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Everything posted by Twolittleboys

  1. Sorry, I forgot to mention that he is taking French in school. I am more looking for fun, culture stuff to do (art, crafts, games etc.).
  2. Well, I am not really planning on taking any outside classes (we live in a small town and it would be just too much hassle/cost). Still, we will probably cook some French food. Or maybe baking is a better idea as ds is not partial to cheese, cream, mushrooms, or seafood which seem to feature a lot in French cooking. I definitely plan on doing some art stuff and we may (but probably won't) visit Paris.
  3. Honestly? A billionaire's wife. Or an actress. Or a successful writer. Or I guess a hotel tester. Travel consultant. That being said, I do kind of like my current job and liked my previous job so nothing to complain here.
  4. I am thinking of doing a fun "France" project with my 12 year old. I do want it to be somewhat educational, but mostly am just looking for something enjoyable to do together during the summer. So I am looking for any ideas for fun activities etc. to do that have some connection to France. I am especially looking for some sort of computer game set in France if anyone knows of one.
  5. We do have the Sitting like a frog meditation and it seems to work (though my son thinks it is boring - yeah, that is kind of the point of it!). Does your son seem tired during the day? If not, maybe he just doesn't need that much sleep so I would move his bedtime up to keep him from being frustrated.
  6. I get the weirdest ads because I do a lot of research/checking for work which doesn't necessarily correspond to my own interests.
  7. I am actually somewhat worried - and I hardly ever worry about things like this. That being said, I am not sure what can be done (other than a full-out nuclear shelter etc.). I guess general disaster prep may be helpful if the world goes crazy.
  8. My kids have a metal bunk bed (can't be pulled apart though). I don't love it but it was cheap (like less than 100) from Ikea and it is fairly sturdy (they have had it for 8+ years). Wooden will probably look nicer but a sturdy one might be expensive.
  9. Well, I just had to google their names as well as apparently they are big time stars but I had never heard of them.
  10. Thanks for all the input. I think I understand it a little bit better now and it does sound like there are several of you here who have somewhat the same reaction as me. Also, I do feel that I have to say that I am glad this keeps me from drinking too much and I really have no desire to be really drunk - it sounds decidedly unpleasant. I would have liked to find a way to get a bit more "relaxed" though given how uptight I am to start with it would have to be quite a big change. Seems like I am just out of luck that way.
  11. You are probably right. Still, it is slightly disappointing... Hm, something to ponder on. I don't think that is the case with me though, at least not as far as behaviour is concerned. As I said, I wouldn't drive and coordination/reflexes is probably not what it should be. I generally just have wine or whatever with/after dinner so I am on my own (yes, that makes it sound worse because you are not supposed to drink on your own but I hardly ever go out so it is the only possible time)and I guess there isn't too much trouble I could get into. But I have had wine etc. on vacations and I am pretty sure I didn't do anything strange.
  12. Believe me, I have tried. Possibly I just don't know how much alcohol it does take to get anywhere close to drunk and I don't want to get alcohol poisoning (or a hangover for that matter). But I have definitely drunk different wines/liquors and at different speeds. I just skip the tipsy stage and get straight to feeling sick.
  13. Well, yes, I understand that some people get tipsy after half a glass while others can drink the whole bottle. And yes, depending on what I drink/whether I have eaten etc. I can drink a different amount before feeling sick. The part I do not understand is how anyone can get drunk (as in changed consciousness, strongly reduced inhibition, untypical behaviour). I really are in full command (well maybe 98% and I wouldn't drive or anything) and the next minute/sip I feel sick.
  14. Ah, that sounds pretty similar. It isn't so much that I can't drink much, it is the progression (or lack thereof). I wouldn't want to be really drunk either (it sounds pretty weird) but kind of would like to know what it feels like. And I would like to be just a bit more tipsy to the point where it would maybe loosen me up a bit (I am pretty uptight). Do you have any idea what causes it? Does it run in your family?
  15. Yuck, no thanks. I don't want it that much... Anyway, the feeling sick is more a dizzy kind of feeling not a tummy ache. And it happens with all drinks I have tried. If I drink a cocktail (or liquor on its own) the same thing happens. At what point I start feeling bad varies, but there is nothing else happening before it. I haven't tried beer as I hate the stuff. I think I had a bit too much when I was little and the smell alone turns my stomach.
  16. Interesting. I am actually not sure the slight change in behaviour I experience (e.g. maybe some giggling etc.) is due to the alcohol. I think it is more that I know I had a drink and that causes it. I definitely am aware of what I am doing (and of it being something I might not generally do) and I could easily stop it (i.e. giggling or whatever).
  17. Red wine is worse than others (I get sick quicker) but the process is the same with other kinds of alcohol (i.e. slightly tipsy to nauseated without anything in between) No Asian heritage as far as I know (maybe way back when?) and I don't think I turn red. I will have to check the next time I have a drink though. Well, I do stop as soon as I start to feel sick but it just seems so different from how it is portrayed in movies etc.
  18. Well, that's the impression I get as well and that is why I am asking. Depending on what I ate etc. I can maybe drink several glasses of wine before I feel sick (I don't throw up because I lie down / go to bed at that point,) but I don't feel more than maybe slightly tipsy. I definitely would not do anything really out of character. And the change from slightly tipsy to needing to lie down happens quite fast (which is why I do occasionally get to the feeling sick part). I definitely have never felt sick the next day because of it.
  19. Well, I realize that people are different and that body size etc. has something to do with how much alcohol it takes to have any effect. I guess I am wondering how people manage to get drunk (or anything remotely close) - don't they throw up first? As far as the karaoke is concerned, that hasn't actually happened. It's just that I could possibly imagine it happening. And I am not even sure how much would be the alcohol and how much a general party mood etc. Anyway, getting anywhere close to this without getting sick is REALLY tricky! So how is it that most people seem to be able to get there?
  20. Looking at the pot thread reminded me of something I have been wondering about for a while. I don't really get the whole alcohol thing. Most people seem to get tipsy and then drunk which apparently leads to acting quite differently from their normal behaviour. Now, I do drink alcohol, but it doesn't seem to have quite the same effects on me? When I drink maybe a glass of wine I do get slightly tipsy. I MIGHT do something I wouldn't normally do but nothing I really wouldn't. So for example I might sink karaoke with friends but that is about as wild as it gets. I do realize that reflexes etc. get messed up when drinking so of course I wouldn't drive or anything. In the other thread people kept talking about the "relaxing" effect of alcohol but not sure I know what exactly is meant? Anyway, if I continue drinking after one glass one of two things happens: a) I drink very slowly (i.e. sipping occasionally) in which case nothing much changes/maybe I feel a bit less tipsy or b) if I drink too fast (and it doesn't have to be much) I start feeling sick to my stomach and need to lie down/take a nap. I guess I am wondering if that is atypical or if I am just not "doing it right"? I am not even talking about getting really drunk, but I don't even get really tipsy. Anyone else experience this? Or maybe I just have the wrong impression about people getting drunk from movies?
  21. Well, I have never had this but I have seen it. Not sure there are real advantages other than space i.e. if that is the only way to put it that's where you put it. Generally, where we live washing maschines are in the kitchen, in the bathroom or in the basement (due to pipes running there). The advantage of kitchen/bath room is that you don't have to climb steps/leave the apartment. I actually would much prefer having my washing machine in the apartment but unfortunately it is in the basement which means climbing steps, maybe going down too soon or too late and at times running into neighbours you didn't want to see. So conversely, having the machine in the kitchen would make that unnecessary. Especially for older people steps may be a problem.
  22. Pretty sure that here the bride walks down the aisle with the groom.
  23. I think it is a somewhat silly rule but if you aren't there that much and if it is the family culture most everyone else is happy with I would let it go.
  24. Hm, not sure. If you think you will be able to fund the second child's account to get even to the first child's I would probably just do so. There isn't much to be gained by speaking about it. You said it would be awkward, your MIL may be embarrassed or feel like she has to contribute more now, if the allocation WAS intentional it might change your feelings towards your MIL (depending on the reason - i.e. if she was favoring one child). So if you think you can contribute enough to equal the accounts eventually, the only reason would be if this will worry you/niggle in the back of your mind).
  25. Still, the more I think about it the more I feel that a critical mass is needed in a town (or at least in the region) in order to support businesses and jobs. It may be different if there is healthy agriculture or a factory etc. that supports the majority of people but that isn't so likely to happen if it isn't already the case. A town of less than 1,000 for example just won't support many restaurants, stores, entertainment venues etc. So I think at least modest growth is essential.
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