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Everything posted by PollyOR

  1. I don't use a program. I help my kids sound out three letter CVC words (cat, etc.) and then introduce sight words (the, etc.) as they come up. We work with books we have here at home and move on to progressively "harder" books. The two (2nd & 3rd dd's) I helped learn to read are very different. One is towards the whole language end of the spectrum and the other is towards the phonics end. I had to work with their strengths. We kept plugging away. My favorite resources for very beginning readers are the Leap Frog DVD's - The Letter Factory and The Word Factory.
  2. I try to take off one evening a week. Mainly I go to Borders book store. Sometimes I go to the library. During the summer months when the evenings are still light, I go eat a small Georgia Mud Fudge blizzard while sitting in my van in the Dairy Queen parking lot. How's that for exciting? :D
  3. My reason for posting my own experience was to not to say "poor me." It is to point out that we (myself included) need to be careful when judging others. We do not know the whole story. I never thought I would be investigated for child abuse. I never thought my oldest would get pregnant and have to get married. I never thought one of my children would be on antidepressants by the age of 13. But here I am. I would not choose to walk in these shoes. Yet, it has made me a more compassionate person and not as quick to pass judgment. My opinion - do I agree with the names they have chosen for their children? No. But, it isn't grounds to split up their family.
  4. Having been under investigation for child abuse when my oldest was a baby (concussion), I can tell you that it is FRIGHTENING to realize the power that others have to take your children away from you. How would you feel?
  5. Another vote for Dr. Who. My kids love watching it with their Dad. I'm not a TV/Movie person, but I would recommend subscribing to Netflix if you are going to watch a lot of DVDs. It has been a much cheaper option than the local Blockbuster. I'm not sure what type of internet service you have (DSL here) but if it is fast enough, it is nice to be able to watch "instant play" movies and shows.
  6. Are you all talking about just during the Christmas break? My 13dd struggles with sleeping late (it's in the genes ;)). She could easily sleep until 12-1pm every day. She is struggling with depression (meds and counseling). I've been getting her up at 9:30am trying to help fight her depression/change her body clock. She's not happy about it.
  7. Another voracious reader, poor speller here. Phonetic Zoo has helped a lot but it hasn't been magic. And yes, it is spendy. DD became a writer a year ago, and even the spell checker didn't help her. In the beginning I would skim her writing and find numerous words that didn't make any sense, because she had relied on the spell checker. BUT, she is improving as she continues to write and use phonetic zoo. I think it is a combination of the two. I am really glad that there is a spelling program that helps auditory learners! I would purchase it again for this child.
  8. About seven years ago I was a burnt out mom. My husband took a week off from work and kept the kids while I spent a week with my sister and her family. It did wonders for my attitude. I appreciated my family so much more when I returned. I live in an area that is overcast and rainy for much of the winter. I usually "crash" during February. Last winter there was a 24 hour period where I was like a zombie. It was awful! So, I'm wondering if your body is reacting to the lack of sunshine (vitamin D, etc.). Not only are we dealing with winter but also the stress associated with so many holidays close together. Could you be affected by the stress? We hosted Thanksgiving this year, and I took off that week for preparations. I had every intention of restarting school the following Monday. But, I just couldn't do it. I finally accepted the fact that I needed a break, so we are taking off all of December. Listen to your body and go with the flow. We have all our lives to continue learning. Don't worry about being behind. :001_smile: p.s. My oldest went to public school. I wouldn't recommend it. You give up a lot of flexibility when you are tied to their schedule.
  9. Drew, I was so excited to see this thread updated and that the book is available. I had fun ordering myself a Christmas present last night. ;)
  10. Joann, I was thinking about you today as I was walking a block to my van in the blowing cold rain...and I'm not even pregnant. ;) Hope you are having a better day. :)
  11. BRATZ aren't allowed in our house! I wish there were modest Barbie clothes. Another choice is Only Hearts Club dolls.
  12. I grew up in FL and have lived in the PNW for 12 years now. Go outside in the winter? Are you guys kidding? LOL! When she said dreary, she isn't kidding. Honestly, it would help to go for a walk, but I understand how you feel about being outside during the winter. So, I would definitely try the vitamin D and light therapy. And, if you can drag yourself outside once in awhile, that's great too :001_smile:. Hoping your hubby is more supportive soon!
  13. Yep, Lively Latin really is as close as you can get in my opinion. I print out several lessons at a time and that lasts 5-6 weeks. Or, you could buy the hard copy.
  14. My kids really like Hatchet. It is a survival story. It has been a long time since I read it aloud, so definitely pre-read it. His parents' divorce is mentioned in the beginning. If I remember correctly, he sees his mom sitting in a car with another man. I'm not sure that would bother you.
  15. voracious reader/poor speller - Phonetic Zoo struggling reader/natural speller - Rod & Staff
  16. I had this problem lately. The smell came and went. It was the drip pan under the refrigerator. Good luck!
  17. Even though we live 5 1/2 miles out of town, there is a private school within 5 minutes walking distance from our house. Tuition for just my 10 year old would be $4,140. That does not include: registration fee $175, instructional fee $100, membership fee $450 per family, activity fee $100. PLUS, they require 30 volunteer hours per year OR $750 in lieu of volunteering. I can buy A LOT of books for $4,965 - $5,715!
  18. I've always been so excited about science, but I was always putting it off because it takes preparation. I finally decided to just read the books (Rod & Staff). That was better than nothing! R&S has plenty of activities, but kids seem to be okay with just reading for now. Maybe one of these days I'll actually do some activities ;) Good luck!
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