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Everything posted by Mommamia

  1. Yes, we use them. Yes, we like them:001_smile: Our agent communicates with us via email and phone very easily. I have never had to call them for a claim so I'm not sure what cs would be like for that.
  2. What were the changes in the SOTW AG vol. 2 (2008) from the 2003 edition? TIA
  3. Thanks for the push Ginger. My husband has been telling me this. My latest EKG showed an arrythmia(on top of the mitral valve and aortic regurg.) but my dr didn't seem concerned. Going to look for a cardiologist..... stay well!
  4. Ok, never heard of this! Wow:001_smile: http://emf.mercola.com/sites/emf/archive/2011/03/12/will-microwaves-kill-more-than-cigarettes-and-asbestos-combined.aspx The link to the article is above.
  5. Am I the only one worried about this? If my worries are silly please give some input.
  6. Are you worried about them. Electric magnetic fields? Do you use wireless internet or use an ethernet cable? I just read an article that has me a bit worried about our wireless use and EMF overload. Any insight?
  7. Ok, forget my question if you had any warning. Got it. Wow!! Again, since I have mitral valve regurg. and have been having heart palp's I'm a bit :tongue_smilie:
  8. Wow, I'm glad that you are well. I'm sort of freaked out because I have mitral valve regurgitation and a heart arrythmia. My doctors have never said to be too worried. Did you have any warning?
  9. I have both curriculums. I prefer Soaring with Spelling and Vocab. Sorry, my brain is fried right now.
  10. I have not read the other replies. One of my best friends does(follow WTM) She always has. I've admired the fact that she never curriculum hunts and has just followed WTM. She used to be on this ooard, but now comes on minimally. I'll tell her about your question:001_smile:
  11. Just throwing another option out there....maybe there was something wrong with it. Maybe an animal did something to it. I had a cousin pick up a chair off the curb. It ended up having roaches. Ya never know.
  12. How did you get rid of them? How long did it take you?
  13. :iagree:I know that the management was hiring pest control, but I would think it would take some effort/cost to the tenant too. Makes sense.
  14. If you lived in a townhouse complex (about 10 units per building-18 buildings) and heard that there were bed bugs in 2 specific buildings....would you be worried? I feel sick about it. I'm spraying tea tree oil everywhere. Are bed bugs carried by a host(person)? Should I be worried that they may walk on over to my place? I found out through the maintenance man. It seems to be kept very hush hush. I do know that the units are being fumigated, but I heard that the tenants are not doing anything and the bugs have spread from one TH to another. Maybe they were friends? I feel all paranoid now:001_huh: We live very close to NYC-I'm afraid to go into Manhattan:tongue_smilie: Any advice!
  15. How is the new Foundations guide(3rd edition?) different from the 2nd edition? If you are doing CC, do you introduce the memory work before the class?
  16. I'm wondering the same thing. I've been now uploading them to places like Snapfish, Shutterfly, etc. Once uploaded you can order from their site. Love to know other ideas.
  17. I'm sorry this happened. I could totally relate as I have had something similar happen with my ds8. I actually did try to get the other parent to help, but they just stared.:tongue_smilie: I decided to just stand and show my presence on the playground. I also obviously used it as an opportunity to teach my dc how to respond ( I gave dc words they could say in that situation). I would rather them learn with my presence than on their own (YKWIM?) My dc can be tough with each other, but not with strangers. I think personality has something to do with how they might respond.
  18. Maybe I didn't explain myself well enough. I was worried about that. For some of the expensive/complicated curriculums there seem to be a cheaper, easier to teach workbooks out there. Workbook vs workbook. Does that make sense? We are using Rod and Staff English, but the Harcourt Language Arts book seems to teach the same things in a more understandable way. I also love their Writing Skills book. We supplement, but for the base work I'm finding these workbooks to be a great surprise. Sommer-Very cool! So you have mostly used "The Complete book of..." or similar? What age did you switch to TT?
  19. I'm wondering about something and hope to communicate it as best I can:tongue_smilie: In comparing popular curriculum with various workbooks from Barnes and Noble I've noticed there is not a huge difference(if any at all). For example, we had been using Spelling Workout. We purchased Harcourt Flash Kids Spelling Skills workbooks and they seemed to have the same format and similar content. After not loving various grammar curriculums I purchased a Harcourt Language Arts workbook. My dc like it, I like it and it seems to cover all the content they need to know. Is there something I am not noticing? Do the workbooks(Harcourt, Sylvan, Kumon) not cover enough?
  20. My almost 9 yr olds still play with toys. In fact, we spent most of the morning playing with their Lego guys. Yes....me included:001_smile:
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