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5 Hikers

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Everything posted by 5 Hikers

  1. Everything will be revealed when you keep reading. Some of those questions cannot be answered without spoiling things. As to #1, I do believe that Katniss feels betrayed by Haymitch because of all the plans they made to take her from the Games without her knowledge. That includes his being part of the rebellion.
  2. We have a 95lb GoldenDoodle. Half Golden Retriever Half Standard Poodle. We love him. He is very gentle with the kids, friendly, but still slightly protective.
  3. I don't know what to do so I thought I might get some thoughts here. I am in the middle of a divorce. Just found out house is in Dh's name only. He is willing to hand it over though. I haven't had a job and just got accepted to Nursing school, so I don't plan to get a job for 2 years yet. Dh agreed to let me stay for 3 years and then refinance it so his name is no longer on it, but only if I can pay it. I cannot afford the house on my own. I have parents who can afford to pay for it for me and they will, but... My mom is co-dependent and very controlling. She will help me pay my bills, but be very bitter and resentful about it all. She will only help with strings attached and I will be subject to her whims for the next 2 years. What would you choose? Keep the kids in the house and deal with a mean parent for 2 years or move into a cheap apartment complex? Another part of this is that my parents gave me a huge down payment for this house, and they already have mentioned now that they dont want to lose their money. It was given as a gift with no mention of repayment 7 years ago. But, like I mentioned earlier they constantly make comments on how it is more their house since they paid a lot for it. They also give me money monthly to help pay bills. I bought the house with strong encouragement from them knowing I couldn't afford it. I made a stupid mistake, but don't know how to get out of it now. If I sell now they probably won't get their money back. I would give them whatever profit I made to try to be free of it. If I move into an apartment I will be free from all the controlling people in my life, and I know I will have a sense of accomplishment at finally living my life. It is better for the kids to stay in the house since they already have so many changes happening? My parents do love me and would help me. My mom just has lots of issues from childhood she's never dealt with.
  4. Thanks, I think. This is why I cannot decide between the 2. I think I am going to go with MM3 and let him fly through it since I already own Grade4 I won't have to buy anything in January.
  5. I planted my garden April 17th, our last freeze date is supposed to be the 15th. We had a freeze the following week with sleet and hail. My tomatoes survived and the bell peppers, but not the cucumbers. The cucumbers are all gone, I will have to replant those.
  6. I gave ds7 the placement test for TT and he would start in TT5 for August based on that. I just feel TT is behind and cannot go there. Also, I have to adjust some things because he is dyslexic and is behind in reading. He just is at a beginning 2nd grade level now and he is supposed to be at the end of 2nd grade. He has a lot of trouble with all the calendar math.
  7. Thanks, this is good to know. I am very comfortable with math so I don't need explanations, but I would like some idea of how to break down lessons for the year and I would like drill sheets.
  8. I just got into Nursing school for my RN. I start in August and I still plan to homeschool. I will also most likely be a single mom by then unless a miracle happens. Classes are 2 days a week from 7am-4pm with driving and 2 clinicals on weekends. Try to find a sitter that will do school with your kids, even light stuff helps. I found 2 retired schoolteachers and 3 homeschool friends to rotate for me.
  9. :iagree: Also, if they are playing on the CPU or video games and do not get off immediately when told they lose playing privelages the next day. If my oldest tries to argue with me I walk away. I already told him once what to do, if he doesn't then he will receive punishment. For the teeth brushing, we use a chart. If they brush without being told they get a sticker. So, up to 14 stickers for the week. If they don't get at least 10 they do not get dessert, candy or juice the following week.
  10. I didn't read all the responses, but I wanted to reply. When I start feeling overwhelmed I take a deep breath and I talk to them in a low whisper. When I lower my voice they stop and listen immediately. They know that I am serious and in control this way. Keep your voice low and firm. When you yell they know you are out of control. Sometimes you need to lock yourself in the bathroom or walk outside for a Mommy time-out too. I couldn't help but notice that a lot of your anger towards the kids might have something to do with being hurt by your dh. I recognize this in myself a whole lot. When dh hurts me it is harder to not get aggravated by the kids because you want to have a pity party and not deal with anything, even if it's only 5 minutes. If you realize this, you can change your attitude quicker.
  11. I have skimmed through everything I own, but not used more than 16 items for sure. I usually end up selling things and then rebuying to be totally honest. I need to quit selling and just keep collecting. I have had many friends come curriculum shopping at my house. :001_smile:
  12. I have MM Grade 4, plus I have several topics on pdf like: measuring, clocks, money, addition, place value and division. I just wondered why so many people go with SM and not many talk about MM?
  13. WP has Animal Worlds. Many people have problems with their customer service though. And some find it choppy. I am using it next year anyways. I needed something written out for me.
  14. Is MM or Singapore better? For a child who gets math and flies through it quickly what do you think? I have asked this lots of times, I just cannot make up my mind. I am going to use Saxon with my oldest, but it is way too slow for ds7. I have Beast Academy, but wondered if I should use it as a supplement and add a program.
  15. My ds7 could spell but not read the word, and he was tested in January with Dyslexia. I could ask him to spell cat and he would sound it out aloud and then write it down correctly, but later when I showed him the word cat he could not read it. Maybe go back and see if you dd really knows the alphabet? Can she form each letter correctly, does she mix up b and d?
  16. :D I feel a little important. The author of LBC must come here and read through the forums. Here is her blog post in response to my review: http://www.livingbookscurriculum.com/blog/active-learning-what-you-should-know-about-it-and-why/
  17. Ok, so do you give them the score they made when they first took the test or do you adjust somehow to include the work they redid? Thanks!
  18. Does she color? My ds that hates to write also hated to color. I really believe it has to do with hand flexibility and muscles. Anyways, I make my 11yo son color everyday now. I never made him before and I have seen improvement in his writing and less whining about doing it. Not all subjects are going to be fun. I think you should just tell her that and have her still do it. My ds7 likes the Draw Write Now series though.
  19. Ok, I've never graded nor cared to but this year I need to come up with grades. If I take a subject where we had daily assignments plus tests, what percentage do you give each of those? Would you do 40% for tests and 60% daily or switch it? Or give it something else? Also, how do you account for the fact that I never let him leave wrong answers. On daily work and tests I mark them wrong, but then I go back and make him redo them all. How do you grade that? Thanks!
  20. My parents are Military so we are staying at Shades of Green. It is on Disney property.
  21. I thought the Cat of Bubastes was horrible too. The only books I like of Dickens are Tale of two Cities, Christmas Carol and Nicholas Nickleby. A tale of Two Cities is defiinitely his easiest book to read. I hate Great Expectations. Hated the plot and everything about it. Oliver Twist and David Copperfield have potential, if they didn't drag on so.
  22. Are you looking for YE Creationist or Secular?
  23. Mine too. My ds, soon to be 12, loves that he gets to sleep in. He also likes that if he does his work he has the afternoon free. He is into video game programming and makes his own stuff. I know nothing about computers so it's all greek to me. :001_smile:
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