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Everything posted by KatA

  1. Vega is the first thing that comes to mind. It's expensive though. I think that if you are eating a balanced diet you shouldn't need to a supplement. But you might be able to find something cheaper.
  2. Can I vote for northwest florida even though you didn't ask for that? Sorry, I'm partial to my area. :) I love the Gulf Coast. I'm not a beach person, but the sand and water are beautiful. I drove into Destin today and it was a beautiful emerald green... But seriously, my sister and her family vacation in the Tampa area a few times a year and the pictures are always beautiful. You could probably pick any spot on the coast and it would be a wonderful vacation. I think the closer you get to big cities (Miami, Tampa) the more crowded the beaches will be.
  3. That's what I was thinking. I think your idea is great, I'm sorry that this woman knocked the wind out. If it were me, I'd want to do the hiking and gardening during the day.
  4. Salad and a baked potato topped with guacamole and salsa fresca. It's the first time trying that combo, it was pretty good!
  5. I finished book #2! I've started several over the last few weeks, but they didn't keep my interest. I've jumped from book to book, I finally finished "Eat to Live" by Joel Fuhrman. I thought it was good... my husband and I have been on the diet since last Monday. We already ate little meat, and I don't eat a lot of dairy anyways. But it's been interesting cutting out the sugar. I don't have anything to look forward to when I run errands. (Except when I cheated this weekend...) Aaanyways, with the book read, I think we'll probably adopt a mostly vegan diet at home after the 6 weeks is over, but it depends on the results.
  6. I'm not sure about the rules of a raw diet, but can you soak beans (like garbanzos) for extra long (like 2 days) and eat them without cooking them? They might be still a little crunchy, but digestible. You can add them to a green salad which also has protein.
  7. Ugh. I'm sorry. I agree with what someone posted earlier, can you just send it to the other mom? I think she's being unreasonable, but no matter what the other mom has done, she should have those memories with her daughter.
  8. I've been doing better. I used to not read it at all, or when I did it was sporadic readings. I just didn't know how and it's a bit of an overwhelming task when you think about it. I started listening to dailyaudiobible.com and reading along with it. Every morning. I'm a few days behind, but I've been fairly consistent this year. It's definitely a faith changer. It has become more of a personal faith than ever before.
  9. I grew up Catholic and I honestly never thought of it growing up, why we did it and such. Part of that it the community, everyone else did it so I just followed along. Another was I was a kid/teenager, you don't see things you see as an adult, you don't understand context or history. I knew of the general Jesus' fasting for 40 days reason but that was the extent of my knowledge. After being away from the Catholic church for nearly a decade (attending a non-denom church) I've recently begun reading about the older church traditions. But I find Lent to be a very interesting tradition. I understand it more and I can see why it's done. However, I think like most traditions it can become an empty act, done because that's what has always been done or because your faith community does it as well. But I think that can be said for any faith or denominational tradition. So all that to say, I think it's a wonderful tradition. I don't see it as being legalistic as I define legalism as doing something to earn your salvation. But from my own perspective (which is limited) Lent is something that *can* be done without thinking of the "why's." Also, we never had fish growing up. We were broke. :tongue_smilie: It was always beans or no meat at all.
  10. Graphic/web design. My husband is a designer and they can never find enough talent to meet the demand. If she learns a little web development (maybe since she liked the programming class) that'll make her more valuable. It also pays well (compared to other art careers). Why does she not want to do animation anymore? The career has its drawbacks (like the subjectivity of design and sitting behind a computer for 8+ hours a day) but it is steady.
  11. I run 3 times a week with my almost 3 year old in a jogger stroller. I usually do it after his nap while he's still groggy so he doesn't put up much of a fight. After the run we stop at the neighborhood park so he can run around and explore.
  12. I listen to Britt Merrick from Reality Carpinteria. I heard him a few years ago while in Las Vegas and I really enjoy his messages.
  13. I just wanted to post a quick "I understand." Husband has a stressful work and school schedule, and there's really no end in sight. So he doesn't want another. It is what it is. I don't think I'll ever not wish I had another child (if that makes sense), but I do love our little family. And I don't push the issue on an already stressed husband. It's a weird mix of desire and contentment. Some days are worse than others. But anyway, from another poster with a small post count to another, I understand. :001_smile:
  14. I don't know for sure, but don't they access online information like marriage certificates? I know my county has that information online (along with police tickets and arrests... not that I have any :001_smile:) You can find the basic information like age, place of residence, etc. Census records are public, aren't they?
  15. Oh I just remembered, I only separated chapters, so the binding was still attached to groups of pages. That would be a PITA to separate each page...
  16. I've only torn one book apart, so this might not be what most people do. I took about 10 pages at a time, took an exacto knife to the top of the page to get it to sepearate and pulled at the rest. I don't think I had any issues with torn pages, I just pulled gently.
  17. We'll both be 43 when our one (and probably only) child graduates from high school.
  18. "Wikipedia has nothing!" :lol::lol: That was awesome. Thank you.
  19. Probably. And it is the AF... I distinctly remember the sense of relief and the looks of jealousy as everyone else had to sit and wait. :tongue_smilie:
  20. I enlisted in the Air Force in '03, and they followed your vaccine records, I only needed a few boosters. But if I recall, I was one of the lucky ones, they divided you into groups by what you needed. I was in a small group that only needed a few, many had to get everything. Make sure they have up to date records.
  21. Denise, I just wanted to thank you and all the other moms for bringing this issue up. I'm so very sorry. Please vent away. Everything I type out seems to fall flat. Love to you and your daughters from a complete stranger.
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