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Everything posted by didadeewiththree

  1. A few nights ago, my daughter's late night ice cream snack/ spagettio dinner made it's way back up in the middle of the night. She sleeps up in a top bunk bed and she couldn't make it anywhere in time. Needless to say, it was all over the carpet and although I've scrubbed the zone for an hour the night of, and again the next morning with bleach water, it still smells. What should I re-clean it with, or do I need to rent a shampooer?
  2. We use Christian Kids Explore Earth Science as a spine and check out library books on the topics too. I also have the 8th grade BJU Earth Science textbooks A and B, which is really cool, but the reading is so advanced that I just use that as a supplement here or there.
  3. To spice things up a bit around here, we have gotten a penpal. Ive seen much more creative writing going on now, and it certainly gives us a break from Shurley sentences!
  4. I don't know the name of the one you are thinking of, but I know of two site that might be worth trying. http://www.mathletics.com/ and www.adaptedmind.com
  5. We've been trying out www.adaptedmind.com just for fun, in addition to our regular math, and the kids love it. It's only free for 30 days, but I believe we will be keeping it beyond that. They earn badges as they go and even my 6th grader loves it. It' s a great new approach to math that is fun and challenging. If they get sick of doing certain types of problems, they can move on to another topic whenever they want.
  6. Thanks for all your suggestions! My son enjoyed reading what you wrote too. I'm going to look for Green Eggs and Ham in Latin for him tmrw. He wants to know he will translate with different words that are not in his book. I told him we'd figure that out and use a dictionary. I quit the busywork today. In fact, we dropped our schedule that we normally do, and he did 3 hours of math and an hour of Latin Road, 2 sections,plus some free reading time. We won't do that everyday(gotta get that science and history in) but it was nice doing what we were motivated to do. I will try and do more with the vocab in Shurley too. What is rummy roots? Ill try and search for them online. Ive thought about not having him do English and Latin together but it seemed like we'd never get to prepositions or any higher up stuff if we stuck to just Latin. Also, I'm new at Latin and don't really know what Im doing, so I wanted to make sure he had all his bases covered in case I am not doing something right with the Latin, it being our first year and all. Very encouraging advice, it's nice to know someone's in the same boat that I am (having a boy around this age).:001_smile:
  7. It does seem like too much needless busywork for him. I guess I was hoping that it would improve his vocabulary and allow him to start incorporating some of the words in his writing, but I don't see those words coming across in either way really. Your right; he is unmotivated. But he loves Latin; and is now doing an hour a day of it. Yesterday he told me that he loves to translate and wishes there was more of it. He suggested re-doing a section from the last chapter 3, just for fun, which was surprisinging to me that he would even think that. Plus we are doing 8 vocab words a week with Shurley English and he is doing 3 practicce sentences which he dissects into the parts of speech. he's wonderful at that. Maybe we are doing enough? We don't seem to have time to even get to Tapestry of Grace's suggested vocab list.
  8. Is the WRTR for older grades as well? I promise Ive read through this book a million times, I just can't seem to wrap my head around it. I've even bought the teacher's guide for it, for my second/ third grader. My problem is knowing what to do when. It tells me exactly what to say and what to go over, I just don't understand in what order/schedule it should go in. I better shape up and get it working though, I don't want to shortchange my son on spelling when he has so much potential. Or maybe 6th gr Rod and Staff might do....7th was pretty tough...but I like challenges myself:)
  9. Maybe I should go over these the way I do with my youngers, just to see what he does know. He has gone to public school his whole life, so it's hard for me to know how solid that foundation is. I guess I assumed too much, just knowing that he' s a good speller and that he was one of the top in his class. Maybe tmrw I will run through the phonograms with him and see how that goes. I expect to get a lot of eye rolling; as I got tonight when I asked him what /ea/ said. He told me long /e/ and /a/ and I told him he left off short sounding /e/. Maybe it's just that he hasnt done that kind of review in awhile, yet seemingly knows how to spell well. Heck, before I started to homeschool, I was also a good speller and I couldn't tell you all the phonogram sounds:)
  10. :grouphug: I also enjoyed reading your blogs, so many heartfelt memories of your son. You have such a beautiful family!
  11. Have you ever checked out cozi. com? It' s a great free online planner to help you plan out the week. We started being on a time schedule last week and I can tell we are getting a lot more work done. We do one hr math, 15 min spelling, 30 min history reading, 15 min break, 1 hr Latin, 1 hr lunch, 30 min English/handwriting/30 min free reading/30 min Science and add in some Logic or copywork/journal/penpal writing/extra writing whenever it fits in best. That is my 6th grader's plan anyways. These time slots go by so fast and my son likes being driven by a schedule verses me driving him until he cannot do no more:)
  12. I would like someone to critique what my son is doing this year for spelling and let me know if it sounds like it is working or if we should be doing more. This is our first year homeschooling so I am up for any and all suggestions. For spelling my 6th grade, 12 year old son is doing 15 minutes a day, 4-5 days a week. He is a naturally good speller and is great at memorizing a list of words in a short period of time, only to forget a few of them by the next week. I could hand him a list of 20 words and he would tell me in 5 minutes that he is ready for the test. He would miss a few and then say, “Retest!†and then get them right. Actually, in the beginning of the school year, we really were doing 2- words a day from the Zaner Bloser 6th grade free spelling lists. I felt those words were too easy, so I changed to 7th grade. Then I had him do a test using “A Writing Road to Reading†teacher guide that gave him 50 words to spell, all increasing in the level of difficulty the higher we got up the list. He tested the past two months at a 8.4 grade level approx. and I recently tried Rod and Staff 7th grade spelling, but we both found it too hard and came across too many words that I’ve never even heard of. So now I’m back at using the Writing Road to Reading and I just placed him where the book recommended, in level X. I give him the list on Monday of approx 16-20 words, have him copy the words from the book on his own, and Tues and Wed he creates sentences using the words, with a dictionary by his side. Then we text on Friday and he still misses a few. Is this enough for Spelling or should I look into using a different program?
  13. We love Shurley Grammar, 2nd grade level. You would need both teacher and student books. I think it's pretty in depth and would be perfect for an advanced learner. I love the way it's teacher scripted,; it's all laid out for you on what to do. It has writing in it too, but if your using something else, you can skip the writing. It also includes vocab words.
  14. I read would you mean. I've really bucked up this week and have been quite pleased with the results. All I've done different is make a schedule. It looks like this: 8:30-9:30 am Math 9:30-9:45 am Spelling 9:45-10:15 am History/science alternating days 10:15 break 10:30-11:30 English, grammar, writing 11:30-12:30 lunch 12:30-1:00 free reading, either I read or the kids read on their own 1:00-1:30 vocab, lit, any LA that hasnt been done yet 1:30-2:00 Older sons sci/history time, free play for younger ones 2:00 read aloud for however long I can keep their interest No fancy planning, just a schedule I whipped up on the dry erase board in my kitchen. I have consequences in place when someone is not working during the time alotted. We use the "star" system where you earn stars for doing things that are extraordinary, and you lose stars when you disobey or do something wrong. I also make them "owe me time" if they are not being productive. If someone is late getting to work on their math at 9am, I add that time to their name and they owe me that much time doing that subject after school is done. This week is going much more smoothly; maybe a schedule can work for you too!
  15. I'm surprised that I havn't seen this one already....all three of mine love Laura Ingalls Wilder and love learning about her background and enjoy researching her both online and at the library. We are awaiting Season 6 on the Little House dvd series from the 70/80's from our library. We watch a season every two weeks!
  16. We love adaptedmind.com as a math supplement. All three of my kids enjoy doing this daily along with their regular math assignments. Its free for the first 30 days, and $10 a month after that. I think we will be keeping it after the trial is over. The kids earn badges while doing the work and they love looking at them.
  17. Have you ever looked at Shurley English for grammar and writing? It's easy to teach and scripted and includes vocab words. It's pretty painless to do and gets the job done.
  18. I think this story serves as a good warning to would be intruders that if they try to break into any person's home, there is a chance that they will be killed, no matter what their intent is. I think that if every criminal knew that just about every homeowner owned a gun and knew how to use it, there would be a great decrease in home invasions!
  19. I pulled my son out of PS to start the new school year out in the fall and we began with level 6. He just turned 12 in Dec, and is doing great with Shurley! He says that he actually likes "tearing sentences apart" and he gets it done no prob. He actually prefers this to other subjects too. If your worried, maybe start in Level 5, as this was recommended to me, but I went ahead and bought 6 since I found a good deal on it here. Im glad we went with level 6. I think it starts off nice and slow and builds up gradually. Have you looked at the Shurley yet? If you want to pm me, I can send you a sample of it.
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