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Everything posted by ebrindam

  1. That's pretty bad. I've never taken a dime from our troop, but I've given hundreds of dollars.
  2. Totally agree! Sonlight made me want to homeschool. All those books! But we don't use it.
  3. Wow. I am a troop leader and didn't require anyone to sell. (One girl sold none...that's fine. Some sold 14 or 16 boxes...also fine) The cookie mom should have done a better job estimating because the troop will be responsible for paying for the ones that aren't sold. An expensive mistake, but not one you are responsible to fix! I was super conservative with what our troop ordered because I was scared to end up with extras.
  4. Cloth pads can be washed just fine in a regular washing machine on a regular cycle.
  5. You might want to look for some kids books on homeschooling too! My DD liked "Azalea, Unschooled" and "Ippie Unschooled" but there are several others that are good! Normalizing it for her might help. Also, the Amazon Prime show "Annedroids" features a main character who is homeschooled (well, online school) and does all kinds of cool stuff with robots.
  6. I really like the look of this program and I'm trying to figure it out. There's the student book, workbook, and 2 teacher manuals per level I think. Are all of those things needed? Is there are a writing component to it, or is writing something you need to buy from a different publisher? Any info anyone can share would be great! I would be looking at either Ruby or Coral level if that makes a difference. Thanks!
  7. My DD is doing Narrative and we really like it! Her writing is very good and it's an enjoyable curriculum to use and teach.
  8. Wow. Overreaction! And also, frankly, most 11 year old boys don't care about ANY shirts. So it would simply be a waste of money for mom.
  9. Is dragon box the app or something else? DD likes the app!
  10. I like the look of Jousting Armadillos. Is there a place to see samples of the Key To... Series?
  11. We are done with Beast...I think my signature needs an update!
  12. DD will be ready soon and I want to start looking. Thanks!
  13. Or if pre-algebra isn't really necessary, a favorite algebra program rec. would be great too!
  14. What is your favorite? DD will be ready next year and I am interested in checking out some options! Thanks!
  15. What is your favorite? DD will be ready next year and I am interested in checking out some options! Thanks!
  16. Has anyone ordered from Winter Promise recently? I wondered if the shipping issues have been resolved at all. Thanks!
  17. Christy Selena ... 32 years ago and I will never forget!
  18. We left after 2 weeks last year. Lost the money (did not ask for refund). No regrets.
  19. Yeah we're about there too. I set aside $5000 a year for DD's education and consider it cheap since it's a lot less than a private school would be and public is not an option for her!
  20. I think marriage is MORE special now that it's open to everyone. Love is love. I would never live with someone without being married.
  21. DD(6) said '5th' recently when asked...it's the grade on her math book.
  22. We have used the Lego Education kits. Highly recommend.
  23. I do have RBF. Perhaps it's saving me a lot of trouble and aggravation!
  24. I have not had a single negative comment. Ever. Weird, right?
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