reasons are still considered communicant members.
  16. You are alluding that I am disrespectful because I linked church participation numbers? Nice...
  17. People may acknowledge their Christian heritage but the numbers of people that participate is far below that number. It's called the halo effect. A pollster calls your home and you tell them you attend church when you don't. Look at church participation numbers in the general population. The numbers run about 17-20% weekly church participation. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/news/church-attendance/ http://www.churchleaders.com/pastors/pastor-articles/139575-7-startling-facts-an-up-close-look-at-church-attendance-in-america.html
  18. Tara, I see a very public attempt to marginalize and alienate Christians from public discourse. It is really that simple. And it's not my place to tell you or anyone else HOW to argue. This country is still comprised of freely elected legislative individuals. Voters decide their representation. If you don't like an opponent's argument, tune out or turn off or work to get someone else elected. I actually think that children and committed couples should have legal protections, irregardless of their sexual orientation. As a Christian, I do not expect non-believers to act as believers. Why would they? That doesn't make sense. As I stated previously, legal protections are now in place to protect children and partners within these relationships. Gay marriage proponents, you won. Celebrate your victory. You need no one's approval. Make no mistake though, there are same sex marriage advocates who will press for the loss of tax-exempt status of churches, synagogues and mosques which refuse to offer same sex ceremonies. Justice Roberts alluded to it during the SC hearing. There are a ton of laws in this country that I don't approve of but I obey.
  19. I am thinking about this more. Basically, are you stating that a religious person should not be allowed into public discourse or debate because their law might be passed? The former Soviet Union had no religious input either.
  20. Our nation works precisely because we are a glob of competing interests that struggle over how to design laws that conform to competing beliefs. Look at England...Imagine if William Wilberforce, a former slave trader and converted Evangelical Christian, had never rose up and led opposition against the slave trade in England? Our world would be a very different place right now. With the Supreme Court's ruling on gay marriage, legal protections are now in place to protect children and partners within these relationships. Gay marriage proponents, you won. Celebrate your victory. You need no one's approval. My greatest concern for my church is that we will loose our tax exempt status for our refusal to host a gay wedding. My church provides significant financial support to two local minority pastors and their outreach into very poor areas, medical missionaries in Ukraine and Central America, teachers in Papua New Guinea, and other missionaries spread throughout the globe. It hurts to think that the children and the needy that we support will suffer through a lack of giving because of increased taxation on charitable giving, but the church will manage.
  21. There is a local classical school that transitions from a half home to full day school over the course of grammar stage. Kids with SLDs notoriously struggle due to the reading and writing requirements. Even the NT kids struggle because they are unprepared for the reading and writing. Personally, I would not attempt CC with an untested, unaccommodated, and unremediated child that struggles. I just wouldn't, but YMMV.
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