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Julie in GA

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Everything posted by Julie in GA

  1. I created a mapwork activity for Beowulf that you may find helpful. Here's the link: Map the Great Books
  2. Has anyone compared these two programs? I saw "Language Lessons" in the Timberdoodle catalog, and it sounded like it might be fun to try. The next day I received an email from Classical Writing about a new primer, "Autumn." I love CW, and have used it for years, but didn't know about the primers. Details, anyone? TIA,
  3. Others may be able to speak to this issue more knowledgeably, but I believe you need to have labs (microscope work, dissection, etc.) done and turned in in order to give credit for a true "lab science." I too have the BJU Life Science book, and I agree with you that it's quite comprehensive. I think you could make it work if you add some labwork. (Maybe get a microscope kit and/or disscetion kit from Home Science Tools?) HTH,
  4. Is this a different "Scholars Online" than the Veritas Press one? Thanks,
  5. which is why "is come" would be a verb phrase. It can be frustrating to parse KJV, but on the other hand, it makes us think about the words, and in the process, get to know our modern tongue better, right? I do have to agree with you, though, that sometimes it's just a pain.
  6. Truths We Confess, by R.C. Sproul. The subtitle says it all: "A Layman's Guide to the Westminster Confession of Faith." There is a wonderful chapter on the Lord's Supper in Volume 3 explaining these issues. HTH,
  7. because it would put that person above his/her peers in an unnatural way. The school board has to make decisions involving hiring and firing, salaries, curriculum, teacher training, etc. etc. School board members can always solicit the opinions of teachers on various topics, or even have a teacher come to a certain meeting to give a report, but it really isn't wise to have a teacher on the school board.
  8. Very strong agreement here to Mama Lynx's post. Me too, me too!
  9. I've just published my Early Modern period copybook for grades 3-7 (ZB Cursive Edition). You can download a free copy here: Early Modern History Copybook
  10. You're right -- now that I think back, I was a bit disappointed that I couldn't just look at one big map. Hmm - maybe the boys and I will have to make one!
  11. I asked on the CW message board and was also told that the Model for Analysis can be used for the writing project as well, especially for the longer narratives, such as "Moses on the Mountain."
  12. It has map insets, explanations and photographs in the margins. The text is the full, unabridged text, and most of the maps and diagrams date from the time period of the story. The ISBN# is 0-670-86793-4 HTH,
  13. Not only that, but you'd have trouble re-selling your books and/or using your old books with new workbooks (with your younger children later).
  14. So will you post again when you receive the Alg 2 set? It would be great to save the $$! Thanks,
  15. It is a way of mapping out the structure of a sentence so that it can be visualized. To be a good writer, I believe that one must understand the structure of sentences, i.e., how they are put together. In order to do a diagram, you have to be able to find the subject and verb of the main clause of the sentence (referred to as the "sentence skeleton" in the Rod & Staff grammar books). One exercise that Classical Writing uses is to take a sentence, diagram it, and then write a completely different sentence (i.e., about a different topic), that fits the diagram. This has been a great way to use diagrams to improve my dc's writing skills. A good resource for understanding diagramming is The First Whole Book of Diagrams, by Mary Daly. HTH,
  16. "When" is actually part of an adverbial clause that modifies the verb "ask." "When I got there" is the adverbial clause. "When" is what we call a "subordinate conjunction," because it connects the main clause of the sentence with another clause. Does this clear it up? I was just about to parse the whole thing for you, but the baby is awake...
  17. Just make sure that you download the stuff soon after receiving the password, because they will change it at some point, for security reasons. There should be an email address in the front of your text somewhere.
  18. The Phantom Tollbooth My Father's Dragon YES to the Eleanor Estes books - we loved the Moffats series Brian Jacques books, both the Redwall series & Castaways series Swallows and Amazons Tin Tin (if you're okay with a comics format)
  19. Ahh. That makes sense. My ds12 was at Ch 13 of Volume I when he took the Latin I exam. My older son had just finished Volume 2, but he did some Wheelocks before we found LiCT, and therefore had more of a foundation. I do remember at least one verb tense (perfect) that wasn't covered in LiCT Volume 1, that was on one of the practice exams for level 1. Thanks again, Cynthia.
  20. My ds12 scored 1 point lower than the national average on Latin 1, and my ds14 earned a Magna Cum Laude certificate for Latin 2. I'm encouraged, though. This was their first year to take it, and we will keep pressing on!
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