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Chris in PA

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Everything posted by Chris in PA

  1. Jann, That would be awesome. I really don't want to spend money on something that we can easily do at home and CLEP. From what I remember from my college days, sociology was a pretty simple, intuitive class. Thanks so much!!
  2. I am considering having my dd do sociology at home her senior year and then take the CLEP. The colleges we are looking at will accept the CLEP. Has anyone done this? Can you recommend a good textbook? TIA
  3. Dd is doing the following: Apologia Bio Lial's Introductory Algebra (Alg 1) BJU Cultural Geo Intro to Lit (created by me) Composition Grammar and Vocabulary Cartooning Spanish 1 (BJU)
  4. I am looking to use this next fall for my 12th grade dd. We are finishing Lial Intermediate Algebra this year. Does anyone have experience with this curriculum? I am also looking for ISBN #'s for the textbook and solutions manual. Thanks!!
  5. I am using Lial's Intermediate Algebra with my dd. We love how the text is laid out and how well things are explained. My question is this: What comes next? Is there a Lial text for college algebra or maybe trig? I don't think we need to go the precalculus route as she is going into nursing and the schools we are looking at only require algebra 2. I am looking for a math for her senior year that would be a little more rigorous than a consumer math. Thanks
  6. Hi everyone, I have a question. I suspect my dd17 may be suffering from ADD. She has issues concentrating and staying focused on her school work. She is also anxious. She is an overall very bright girl. I have read many interesting articles about the benfits of fish oil for this type of problem. I am wondering how much should I give her each day? Has anyone else tried this therapy and had success with it? Thanks so much
  7. Does anyone have a recommendation for a solid freshmen college level economics textbook? I am trying to pull something together for dd's senior year. I would like to do it at home since she will be taking a couple of other courses at our local cc. TIA
  8. If she had her choice, that would be her entire school day!! :001_smile: We do manage to get other things done and she does them well. I am grateful for the responses. I have actually thought about her majoring in communications. She loves book discussions but only about things she is interested in such as fantasy/adventure novels. Getting her to read some classics can be a real challenge at times. So English might not be the best major for her. We will see where the next few years take her. I just wanted to make sure I was providing everything she needed now. Thanks!!!!!
  9. Hi all, My 9th grade dd has decided she wants to be a writer. It is definately her gifting. However it is not mine (left brain, analytical, chemist). She wants to write novels. She has done Learning to Write the Novel Way as a co-op class and wrote an amazing book. She writes at home for "fun" all the time. So I have some questions. What would she major in at college? English? What should I make sure she does now in high school to prepare her for college? How should I guide this child? :confused: Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks
  10. I am using SOTW 3 with my 6th grade son. I decided I too wanted more of a focus on US history. I am adding in a book from CLP called Exploring American History (very inexpensive) and I am using books from Sonlight. I have doing a timeline with him and we are working on a lap book from HOAC. It is going really well. HTH
  11. I have read both and Tale of Two Cities gets my vote. The last several chapters of the book had me on the edge of my seat! For a boy I would definately choose it over Great Expectations.
  12. Karen, If you email me at homeschoolmom304@comcast.net I can email you the syllabus I created for my girls for this school year.
  13. I created a syllabus for my girls. If you email me at homeschoolmom304@comcast.net I can send it to you.
  14. I have two dds ages 14 and 17. Can anyone recommend a good Bible study or devotional for this age group. I would like something they could use during their daily quiet time. Thanks
  15. :iagree: I second Notgrass. It got the job done for my child who likes textbooks. We did not do the literature or the Bible. I had her answer the questions at the end of each chapter, take the quizzes and tests. And I loved the original source material. I also included mapping and a timeline.
  16. Here's what my dd will be doing: BJU World Geography Algebra I using Lial's Introductory Algebra Apologia Biology Writing - outside class Spanish I - BJU outside class Grammar - Rod and Staff 7 Literature - Teaching the Classics, Windows to the World, and books of my choosing Art - Cartooning outside class Music - Continue with her guitar lessons
  17. Here is my ds's schedule for 6th grade: Math: Saxon 76 Science: BJU Science 6 and Apologia Astronomy Grammar: Rod and Staff 6 Writing: IEW US History Based Writing lessons Spelling: Evan Moore Daily Spelling Practice 6 Vocabulary: Words to Go, Words to Know History: SOTW 3 with an emphasis on American history using History of US and Exploring American History, HOAC lapbook World Geography: Trail Guide to World Geography and Geography Through Art Health: Abeka 6th grade health Music: Using the Amy Pak Composers lapbook with Meet the Great Composers, Story of the Orchestra and Lives of the Musicians, continue with piano lessons Reading: books that go with our history studies plus others that he is interested in reading.
  18. I am starting IEW with my dc this year. I felt overwhelmed with teaching my dc to write until I watched the TWSS. After watching the DVD's I am excited to implement this with them. It has given me confidence to teach something to them that I never felt confident about in the past. We are using US History based writing lessons for my 6th grade ds and SWI-C for my 9th and 11th grade dd. I agree with Chris in VA, pour a cuppa coffee and watch them. It should help you overcome your fear. Good luck!
  19. I have used both Saxon Algebra 1 and Saxon Algebra II and I can assure you there is NOT sufficient review of Algebra I concepts in the Agebra II text. The text assumes you have mastered Algebra I and goes right into Algebra II concepts. Having only done 44 lessons in the Algebra I book, I don't see how a child could be expected to start the Algebra II text.
  20. Laura reminded me of something I forgot to add. The yahoo group IEW families is an excellent resource. They can answer all your questions. :001_smile: They have answered quite a few for me.
  21. Rhonda, I am getting ready to start SWIC with my 11th grade dd. We will be doing SWIC the first semester and the Elegant Essay the second semester. I am also adding in grammar (either Rod and Staff or the Blue Book of Grammar), and literature (using Abeka World Lit and having her read several classics. This will all count as her "English credit". I will list it on her transcript as English 11. I also keep a summary of each high school course she does in case a college would ever question what encompassed her English courses. My 9th grade dd will also do the SWIC but only for the non-fiction writing parts of it. She is an amazing fiction writer. We will also add in grammar and literature to round out a full English credit. HTH
  22. Susan, Thanks for the heads up. I am hopeful to get British lit at a local homeschool group so it shouldn't be an issue. If I can't we will try the BJU route. Thanks Chris
  23. Tammy, That helps tremendously. I am going to go ahead and get the Abeka Lit. I think it will work for my kids. I like that the prep is done for me. Lit is not my thing. No matter how hard I try, I never seem to get anything done much less done well. I have them read classics but that's about it. This should really help us this school year. Thanks sooo much! Chris
  24. I was going to do my own lit here at home this year using several books and have the kids write papers and have lots of discussions. But I realized yesterday that in reality it probably won't happen with three kids at different levels and other things we really need to focus on for this upcoming year. So I want to make sure I cover all my bases and decided to do a literature curriculum. I am trying to decide between Abeka and BJU. I looked at the BJU samples online and the TM gives lots of guidance for the teacher. Does anyone know what the TM for Abeka includes? It is just a schedule for the teacher or does it have ideas for journal writing, further discussions, etc. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
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