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Everything posted by chepyl

  1. I buy Revolution dancewear's yoga style pants. You have to buy them through a dance studio. Call around and see if you can find a studio that sells them. They are not cotton, they don't pill and the dryer gets them reshape nicely. I have not found anything like them in stores.
  2. I used the CAT last year and will use it thos year again. I am not required to test, I just do for practice on the standardized tests and for a reference for myself.
  3. This is how Spelling Plus works. I love it and DS does well. As he gets older we transition to longer paragraphs in tue dictation. It is meant to be used through 6th grade.
  4. Academics was the reason we started. DS was already reading and doing 1st grade maty before he would have atarted preschool. The school could not give him what he needed and I did not want him to hate school. We include Bible study in our work. But, religion was not the reason to homeschool.
  5. There are games for Wii and other things that do that, but they are not vocal training. They cannot teach proper breathing and placement or correct either of those. Correcting pitch requires those two things be taught. Improper training can lead to vocal injury and fatigue. I would look for a choir, musical theatre class, or vocal coach.
  6. I have never done calendar time. He learned the days of the week before we ever started school. We keep a calendar and both kids know gymnastics is on Wednesday and coop is Thursday. I do need to mark one for dd's birthday next week!! She askes me how old she Is every day!!! She is excited to be four.
  7. I have slowly purchased used copies of nearly everything I need for next year(and the next 3 years!!) I only need to purchase my SM wkbks. I have history, science, grammar, spelling, and lit covered for less than $100 for the year, it may even he less than $75.
  8. Ds wakes up earlier than DD, this week we are having a Mythbusters marathon. We watch a xoupke episodes every morning. Sometimes we do school before DD wakes up. He also goes to the studio with me on Thursdays. DD stays up later. She goes to bed with me and we snuggle, talk, or watch a cartoon. She hangs out with me for an hour most Weds while Ds is in class. I sometimes take one kid with me to run errands. DD gets lots of daddy time! They both dig in the garden with daddy too.
  9. I would just do it all together. You can always add in some simpler labs on your own.
  10. Singapore's challenging word problem books are great!
  11. We eat Tyson nuggets, applesauce and when we get Little Caesar's.....we get a bottle of side. The applause is hfcs free, no sugar added. We also buy condensed noodle soup!
  12. I have not seen the K12 method, I was just pounting out that it is not all that unusual for the two to be taught side by side. SM did multiplication by twos, then division by twos, the same with 3s-5s, then 10s now we are taking a break for some other topics. We will then pick up with 6s.
  13. I completely agree with tou about the writing, asking for a paper before doing any instruction in writing skills is ridiculous. But on the math - my son was introduced to multiplication and division at the same time and it has worked well. Since they are inverse operations, it makes sense to me that they are learned at rhe same time. HAlo does basic algebra concepts, it does not use x, but a blank line. I also think this can be a positive thing. When kids get to algebra it is a natural transition. If your son is struggling, can you talk to the teacher? My nephew needed to slow down in math (he is in a virtual charter in OK). My SIL discussed it with his teacher and they worked out a new plan for his math. He will cover it, just slower with some supplements as needed. If you dislike thenprogram so much, I would go back to homeschooling next year. A private achool may not teach the way you want either. ***with the writing, I would start supplementing, look ahead for his next writing assignment amd do the prep work on your own.***
  14. We are staring volume tomorrow in 2b, I did not understand how to get the answers in the wkbk before I looked at the text. The containers have no volume on them, in the text the illustrate volume with numbers and pouring from container to container. They breathe same pictures as the wkbk. I could teach him to guess on the wkbk alone, but that is not helping learn the concept. In that instance, I do need both to teach. Not because I cannot get the ans2on my own, but because I did not have the tools (correct size and shapped items) to teach the concept alone and then complete the pages. Does that make sense....it is late, I am sleepy.....sorry if it does not make sense. ;)
  15. I use the text, bit not the HIG. I can figure out all the manipulative stuff on my own. The text is good for extra practice and illustrations. I skip some lessons and just do the workbook, but not much.
  16. I don't know about the different types of twins, but my friend was induced at 40 weeks because she never went into labor. She was on bedrest for 10 days. She went in 2-3 times a week for stress tests and had an ultrasound once a mobty and then weekly I think. Even if this is standard for most twins of this type, I would get a second opinion. It is good to get a second opinion and check out your doctors as much as you can.
  17. My dad used to ask my sister and I the following: How do you spell kid? S L A V E! :D I have always wanted kids. I just wanted the family.
  18. It was the first time I had made homemade broth....it smelled amazing!!! I don't know that I even want to smell the canned stuff again :( It had beautiful color and I was so wxcited to eat it!! I will be making a personal pan of Dumplings....I had to put it off until tomorrow. I was too sad!
  19. I like a combination of both. Next week our pastor will start working through Song of Solomon. He just finished a series on hearing God. I benefit from both. Many years ago, I had ancestor at a different church work through Revelation. I loved that series, he just worked through the book over a couple of months. I will say, I definitely prefer a series over a few weeks or a couple of months to a random lesson that lasts one week. I like to go more in depth with studies. I never got much out of sermons at the church I grew up in, everywhere was something completely different, since it was one 20 minute sermon on a topic I never felt there was enough depth of study for me.
  20. Most of them that I have looked into are high school. There were a few, Interlochen's summer program was one, that took 11 or 12 year olds. I was in middle school when I auditions for my first SI, it was a two week camp. In high school there are longer options. Many ballet companies offer them. You can also find them for contemporary and modern companies. For younger students, if you have a local company, they may have a day camp for younger kids. I know the Kansas City Ballet did a couple years ago. Ballet Magnificat has a good program as well, it is for high school.
  21. I would probably be too tall to partner, but a good height for the corps. I totally could have been a Rockette! I would not discourage the study of ballet for height. It is still amazing physical training. It helps develop discipline, poise, balance, and an appreciation for the arts. And....you never know what someone is looking for! Dance is great for math, too. ;) I used to so private lessons with a student who struggled in math. I would ask her math topic for the week and would apply it to her lesson in ballet....she got very frustrated a few times....but she passed math that year :) It could be a fun project....find the math in ballet class. ETA: Yes, all performing fields have a lot of heartbreak. The people who can handle rejection and keep going are the ones who will make it. For every job my sister has been offered, she has had 10 rejection. It is so subjective. Appearance plays as much a part as talent. It is a tough world, some.people love it, and some people give up quickly. We had a cast member from Legally Blonde come speak to our kids, she auditions for the show 5+ times before she was cast! But she kept going and she got the part.
  22. They must be shorter than the male lead if they are the female lead, shorter while on pointe even. You can be too tall to be a principal. Taller girls end up as featured soloists or corps dancers. (Or Rockettes!)
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