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Everything posted by unfrumpable.

  1. Really? Do you mean on magazine covers or IRL? Because I do not normally encounter young women in little more than a bra and panties in my day-to-day activities.
  2. I have to agree. I definitely do not view other kids as my own. Being a mother to one is more than enough to worry about!
  3. She looks pretty covered up to me already. Who does he think he is? He has no right to say anything like that.
  4. You totally had me until I scrolled down more. :hat:
  5. Wow. The original poster didn't say that she likes to dress inappropriately. That is quite a generalization on your part! On top of that, she specifically stated that she knew the topic wasn't black and white and was looking for opinions from others on the topic. I mean really, just wow.
  6. This. And I agree with WishboneDawn too, that it may reflect a strict upbringing more than being or dressing modestly. I was brought up in a household that never, ever mentioned sex. I never struggled with p*rn (and it wasn't readily available in the late 80s anyways:)), but I've dealt with other issues of being brought up in a stricter, more prudish household.
  7. That's really odd. I'm assuming you don't let your guinea pigs run loose through the house? :)
  8. When I was anemic, I did crave ice. I especially craved the little bits and pieces on the bottom of the ice container. Yuck and TMI, but it had a different taste and I loved it. I also loved the smell of rubber and would go stand in the tire section of whatever store I was in. I was anemic due to heavy periods caused by a fibroid. Before starting iron supplements, I would have her tested. Taking in too much iron can be bad too.
  9. I've made falafel a couple of times using whole chick peas. They never came out right though. I've decided that they are something to just be bought from a restaurant. :)
  10. Beautiful area too! Plus, in FL there are umbrella schools to join if you don't want to jump through any hoops. :)
  11. Well, I think TX is pretty awesome for homeschooling from a regulation standpoint. We live in Houston and there are many homeschool activities and opportunities here. Lots of museums,, the zoo, many nature centers, etc. These places all have programs and/or activities geared toward homeschoolers. We've done so much here compared to how little we did in Jacksonville, FL. I'm not a huge TX fan in general and never wanted to live here, but this has been our best homeschool year ever. :) ETA: We did a good amount of activities this past year and actually passed on many more. There are so many things to do here in Houston. I don't know about other parts of the state though, TX is a very large state. I've driven through some very desolate areas. :laugh:
  12. That is similar to mine, except mine has the SHER part blocked out. I had to have mine custom made from some place on eBay because nobody makes cool phone cases for Blackberry. :)
  13. Huh, the one time I had to file, I had to file as the seller, the buyer could not file. I asked her and she tried. This was on eBay though, so I don't know if that makes a difference or not.
  14. They don't even have this book at my library! It is not available on PaperbackSwap either. Is it worth buying? :)
  15. I would refund and then file for the insurance. Ask the buyer to take pictures to send to you that you can pass along when you file for the insurance.
  16. The movie is even more depressing than the book! I still read it once every couple of years though. How about Brave New World?
  17. How about The Uglies Trilogy? I picked one up in a thrift store a couple of years ago and ended up reading the whole series. It is pretty good, a bit different than some of the others. http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/493455.The_Uglies_Trilogy
  18. Oh, no help, but I am so sorry you're having to deal with so much pain. It is a very miserable experience! I hope you feel better quickly.
  19. You made me literally laugh out loud. Yes, I do that too. :lol:
  20. I come for the entertainment. I may learn some, I may debate some, I may just be snarky. But, overall, it's all for fun. I enjoy watching people debate as much as I love debating myself.
  21. The search functions seems to not be working properly since the new forums have opened. It is frustrating, I've searched for terms and have had the same result.
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