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Chris in PA

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Everything posted by Chris in PA

  1. Both my dh and I have science degrees from 4 year colleges. We are ok with letting go of the 4 year college dream for our dc. Our oldest will be a senior in the fall and wants to pursue her RN. It is an associates degree. We are still providing a rigorous high school education in case she changes her mind. I would much rather have my dc happy than unhappy trying to please their parents. Jeannie it sounds like your dd knows what she wants and is motivated to get it. Good luck to her!
  2. I'm going with 3 other HS friends. We spend the night and have a blast. It is our Mother's Day gift! I can't wait!
  3. Kareni, Thanks so much for these links!!!! My dd needs practice in reading comprehension for the SAT and this is exactly what we need.
  4. Sue, I will be selling my GWG 6 Answer key and student text in a few weeks if you are interested.
  5. I second GWG 7. I think your ds will be fine. You can always slow the pace down if needed. I would say that Analytical Grammar is tough. I tried it several years ago with my dds. They were grades 7 and 9 and it was a total bomb. Especially with the 7th grader. There is a ton of diagramming and the sentences are tough. I started it again recently with my oldest (11th) grade and she is doing well. I would consider JAG for your ds if you like what you see with this program. All of my dc have used Rod and Staff and it is thorough. However I think they all have suffered burn out from it. That's why my ds is using GWG 6 and my oldest is using Analytical grammar. My middle dd is finishing R&S 7 and will just do the Editor in Chief programs next year. HTH
  6. Notgrass World and American history GWG IEW Apologia Elementary Sciences: Any of the (______ _______) of the Fifth Day books.
  7. Sue, My ds is going to be 12 at the end of this month. He will be a 7th grader next year. Can you explain a little more about HOD? Sounds like something I might want to check out. I have been struggling with how homeschooling has become more of a check off the box thing and less of a time of bonding as a family.
  8. If he is doing activities from HOD then all he would do from AAH is the reading? If he was only doing the reading and read a couple of lessons a week I would think a strong reader could get through both volumes in a year. I've never looked at HOD. Does it cover all of world history? If so then I might try to get through both volumes of AAH.
  9. Sue, I looked at AAH vol 2 and loved what I saw! I am planning on purchasing it at the CHAP fair next month for my soon to be 7th grade ds. Good luck in researching and finding what will work! Hope your planning is going well. :001_smile:
  10. Jann, Do you have the ISBN number for the video lessons for the Lial Precalculus? We have the 3rd edition text. Thanks!
  11. Susan, I only count logged entries for subjects where I do not use a textbook. We typically complete the texts so I don't need the logged entries. I do use them for things like physical education, composition, literature, art, etc. My logged entries are 30 minutes. But like I said, in the PA homeschool law a "logged entry" is not given a defined amount of time. I know people who use 15 minutes as a logged entry and others who use an hour. I have an Excel spreadsheet where I keep track of them daily per subject. Even if my logged entries exceed 120, I still only assign 1 credit. Does that help?
  12. Sue, In PA we have diploma programs. I use them to determine what I count as a "credit". According to several of the most popular ones, a credit would translate to 120 hours, 120 logged entries, or 2/3 of a textbook complete. A half credit would be 60 hours, 60 logged entries or 1/3 of a textbook. Nowhere does it tell you how long a logged entry needs to be. There are additional ways to obtain a credit for a course including a research project culminating in a minimum 10 page research paper, a college course or passing an AP or CLEP exam. If she does 6 credits a year then she would have 24 credits to graduate which seems right about where she would need to be. If you have more questions about PA stuff you could pm me and I can see if I can help you.
  13. I watched the TWSS myself and then used the US History Based Writing Lessons Vol. 1 with my 6th grade ds this school year. It has worked fine for us. I think it would be hard to watch the SWI-B and then pick a lesson in the theme based book to use. I agree with the pp that I think you will find it easy to implement a theme book after watching the TWSS yourself.
  14. Here is the link to the one I purchased on Amazon. http://www.amazon.com/Students-Solution-Accompany-College-Trigonometry/dp/0321227700/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1270730798&sr=1-1 It says on the cover College Algebra and Trigonometry AND Precalculus (all third edition). The ISBN # is 0-321-22770-0 I checked it vs. the third edition text I have and it matches. HTH
  15. These are great ideas. Thank you all soooooo much! I am going to start with The Ransom of Red Chief tomorrow. I think she will really enjoy that one.:001_smile:
  16. I am finishing up literature with my 9th grade dd. We have started a unit on short stories and have read The Luck of Roaring Camp and The Lottery. The Lottery stirred up some very strong emotions in my dd. So, I am wondering if there are any short stories that aren't so dark? I am not sure I can throw another dark story at her. I was going to do Poe next but am hesitant. Can anyone help????? Thanks
  17. Holly, You might want to check out Breaking the Spanish Barrier. We are going to be using Breaking the French Barrier in the fall. I have a student text, answer key and a listening cd. I am excited to get started. The website says that level 1 is equivalent to a first year high school Spanish course. HTH
  18. Sue, I know what you are saying! We are getting ready for a yard sale next week and cleaned a 13 gallon trash bag of Beanie Babies out of my ds' room.:001_huh: Unbelievable! We are decluttering one room at a time. Less is better because it is less I have to clean!
  19. Sue, I agree with Lori D. that high school has been cheaper for me than the elementary years. I see you are in Delta. I am in Lancaster County. I know of some great used book sales coming up here in April. If you are interested, pm me and I can give you more info. We have had great success with finding inexpensive things. We are using Lial's Introductory Algebra and I paid $10.00 total for the test and solutions manual. For vocabulary we are using the word list from RocketReview Revolution SAT prep. For writing you could use something like The Elegent Essay from IEW. I think it was $25.00. There are also plenty of online free resources like the Purdue OWL website. For literature, google high school reading lists or look at a great book's list. Choose which books you want and then look for study guides. This website has some very nice free ones: http://www.glencoe.com/sites/pennsylvania/teacher/literature/assets/litlibrary.html. Also Sparknotes are free online and have nice ideas for essay questions. For science I second Apologia for at home use. Most of it can be done with stuff you have around the house. Books can always be found used. If you are considering a foreign language, I would recommennd Breaking the Spanish or French Barrier. I am using the French with my girls next year. It has a text, answer key and listening CD's for $70.00. Sometimes you can find this used as well. You don't need to spend a fortune to give your dd a great high school education. With a little work you can do it without breaking the budget. Blessings
  20. Can anyone recommend a good online writing class for my dd? She will be in 12th grade in the fall. Just trying to plan and would like her to have a good class prior to starting college. Thanks
  21. Thanks for all the awesome ideas. I am off to educate myself! I think I can come up with an awesome course for her. :001_smile:
  22. I am thinking of teaching my dc a comparative religions course. We are Christians and I feel it is important for them to know what different world religions believe. Can anyone recommend a good resource? This would be for a 9th and 10th grader. Thanks
  23. I am interested in this as well. We will be using this in the fall.
  24. Love these ideas! I already have taken something from each post to incorporate into her day. Thanks so much ladies! If anyone else has something to add, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
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