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Chris in PA

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Everything posted by Chris in PA

  1. As always you all are a wealth of information. I am so grateful for all your feedback. I have thought about doing the Keys series and then starting fresh in the fall. I also have a Lial's text here we could use as well. And I have Life of Fred coming to preview for the fall. Jann you bring up some interesting points. She does make a lot of silly mistakes (3x2=5) or she'll forget to carry a negative sign through a problem. I do think we need to work on some basics. I have sat with her and gone over problems she misses. I will put them on the white board and have her come up and do them. It does help her to be able to see her mistakes. I am intrigued by your comment of using colored pencils for math. Never thought of that. She does so much other stuff with colored pencils. We might give that a try. I think today we are going to sit and go back through the book and talk about where she found things becoming too difficult. We will work through a few problems and see where we go from there. Thanks again..... You are all wonderful!
  2. Hi all, I posted last week about the struggles I am having with my 13 yo dd. She is working through TT Algebra I. She is a non-mathy kid. Based on advice from this board and talking with my dh, we decided to redo Algebra I in 9th grade with a different program. We are still plodding through TT and just finished the Chapter 11 test where she missed 8 of the 25 problems. The chapter was on second degree equations. Should we keep going with this text or just stop now since we are going to repeat Algebra I again? Is there something else I can use for the rest of the year that might be better for her? Should we just review the concepts we've already done? I am so confused..... Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated. TIA
  3. Thanks for the information. I am going to look at that this afternoon. I am glad to hear that the text is great. I really struggled with finding a good program for her. We are going to take it slow and do it over two years. Thanks again!
  4. Hi all, Does anyone have the ISBN numbers for the Algebra I text used with Chalkdust? I am also looking to pick up the solutions manual as well. TIA
  5. Jann, You advice is so much appreciated! :001_smile: Thanks again. I have a Lial's text sitting here I can use with my 8th grader next year. I will look into Aleks with my oldest.
  6. I have couple of questions. My dd (10th grade) did Saxon Algebra I in 8th grade, Saxon Algebra 2 in 9th grade and is currently doing TT Geometry. I was planning on moving her into the Larson text Precalcus with Limits 5th edition in the fall. I am concerned she may have forgotten many of the concepts learned in Algebra 2. Could we do a College Algebra course next fall to revisit some of theose concepts? I am afraid the Larson text won't have any review. If so, is there a particular text you would recommend? Second question: My dd (8th grade) is currently doing TT Algebra 1. She is not a math and science kid. I wish we would have not started Algebra 1 this year. Is there something we could use next year that would reinforce what we did this year before moving on to geometry and then Algebra 2? Do you have a text to recommend? TIA
  7. We used the spelling lists from http://www.everydayspelling.com/index.html. I had my dc take a pretest on Monday. On Tuesday we wrote sentences with the words. Any words they did not know, we would look up in the dictionary. Wednesday they would practice their words by writing them in their best penmanship. Thursday was time to study the words with dad to prep for Friday's spelling test. It worked really well for them. HTH
  8. We just started using a program called Words to Go Words to Know by Perfection Learning. Is is called a middle school program and has 3 levels. My dd really likes it.
  9. I was curious about how the TT precalculus was going for your dd. I am looking at that for my dd next year. She did Saxon Alg. I and II and is currently doing TT geometry. I had thought about going back to Saxon Adv. Math next year and she flipped. By the end of Algebra II she was burned out from Saxon. I looked at Chalkdust and even ordered the Larson precalculus text cheap. I think it would be too much for her. So I was wondering about you thoughts on TT. Thanks so much
  10. Ladies, Thank you so much for your responses. You have all given me a lot to think about. Heather I am going to try your idea. She does ok with the ones in the textbook where they have you fill in the blanks. Hopefully that will help. I can see geometry causing stress between the two of us and it is not worth it. :mellow: Thanks so much!
  11. Can I just say, "I HATE geometry"? :mad: I was never very good at it in high school. Loved algebra. Now I have a child just like me. We are using TT geometry this year after having done Saxon Algebra 1 and 2. She is in 10th grade. We are on lesson 50 in TT and she still stares blankly at the proof having no idea where to start. I thought we would take two weeks and just concentrate on doing proofs. After one week of reviewing, we are no further along. She can do all the other exercises in each lesson. What can I do to help this left brain child? We watch the DVD lesson and I try to talk her through coming up with a strategy to solve the proof but I am striking out. I just want to say the heck with it all. Does it matter if she can do a proof???? Thanks for listening........
  12. Hi all, My dd (10th grade) is not a history lover. She plans on going to nursing school. I would like to spend next year trying to fill in a few gaps. I have already decided what we will do for modern world history (post WWII) but the other area she is weak in is the middle ages through the 1600's. Is there something I could use to give her an overview of this time period? I was planning on doing this overview during the summer. Any help would be greatly appreciated. TIA
  13. Thanks Yvonne. I was thinking about adding some outside reading as well. Maybe trying to link countries we study to certain authors to tie it in with her literature.
  14. Hi all, I am thinking ahead already! My dd who will be in 11th grade next year really dislikes history. I was thinking about combining her with her 9th grade sister and have them both do the BJU 9th grade geography course. Would this be meaty enough for an 11th grader? She has already completed world history and we are doing US history this year. I want to hold off on government and economics until her senior year. Any thoughts........ Thanks
  15. My dd wants to go to nursing school and our co-op is offering it next year. I really wanted her to have it because she needs the anatomy. Now I know how to plan. :D Thanks everyone!!!
  16. Hi all, Does anyone know why Dr. Wile states that you need to have an entire year of chemistry before taking this course? For those of you who have used this curriculum, is it necessary? Thanks
  17. Thanks ladies! These are both great resources. The national history day link is packed full of great ideas. Thanks again!
  18. I was wondering if anyone had required their dc to complete a project for either US History or World history. We are studying US history with my 10th grade dd. I would like her to work on a longer project this year. I am not having much luck with internet searches. I will have her write a research paper this spring. Any suggestions would be great. TIA
  19. I was so dreading telling my dd that we needed to do a few more weeks of Saxon. I really want to get the school year off to a good start and now we will be able to do it. It will be ok for us to go slowly through the precalculus course. I am planning on using it during the 11th and 12th grade years. She wants to go to nursing school and only needs up to Algebra 2. Thanks Brenda and Jann for the encouragement. I do think she will be very happy making the switch. :001_smile:
  20. We worked through the Saxon Algebra 2 text this past school year. With issues that I posted about in the fall, we fell short of completing the text by 17 lessons (we spent some time dividing the lessons up over 2 days). The last lesson we completed was 112. I want to move on to geometry this fall (using TT) and then we are planning on using Chalkdust Precalculus next year. My question is this, if we don't complete lessons 112-122 (we are skipping the geometry construction lessons at the end) will she be lacking something that will cause us problems moving into precalculus next fall? TIA
  21. We have that as it was used with TOG year 4. I think we will go with that and I will use the list from Kareni to choose extras from. Thanks ladies! You're awesome! :001_smile:
  22. Hi all! My dd is in 10th grade. We have used TOG year 4 in 8th grade and then switched to Notgrass World history for 9th grade. She will be doing Notgrass American history this year. My problem is this. She never finished the World History text (didn't even get to WWI) and when we did TOG in 8th grade she only got to WWII). This was more my fault than hers. I kept trying to fine tune things hoping she would somehow enjoy it (she really dislikes history). But that never happened. I would like have her study modern history from WWI-present. Does anyone have some resources they could recommend for a child who doesn't care much for history. Ideally I would like to spend a semester on it so she could earn a half credit. TIA
  23. Hi everyone, I need a little help with vocabulary for my dd. She is a right brain learner and her mom definately is not! I think looking words up in the dictionary as she reads is the best way to go and for her it is torture. We have tried VfCR and Wordly Wise and neither worked for her. I have Vocabulary Cartoons but am not sure how to implement it. Any advice on something that has worked for you or how to use Vocabulary Cartoons would be greatly appreciated. TIA
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