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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. BTW, it's one of our favorite movies. Just recently re-watched it and enjoyed it very much.
  2. Thank you!!! I agree completely, which is why I told my husband that I didn't want him to say anything just now. Especially with this specific person, I think he needs to hear it from me first. OTOH, it can be helpful when a 2nd person confirms "Hey, she told you to leave her alone."
  3. So we were at my daughter's yesterday for my granddaughter's birthday. Daughter mentioned she had been sick with a cold all week. She sounded tired and congested but that's it. Daughter texted me while I was at church that she felt worse today and went to the doctors and it was confirmed flu (don't know which strain). She's 6 weeks away from baby #3 and they gave her Tamiflu. She felt terrible and said she never would have had the party had she suspected flu but her symptoms were more cold-like and it had been almost a week.. Her kids have been sick off and on since Christmas. I think she just assumed she caught something from them. But we were all there in her tiny apartment. I've been extremely busy this whole week and I'm already feeling a bit run-down. I have Elderberry/Zinc lozenges. I have Elderberry Syrup... but is there anything else I can/should be doing?? I have the grandkids tomorrow too. Help!!!
  4. So far, I have: Rebooted the computer. Deleted my cache Deleted all cookies from the WellTrained Mind site All on Chrome and none of them work. It takes me to a 404 Error with this website: http://www.mywifiext.net/welcome.htm instead of "Welltrainedmind.com" This has worked: Opening up an incognito window in Chrome Using Firefox.
  5. suddenly feeling very overheated and that I need to remove as much clothing as possible. It's more than just "Boy, it's getting warm in here" and more like: "Oh my God, I'm SO hot I can't stand it!". I also notice at night that I wake up about a minute or two before one comes on. Mine started late into menopause (but I was on HRT), stopped for many months, and now have started up again. I don't know what's up with that, but I am not amused.
  6. I talked with my dh tonight. He understood. He did see what happened (from a distance) and could tell I was very uncomfortable. I explained how it made me feel and how I felt like this person crossed boundaries and tried to force a response out of me. He asked me if I wanted him to talk with this person. I told him not just yet. He also encouraged me to think ahead how I'm going to handle it next time and be prepared.
  7. I know... this is why it is difficult and subtle. It is not like he is clearly a danger to me or anything like that. And yeah, what does it say about me if I can't shake someone's hand - even if I don't like them.
  8. Yes, this is exactly how I read the situation. I think you described exactly how I felt manipulated by the situation. He purposefully came over to me (went out of his way past others) to shake my hand. He has never done that before in the 3 or so years I've had to deal with this. In fact, it's not something anyone else ever does, so I couldnt' even say - well this is how we all do this at our parish. It's not. To give more explanation. We are in the choir.. I'm a soprano, he's a tenor. He's on the opposite side of the choir loft and came over to me in the soprano area. Even if I'd had no issues or history with him it was a very weird thing for him to do. He was not walking around shaking everyone else's hands.
  9. Thanks Catwoman... My dh has not talked to the guy as far as I know. But, he has come to my aid with him in the past. He has spoken to those in leadership about this issue. But, I also haven't spoken to dh about this particular incident and I can definitely see him thinking, "Well, if she's okay then I'm okay too." Yeah, very clueless.
  10. Bolt.. I've spent some time pondering your post. I feel this is hard to answer because I don't think this person is a danger (physical), but this person has a pushy and controlling personality. So I try to keep my distance because most interactions with him he is trying to dictate things (including monologueing at nauseum). But, I feel like my last interchange went beyond being an annoying personality. He definitely knows how I feel about him... he was trying to provoke a reaction or response from me. At the very least I felt that it was rude. He was definitely not going to walk away until I shook his hand. My experience with this person is that he doesn't really listen to direction or criticism. He has been told repeatedly not to do something (trying to be vague) and continues to do it. This includes several leaders and our priest. I was actually one of the first people to tell him this was a problem and he immediately made excuses and tried to make it sound like it was *my* problem. Okay, fair enough - there was some room for personal preferences with this issue.. but then other complaints came in. Still no listening or respecting others suggestions. Anyway, not trying to give away the whole boring story, but through this experience I knew I wanted to keep him at arms length. So yes, he's very irritating. He's not a danger... but I also felt like he's crossing a line by trying to push me (as if he's trying to *make* me be his friend.) I don't know if that helps clarify it. or not.. Your post has helped me to think a bit deeper than just my initial reaction.
  11. If I click on "Chat" I get a 404 Error. It's been happening since last night. I can get to individual posts by clicking on notifications. I can go to all the other sub-forums except Chat. If I'm on an individual thread within Chat (via Notifications or "View New Content") and I click "Go back to Chat" then I get the same error. I tried turning off my computer, and reloading the browser hoping it was some kind of glitch on my end. Help!
  12. This is exactly how it felt to me. I will probably talk with my dh tomorrow about it but honestly, he just doesn't get it. He tends to like just about everyone and doesn't understand the creep-o-meter factor.
  13. I wish I thought fast on my feet. That's part of the problem... so now 12 hrs later I'm stressing about this and thinking of what I wish I'd done.
  14. I wish I had that option because his presence at church sets me off. Thankfully, he only comes about 50% of the time. But, I totally understand the guilty feelings too. Thanks for understanding and putting your perspective.
  15. Not sure what to call this thread but I had an incident today that I'm not comfortable with, but wondering if I'm over-reacting... So, there's this person in my life that I do not care to be around. He is annoying and pushy. We pretty much keep our distance and I avoid him as much as I can. I know he knows I dont' really appreciate his presence, but I keep myself away as much as possible. I notice that he likes to do the over-nice thing with other people. I try to ignore. So today we had a service and he was there. Just before service started he came up to me and was standing very close with a big grin on his face and said "Hi Debbi." and put his hand out for me to shake. I stood there for a moment. He looked down at his hand like -"aren't you going to shake it?" I ended up shaking it, but I felt very uncomfortable and pushed upon. I'm the type of person that knows the whole world isn't going to like me and when I suspect someone doesn't like me I keep my distance. Why provoke more animosity or hard feelings??? Esp. at church. I would never force someone to do something like that. Just no. So, someone who does the "in your face" nice thing and tries to get me to do something I don't want to do just sets me off. (triggers -not going into here). My husband is clueless and he's definitely the "All Christians should love each other." etc. He does not get triggers or anything like that. What says the hive...? Am I being too sensitive?
  16. prayers for your MIL and the whole situation. Glad you're doing well otherwise.
  17. just now seeing this as well. Prayers for a positive outcome and a quick trip to the ER (if there really is such a thing :huh: ) hugs
  18. our previous house had white tile on white grout installed by the previous owners in every bathroom. I hated it. The grout gets gross and the white tile shows any dust, hair, dirt, etc. Impossible to keep clean looking. Dust on the tiles that framed our soaking tub was especially annoying to clean. I couldn't vacuum there, but wiping it made it just go in the grout. Ugh. There is a tile grout whitener that I used just before putting it on the market, but it took a lot of work. It certainly wasn't something I would do on a regular basis.
  19. I vote for a do-over. But since it isn't a reality, I hope the rest of 2018 is calm. and uneventful.
  20. It makes perfect sense to me. I assume there's much more to the story than you want to share on a public board. Hugs.
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