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Chris in PA

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Everything posted by Chris in PA

  1. DD 10th grade TT Geometry Apologia Bio Notgrass American History BJU Spanish (co-op class) Composition (co-op class - will include grammar) American Lit (create by mom with some PP guides) Explorer's Bible - Luke and Acts Vocabulary for the High School Student DD 8th grade CLE Reading Learning to Write the Novel Way BJU Earth and Space science TT Algebra I Total Health MOH Vol 2 Literature to go with MOH Spanish for Children Rod and Staff Grammar 6 Explorer's Bible - Luke and Acts Vocabulary Cartoons Guitar lessons Art class at a local co-op DS 5th grade MOH Vol 2 Abeka Math 6 Rod and Staff Grammar 5 BJU Science 5 Latin for Children Evan Moor Building Spelling Skills 5th grade Writing using Rod and Staff and some other fun resources I have on hand Explorer's Bible - Luke and Acts Reading - books I choose (possibly CLE??) Piano lessons Akeka 5th grade health
  2. Why not go back to and stick with your original plan? It sounds like a good one to me? I think you would feel much better. Don't let other opinions sway you from your original plan. I have come to the place where I know that there are folks on this board who have dc who are extremely gifted, those with dc who struggle to lean basic math facts and all of us in between. You need to do what is right for your family and your dc. My dd15 really struggled this year getting through Saxon Algebra 2. We are doing TT geometry in the fall. I am terrified of their adv. math. I am actually considering making a switch to Chalkdust for precalculus. I think she hit a wall with Saxon this past school year. Please don't cry. You can do this. Make a decision and then stay the course. I know my dc have a complaint about everything we use. For what it's worth, my dd13 never used the CDs for prealgebra. She worked through the text at her own pace. She tends to make silly arithmetic mistakes but I have discovered that she is a right brain learner and she may always make "silly" mistakes. We just go over the problems where gets the wrong answer. She will usually say "oh, I know what I did. I meant to..... and I .....". HTH
  3. Robin, I too have math struggles with my dc and am no expert. I posted here this past weekend about my oldest. She is my mathy kid and has been doing Saxon. My middle dd is not a math kid. She can do it but is more creative and loves writing and art. We started TT last year with her (prealgebra) and it has been great for her. No more crying about math. I tried TT Algebra 2 with my oldest and she hated it (too wordy for her). What I am trying to say is take the words of wisdom on this board with a grain of salt. I am learning to do that. Does your dd want to pursue a math or science career? If not then TT may be fine for her. I am planning on using the Chalkdust SAT math prep for all my dc. I understand that SAT math is very different. If your dd felt TT was too easy maybe doubling up Algebra I and Geometry as was suggested might be more challenging for her. You could also supplement with problems from Lial's. HTH
  4. having done Saxon Algebra 1 and 2 and TT geometry? I think I am leaning towards doing the TT geometry this year and then the Chalkdust precaculus in 11th grade. I am also going to squeeze in the SAT math prep from them as well (probably next summer). I was unaware of the PA Homeschoolers policy. That really helps. I also saw they sold it used for a much cheaper price. I saw on the Chalkdust website that if you buy it used you can get support for $50.00 per year. That still makes buying it used a good deal. Here's another question. When I was searching through posts yesterday, I came across one where someone had tested their child using the ALEK's program and they tested half way through Algebra 2 after using Saxon. Do you know if that is a free evaluation? That is something I am thinking about doing with my dd before we start school here in the fall. With TT, we are only doing geometry 3 days per week and I was thinking of seeing where she comes up short in Algebra (if she does) and doing some reteaching using a Lial's intermediate algebra text I have on the shelf. Thanks so much for all your help. I love the wisdom on these boards!:001_smile:
  5. Did you split the advanced math book up over two years? I thought possibly doing that might help. I could sense my dd getting tired of Saxon at the end of the school year. I am very worried about her hitting a wall with the advanced math. Do you mind me asking what you are planning on using for precalc for your dd? I looked at Chalkdust and it looks wonderful but the price scares me. :w00t: Thanks for your help
  6. Hi everyone, I have some questions about my math sequencing for my 10th grade dd. We finished up Saxon Algebra 2 in 9th grade. It was alot of work for her but she did well. My plan was to do a separate geometry course this fall using TT. Then going back to Saxon for advanced math. Her career goal is to be a nurse in a NICU. Now I am rethinking that plan. I thought the separate geometry would benefit her for the SAT. But from what I understand about the new SAT is that may not be necessary. And with her career goal, would it benefit her in any way to have a separate geometry program? I was thinking of this new plan: 10th grade: First half of Saxon Adv. Math 11th grade: Second half of Saxon Adv. Math and SAT Math prep from Chalkdust 12th grade: Saxon Calculus How does this plan look? Is there a benefit to memorizing theorems and doing proofs? I think it might help her to go through Saxon Adv. Math at a slower pace based on things I have read on these boards about the text. Does anyone have thoughts to share on my plan? TIA
  7. You can also check out this website from the US Mint http://www.usmint.gov/kids/teachers/ There are lesson plans and worksheets to go with teaching with the 50 state quarters. They have lessons for all different age levels. HTH
  8. I wasn't planning on using the tests with her. I was think of having her make flashcards to help learn the words. I like ideas of doing an few exercises a day. I don't want this to be overkill but I want her to have a good vocabulary background for the SAT. Thanks
  9. Hi everyone, I am working on plans for the fall. I will be using VFCBS with my 10th grade dd. I am trying to figure out a workable plan for using this book. Has anyone already developed a daily plan for using this text that has worked well? TIA
  10. Let me start by saying I have a chemistry degree so I guess that makes me a science person :) I have taught science in a co-op setting for the last 5 years. My dd has used Apologia General science and Physical science. This year she will be using Biology. I teach HS chemistry at our co-op using Apologia. I really like the Apologia Bio and Chemistry. I know one complaint of folks here is that the biology does not include anatomy and physiology. You need to do the Advanced Bio book to get these. The chemistry text does not include any organic chemistry as well. However with these 2 drawbacks, I really like the program overall. It is written to the student and I think the explanations are well done. I am only with my students 1 hour each week. They don't have the luxury my dd has of having me everyday. The experiments are easy to do at home which is a benefit. If you have a child who is really into science, they could easily do the Adv. Bio or Adv. Chem to include all the topics covered in some other programs. The Physical Science was good. However, I totally disliked the General Science. I found it to be very dry and boring (and so did my students). So to sum up, I like Apologia and will continue to use it both at home and in my co-op. Good luck in your search!
  11. Sue, I too have the same issue every year being in PA. I do a really simple fire safety for my kids. This year I printed out a one page sheet on fire safety tips I found on the internet. I sat at the kitchen table and went over them with my kids and we were done in 10 minutes. I had them put their names at the top of the paper with the date. That's it. Done! I do this every year and in 5 years of homeschooling no one has every said a word about it. Don't stress yourself over this one. Just remember: The law doesn't say how much or often you need to cover those topics or how to teach it. You sound like you have health covered. I would just type up a little blurb about what you do at home and find a couple of worksheets from the internet to include in the portfolio. HTH Blessings
  12. Thanks to everyone who responded. I did not realize there were free downloads on the website. They will be a great help. I can also get free flashcards as well. I think I am coming up with a workable plan. Thanks
  13. Hi all, I purchased LfC primer A this year at convention. I am looking through it trying to determine a schedule that will work for my 10 yo ds. Does anyone have a schedule that has worked or some ideas for me? We purchased the DVD's, activity book and reader in addition to the student text. TIA
  14. You folks are awesome on this board! I have some great ideas to get me started. Blessings
  15. Hi everyone, I am really into planning today! I realized that after 5 years of homeschooling, our family does not have a mission statement for why we homeschool. I am not a writer so I was hoping to glean some ideas from all the folks here. Does anyone have a mission statement they wouldn't mind sharing? TIA
  16. Hi everyone, I remember a great discussion from the old board about teacher notebooks and what everyone includes in theirs. I am now doing planning for next year and wished I would have saved the info. Does anyone have a link to that thread? Or would anyone be willing to share what they include in their teacher notebook? TIA
  17. Thanks to all of you for the wonderful suggestions! This really helps my planning and sooooo appreciated!! :thumbup: Blessings
  18. Hi all, I am planning HS American Lit for my 10th grade dd. I want it to correspond to her history in the fall. I looked at Hewitt's American Lit but some of the books she has already read. So, I've decided to do this on my own. This is my book list so far. We are planning on using several Progeny Press guides and other on-line resources. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn The Scarlet Letter The Great Gatsby The Old Man and the Sea Moby Dick The Autobiography of Ben Franklin Up From Slavery Across Five Aprils (I want something on the Civil War but am afraid the Red Badge of Courage will be too dry) My Antonia Christy I also want to add some short stories and poetry and need some recommendations on these. Am I missing anything? Thanks
  19. We have been members of an academic co-op since I pulled my dd's from PS 4 years ago. It has been a blessing. They have a social outlet which is very important to them. It has been great for me too as I love being around like minded folks. My ds takes mostly enrichment classes as I can teach what he needs at home. My dd's take classes that I cannot teach at home or think would be better done in a classroom setting. To me there is huge benefit in having them take sciences and work with a lab partner. I also like having them take writing classes and foreign languages as well. I think it is good for the kids to have different teachers and experience different teaching styles. The only downside for us is that we lose a day at home. As another poster said, the days we do have at home are filled with completing assignments for co-op and getting the things done we need to here. This year my 9th grade dd is taking classes at two different co-ops so life is even more interesting. I hope this helps with the decision process. Belonging to a co-op has been a great experience for us. Blessings
  20. Hi all, I am working on my 9th grade dd's transcript. I am trying to understand the difference between weighted vs. non-weighted grades. Can someone who has BTDT give me some guidance? TIA
  21. My kids did well with the Abeka elementary math. Therefore, I purchased all the worktexts in advance. I didn't want to be stuck replacing TM's when the update things. Lucky for me, this math program worked for all my dc.
  22. We used Apologia General and Physical science. I also teach at a co-op and use the HS chemistry. By far, I think the wosrt Apologia text is the general science. I found it to be dull, dry, and boring. The physical science was a little better. I really like the chemistry and biology. We are also using the BJU science at our co-op for 9th grade (Physical World), 7th grade (Life Science), and 8th grade (Space and Earth). I think these texts are great and are a much better alternative to the Apologia texts at this level. I taught the physical world last year and will teach space and earth in the fall. The BJU tests usually follow the format of several multiple choice questions, completions, matching, short answer and true and false. Definately different from the Apologia test. HTH
  23. I took my dd's out of ps at the end of 3rd and 5th grades. I loved the approach outlined in TWTM. However, after 5 years of homeschooling, we loosely follow the recommendations in the book. I spent too many years on these boards feeling totally inadequate because my dd's weren't doing the things other children were. We jumped from curriculum to curriculum because I thought the grass would be greener. Now I have come to realize that I need to do what works for my kids. For example, my 9th grade dd HATES history! For years, I tried to use TOG and Spielvogel because it seemed that was what "everyone" was doing. I now use Notgrass world history and she is doing fine. Of course I worried because posters would say it is not rigorous enough. But I have finally come to understand that my dd is not going to take an AP history exam and she won't be majoring in history at college. And you know what, that's ok! She loves math and science. However, I don't want to burn her out before college. So we aren't using college level science texts. She's using a combination of BJU and Apologia for her jr/sr high school years and that's ok as well. She's a bright girl and she will get into a college. It might not be Ivy League but that's not what she wants. My advice to you is do what is best for your child. You know her best!Take the advice here with a grain of salt. Realize that the families represented here on this board are at many different places with their dc. Some of them have 9 yo's doing Algebra 2 and others have children who struggle to learn their basic math facts. But we are all her for support and encouragement. Trust me, your dd will go to college even if she hasn't completed Algebra 1 in 7th grade. Many families I know do Algebra 1 in 9th grade followed by geometry and algebra 2. You have plenty of time. Blessings
  24. First let me say that I do think the homeschool law in PA is very strict. And some years I get really frustrated by it and find some of it a waste of time. However, with that being said, I have never had any problems. At first I was very intimidated by the requirements. But after the first year, it has become just a set of hoops to jump through. I may be in the minority but I don't mind the portfolio. I look at it as a keepsake for my kids. Therefore, I tend to put a little more into it because I view it as theirs. The testing requirements are no big deal for me. I want to know how they are doing. I know for me, the law tends to keep me on track and focused. I think the law sounds a lot worse than it really is. I am just grateful for the ability to homeschool my children and not have to put them in PS. We live in "one of the better" districts in Lancaster county. They are not hs friendly at all but we've never had a problem. I would never consider putting my kids in a place that needs to be patroled everyday by an armed police officer.:eek:
  25. Jean, I was interested in this program last year for my 4th grade ds and 7th grade dd. I spoke to someone at the CHAP Fair in PA about using this for my 4th grade ds. He really needs to be challenged. I think the lady I spoke to wrote the program (?). She told me that it could be done with my ds as long as we took it very slowly. I would not think that a year and a half would be too slow. At the time my ds had only completed Prima Latina. I chose to wait another year. This year we completed Latina Christiana I (which I wasn't too fond of). We are switching to something different for the fall and I am back to considering LINCT. HTH somewhat.......
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