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Everything posted by bbkaren

  1. I think I'd have to do that with manipulatives myself lol. It makes my head hurt...
  2. I'd say the full board of 88 keys is actually more important than the weighted keys, if money's a consideration...
  3. I agree. As usual, they'll be happy to restrict the rights of law-abiding citizens in an effort to control an unruly few. Me too - I imagine they also don't want people staying home in fear, and not going out spending money in this economy.
  4. Just to be clear...you mean "Enter Sandman" by Metallica, and not "Mr. Sandman" by the Chordettes, right?
  5. Actually, it's the "fun" mob folks that have the term wrong. A mob is EXACTLY what these groups of people are, stealing and injuring others.
  6. Try this: http://www.downforeveryoneorjustme.com/
  7. They are EVERYWHERE in the US; the media is keeping it hush-hush. Between this and the random beat-downs at stores and Fast Food restaurants, you kinda can't safely leave the house anymore, looks like. Kansas City: http://m.kansascity.com/kcstar/db_41534/contentdetail.htm?contentguid=Ed5OquhD&detailindex=0&pn=0&ps=5&full=true#display Maryland: http://wtop.com/?nid=41&sid=2497681 Philly, Los Angeles, Chicago, Cleveland, D.C., and Milwaukee http://www.eutimes.net/2011/08/questions-arise-over-flash-mob-attacks-in-us-cities/ http://m.npr.org/story/136578945?url=/2011/05/26/136578945/flash-mobs-arent-just-for-fun-anymore http://www.gopusa.com/news/2011/08/09/flash-mobs-a-growing-menace/ http://www.americanthinker.com/2011/07/orwellian_media_response_to_flash_mob_racial_violence.html
  8. Personally I'd rather live in a smaller house in an area that I love so that I don't feel the need to take a bunch of vacations. Either that, or a smaller house closer to hubby's work so we could spend more time together and make life easier. But "a big house" and "lots of vacations" mean nothing to me if you're a slave to pay for them. I live in NJ, and believe me, lots of folks here are slaves to their lifestyles and "looking affluent". It's very important to them. Or something...I just don't get it.
  9. Strict boundaries, you must be alpha without question, don't allow ANY mouthing of your body or clothes...puppy or no puppy. If he grabs with his teeth, firmly grip his muzzle shut and tell him "NO!" From the beginning you and your family must be firmly established dominant, including your kid(s). I suggest each of you roll him over often, and rub his belly; even if he struggles to get up, hold him in that position for a few moments and pet him...even if he resists lying down and rolling over. This is the beginning of a battle of the wills and if you don't win it, you're not the boss. Consistency at all costs. Even if you're headed out the door, if he needs to be corrected, you have to drop everything and correct him. I've had dogs all my life, including several over a hundred pounds in weight, and regardless of their size, their behavior is in their mind, not their physical strength. You must be dominant. I also agree with the poster above about crate training. It's a Godsend. Get a crate that will fit him as an adult, that has a partition that's moveable. He should have ONLY enough room to comfortably lay down, stand up, and turn around. If he has more than that, he will find a corner and make it "the bathroom" which will make housetraining much more difficult. He will not pee where he sleeps so he'll learn to hold it if there's no extra space to set aside for weewee. FWIW
  10. Something tells me I don't even want to click those links or read anymore in this thread - I've never heard of these people and it's probably best to keep it that way! :mad:
  11. Hole punched paper is very reasonably priced, you can buy it by the ream...I don't do this with my workbooks; we just use them as consumables. But if it were me, I'd make photocopies onto hole punched paper and be done with it. I work in an office and have access to a copier, though - eta: if you're not copying, it shouldn't be a "per page" fee to hole punch; they use a special "drill" and just do them all at once so it should be cheap!
  12. That's true, you're right! But I believe that on the computer, I'm not sure if it's because of proportional spacing in word processing/e-writing or if it's just quicker to do it this way, but I was in college in the 80's as well. We learned on the typewriter, it's two spaces...in WP it's one. Not certain why exactly.
  13. I've done the same thing. Triggered the transmitter with the receiver in my hand lol. Duh! It's like walking across the rug and touching the TV screen in winter. Annoying but no big deal. But, if I knew that would happen if I don't come when called, I'd hightail it.
  14. Oh! My husband's cousin does this..."Facebook as Diary"... ___________ (addressed, I guess to some person "who knows who they are"): How could you do what you did to me? Did you not know how it would make me feel? I can never trust you again. ___________ Or the simple statement "FML"...and then waiting for people to ask what's wrong. ugh.
  15. Me too! I also refuse to do any of the "download this facebook app" activities. "Send a birthday card to..." "Find your high school friends" etc. They look neat but then when you click on them, they require a download and release of info. So forget it. It comes in handy when someone passes a request on that you join some sort of nonsense activity, "Oh, I'm sorry, I don't sign up for any of the apps...I got hacked once (or a virus, or whatever) so I don't anymore."
  16. Ugh, those stupid games...farmville, mafia wars, etc. Blecch! And I think it was the source of this s/o thread...those posts where it says: "If your Mom is someone you admire...(or you know someone with cancer, or your Dad passed away, or you have a special needs child, etc.)...then post this as your status!" I can't stand those either. Bandwagon crusades drive me nuts.
  17. Or in Reba's case, a mouse...or a chipmunk...or a cat...or a squirrel...
  18. I think it depends on the transmitter...and the wire - I think ours said it was good up to 4 acres. ETA: SBP, I apologize! I'm reading on my phone and assumed you were talking about the standard invisible fencing system. This is indeed the one I was thinking of--and might just work for the OP! But again if she's got a hound it may or may not work for the OP. Seriously, until you've seen "the nose" in action, it's hard to believe! If you do go with the wireless fence and don't bury it (ours is outside of our "grass" yard in the woods, so we laid the wire on the ground and nature is burying it for us), I'd suggest going with the black "commercial" wire, not the flimsy red wire that comes with it. Untold times we've had to spend hours finding the spot where a deer or something has broken our wire. The black wire is very heavy and I doubt anything would easily break it; we haven't had a problem since.
  19. I have citric acid powder for canning and winemaking; I'll give it a try. If it works as well as the TSP, I'm happy to use that instead. Thanks!
  20. I'd say so! I put just about everything in the DW and never saw anything like that. It's generally used for deep-cleaning walls, etc. in preparation for resurfacing (i.e. painting, refinishing floors, etc.)
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