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Everything posted by GailV

  1. I was under the impression that the immunity was conferred through breastfeeding if the mother actually had had the disease rather than had a vaccination. For example, I actually had measles, mumps, and rubella while growing up, so those antigens were present in my body and could be passed on. On the other hand, a mother who had the MMR wouldn't necessarily be able to pass the immunity on to her child. (I suspect pertussis is different since you can get pertussis multiple times, by the way.) Which is wandering off topic. And perhaps I'm wrong. But breastfeeding isn't necessarily a magic bullet, and it isn't an option available to everyone.
  2. Dr. Sears has a web page listing Drs. who are open to discussing various vaccine schedules here. Obviously it isn't complete. Our own family dr. isn't on it, last time I looked. And she was more concerned that we homeschooled than that we selectively vaxed. :)
  3. I'm from a family of librarians. We like to weed the collection.;)
  4. Can you get it, or a similar book, at the library? What's the worst that could happen if you don't own this book? For example, will you have an emergency at 3am on a Sunday, needing to read about XYZ and unable to do so because you don't have the specific book you're worried about?
  5. Poor thing! I imagine he'll be happy to stay in for quite awhile. It was probably a pretty traumatic experience. Abscesses are no fun. We've been down that road before, too.
  6. I am so sorry. :grouphug: And am also anxiously awaiting to here how this turns out.
  7. The dr. who fitted my dh said it was more of an art than a science. They just sort of have to fiddle around until they get it right. Dh appreciated his honesty. And these days dh sort of makes his own out of OTC parts, using medical tape to build up parts. Of course, he had a professional pair first, so he knew what to do.
  8. You're welcome, but after I posted I realized that I answered a different question that the one you asked. Oops. Thank YOU for being so gracious in spite of that.
  9. Wow, y'all seem so organized. We're coming up on 7th, and I'm still waffling. Math Jacob's Algebra. Or Life of Fred. Or both. Latin Continue with LfC and Lingua Latina. Lit LL7 Writing Supposedly CW Homer, but it's been sitting on the shelf for 6 months without leaping off and demanding to be done, so we'll see if that happens in the next few months. Grammar I have the Harvey's to go with CW Homer, and am fighting the urge to purchase AG to use instead (because, you know, you can never have too many grammar programs sitting on your shelves). Spanish Continue RS, although dd is sure she shall perish of boredom. Science Dd is interested in Rainbow, but I'm having heart palpitations over the price. Piano Scouts -- work on Silver Award in Cadettes Irish Dance -- wants to have all dances at Novice level by Jan. 2009 Dd also wants to start Greek. And learn more about the Vikings.
  10. Our Whole Foods does, but not our T.J. Also, our Whole Food does a case discount -- if you buy enough cans of soup (or boxes of pasta or whatever) to equal a case you get a discount. I think it's 10%, but I don't do it often enough to remember.
  11. Yes, I get mine. Sometimes I get doubles! (that is, 2 copies of the same post)
  12. It's just to the left of the scales that you click on to give rep -- up in the upper right hand corner of the individual posts.
  13. Pointing to the rep squares does nothing on my computer. Maybe it varies by browser. I'm on a Mac running Safari. We Safari users tend to get left out of the fun stuff.:sad:
  14. :smilielol5: There's a convention here next weekend. I hadn't planned on going, but now I really, really want to, just in case anyone shows up dressed in black leather. I guess if enough of us showed up dressed this way there might be some confusion as to what type of convention we're attending. Ahem.
  15. Y'know, this is so incredibly twisted. Leather jumpers? I love it! Where do I get one?
  16. Our church spans a couple of school districts, and the kids in district X tend to hang out together, as do the kids from district Y. Not totally, but there is a tendency, probably because they see each other all week. Homeschooling is sort of its own district, when you think about it. Of course, we're one of the few homeschooling families in our church, so if we made a homeschool clique it would be very, very small.:coolgleamA:
  17. Between this and the liver-peroxide post, I'm learning the answers to questions I never thought to ask.
  18. Mine don't like rice. They'll eat a little if they're desperate. They also like rice cakes, oddly enough, so I guess it's a texture issue.
  19. I've always sort of liked the idea of burying it and then moving away. Then I could fantasize that someone else dug it up and was trying to figure out why? But I do think a pyramid would be a bit of overkill.
  20. Sorry, but I must disagree. For some of us, purchasing clothing that fits and covers all of the parts that we would like covered is not a reasonably priced option. Perhaps it is for you and your children, which is great, but it isn't for everyone. Not all of us fit standard sizes. Also, if my kids are exposed to dressmaking, they can figure out alterations, opening up a new source for cheap clothing (re-making thrifted finds). Then too, they have seen me turn sheets and shower curtains into window curtains, make cushions out of remnants, and generally make a house more habitable using ingenuity and some sewing skills. It isn't a luxury hobby in our household. Not meaning to get nit-picky, but some things that others may consider frivolous are important for me, and vice versa. By the same token, some people pursue gardening as an expensive hobby, others garden so they can eat.
  21. Our Trader Joe's is close by, on the way home from the library. I stop by several times a week, it seems. My usual TJ run: cheese tortillas bread milk yogurt whole organic chicken pizza sauce spaghetti sauce olive oil peanut butter maple syrup frozen fruit frozen vegetables bison patties (dh can't eat beef) nuts date-almond rolls (chopped dates rolled in coconut with an almond piece -- taste like a candy bar -- it's easy to pick the almond out) organic fruit juice as a treat powdered laundry peroxide Clif Nectar bars in cacao flavor (contain nothing dh is allergic to, which is a minor miracle) At Christmas time, throw in about a dozen boxes of Candy Cane Jo Jos. Jo Jos are their cookie that's like an Oreo, and the Candy Cane version is fantastic. I used to get rice milk there, but they've moved to selling their store brand, and dh doesn't like it. But maybe we just got a bad batch. Overall, check out their store brands. Some of them are really good knock offs of things you'd find elsewhere, and at a really good price.
  22. Before you even start that chicken mummy think about what you will do with it when it is done -- that is, after you have spent weeks and weeks tending to it, then hours and hours wrapping it in linen strips, what exactly are you planning to do? Keep it in the basement? Bury it in the garden? Toss it in the trash like KFC leftovers? This is the part the Activity Guide didn't explain, much to my chagrin. So far ours has been used to give the movers-and-packers something to think about.
  23. Nothing like teaching across the curriculum!
  24. I can deal with a whole chicken, as long as it's already dead and plucked. I cook an entire chicken once a week. I cut up a raw one and then cook it less often, but I could do it. But now that I think about it, my kids probably don't have a clue. I'll have to make sure it gets passed to the next generation. After all, my mom could start at the point of "go catch one of the chickens" and continue from there to a finished meal; I've already lost some of that knowledge. I do think fewer and fewer people in contemporary US culture know how to deal with real food.
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